
Ensnaring Darkness (BL)

When desires are kept bottled up, they become fiercer, longing to be fulfilled. Julien, a closeted gay fantasized of a romantic affair with his CEO, the ice-cold, domineering, and devilishly handsome Knox Von Dietrich. But that's all there is to it -a fantasy. Knox wouldn't want him. Heartbroken, Julien turns to an unlikely help and found his beliefs spiraling out of control as an odd app issued tasks for him to complete, all the while unraveling secrets and desire so dark that threatens to consume him. Julien is about to discover a whole new world filled with danger and excitement. Will he survive?

MsTabbyCat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs



The word felt like a sharp knife that instantly unraveled the grief, anger, and madness hidden beneath Donovan's smile. His cloudy eyes looked sharper after he said the word as if the skies had cleared and he found his resolve again.

Julien blinked a few times, his mouth agape in surprise. Why in the world would this man ask of them to get revenge when it's apparent that their company is more on infrastructure and real estates. But he could only swallow his protests when he caught the almost there smirk in Knox's lips.

Not many could notice the minuscule change but for Julien who had admired Knox since he first met him, he could easily see the barely-there smile. Amidst the shock and uneasiness, his heart fluttered in response.

"Surely, it will be very easy for Mr. Von Dietrich." Donovan continued, his bony fingers tracing the picture of his wife and son.

Julien collected his chaotic thoughts and put on a calm expression. Nevertheless, he is Knox's assistant this week and he needed to show his reliable side. Since Knox didn't show any refusal, it could only mean he wanted more information.

"Then, can you tell us more about how we could get revenge for you, Mr. Lauroe?" he asked with a calm smile.

Donovan smiled wider upon hearing his question. He nodded his head in satisfaction.

"It had been years since I lost my wife and only child to that damnable place. I tried everything to get rid of it. But no matter what I did, no matter how much I spend, there were no results. It was even as if that place was alive. That it knows I want to get rid of it."

Julien's mind was spinning but he carefully nodded his head and made his face devoid of any expression. He could hardly keep up with the old man's tale. Yet there was an inexplicable sense of fear and macabre lining his tale that he couldn't help but shiver.

For the first time since they came, Knox spoke. Julien shivered from an entirely different reason.

"Where is it?"

Donovan's eyes clouded for a moment again, as if he was lost in the sea of memories. His lips quivered as he answered, "It's already there."

Silence blanketed the room. Julien wisely kept his lips pressed firmly together or he might make a fool of himself when he really didn't know what they are conversing about.

After a minute, Knox rose from the sofa, smoothing down his suit. He nodded coldly at Donovan and without a word, turned around to head for the door. The closed doors were suddenly opened from the outside and they can see the man in black suit standing there like a statue. Julien scrambled to follow Knox. "We will be going now Mr. Lauroe."

"Keep safe young man. I'd hate for you to get in danger there. Give the papers to Andrew. Once you've destroyed the place, I will sign it. This house meant nothing to me. I just want to give them justice before I meet them on the other side." Donovan laughed, the menacing glint in his eyes replaced by the warm look from before.

Julien's heart ached for the old man. Since Knox didn't say anything, it is possible to get revenge. Somehow, he really wanted to get it for the old man and free him of his regret and grief.

"Don't say that Mr. Lauroe. I'm sure we will get the justice they deserve." Julien smiled, unknowingly making a promise that stunned Donovan. At the door, Julien handed the envelope containing all the paper to Andrew whose cold, unblinking eyes still gave him chills.

Surprisingly Knox was waiting for him by the door. The black car was already there waiting for them.

Julien curved his curiosity only until they get to the car. As soon as he sat down, he asked,

"Are we really getting revenge for Mr. Lauroe, Sir?"

Mumu whined softly from his question. It had been entirely quiet that he almost forget it was perched on top of his head.

Instead of answering, Knox glanced at him lazily. "Seatbelt please."

"Oh." Julien hurriedly strapped the seat belt to himself and waited for Knox's answer but his boss refused to talk anymore. He could only wait anxiously until they get to their destination. He peered outside but the road they were taking was too unfamiliar. He wondered where they were and was reminded that he was in a trance upon going to Donovan's home. He looked suspiciously at the brown paper bag with cupcakes.

'Was he drugged? But why?'

He was going to reach for it when Mumu growled and head-butted his hand away. As if afraid that he will try to reach out for it again, Mumu's two tails wrapped themselves around his wrist, making it impossible to move.

He didn't know whether to be angry or amused and leaned back on the seat.

They were back in the city before Julien knew it, but then the car took so many turns and Julien was lost again.

When it stopped, he hurriedly got out without waiting for Knox.

In front of him was a place he didn't expect to go to.

Not for revenge anyway.

A colorful Arc decorated with balloons and oversized candies stood over 20 meters tall. Two words were carved and was painted in bright red paint, SANS SOLEIL

What are they doing in an amusement park?