
Enjoying my life with IDLE SYSTEM in MCU

Well, I reincarnated in MCU as Ben Parker. Uncle of Peter Parker and Husband of May Parker. And, I have a system. And OP one at that. If you don't like the story don't read but don't badmouth me. Note: I'm an amateur writer. So, don't expect anything.

The_Lost_God · Movies
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14 Chs

Chapter 9


This chapter isn't edited. So, Try to ignore the mitsakes.


TimeSkip, Next month.

And, I established my own Pharma Company. I take medical waste for free and refine them again, amplify them and sell it. At first every Pharmaceutical was happy that someone is helping solve the waste/ But, when they learnt that, I refine, amplify and the medicine won't expire, they were angry. Medical mafia tried to file a case. But, I have System and Eve. The best lawyer. I also had Eve hack lots of Pharma companies and the problem caused by the medical waste. Lots of People die due to the carelessness of medical waste disposal.

And so, A lot of the Pharma companies shut down. Others also kept their mouths closed. Now, my company's medicine is popular. My Pharma company is also popular. The main thing was there are not many side effects of the medicine from Parker Pharma.

The worst part was, I didn't hire many people for my company. Everything was done by robots. And, yes I created a lot of android robots. It is still in the testing phase but it does the work perfectly. Having Robots as bodyguards has few Problems. They can't make critical and emotional judgement.

They might malfunction in water or electricity. They might explode. So, it poses a threat. Having them in company was fine. Well, The robot system is good. But still this is Marvel world. Who knows what will happen.

Moreover I don't want to give Android to the public yet.

Currently, I'm worth just $100B. I'm supposed to be more than $200B. Well, I used $100B to upgrade the system. Now, the system can create new things. It can experiment and derive lots of things.

I have also started manufacturing almost everything. My recycling plant gives me cheap raw materials. As for the recycling plant. It is just a name. Every material goes inside my system space. I just bought the land and erected some factories. Again, no one needs to know right?

I also started a security form. Then I hired a lot of People. I also needed a trainer. And, to my surprise, Barton is here. "Tada. Surprise mudafukers."

And so, I started grooming true loyal people. Rest were just as in regular security form.

As for how I knew if they were loyal or not? Science does miracles. I have the best lie detector. I have Eve and more than that, I have a system. System can see if someone is lying or not. In fact it can even read people's emotions and feelings. Which was also a part of system upgrade.

So, I have cultivated around 100 people who are truly loyal to me. It didn't happen overnight. I had to slowly choose them, groom them and tada. Here they are. Also, they are special. They don't know who is who. I have my loyal guard work in a regular guard job.

Those 100 people don't know each other. They are always in black dress and mask. So, no one will know who they are. They will always rotate their duty. All my loyal security guards have $10M insurance. So, they are truly loyal.

As for the dress, the system upgraded the clothes, so they won't feel hot or sweaty. Nor do they feel suffocated. It is also flexible. It took around 6 months to cultivate them. I also gave Clint $10M for training them. I don't know why they decided to send Barton but, after some time he left.

It's 2009. During this time, Tony and I became close. Not that close but like a friend, and a brother. I also had my loyal security guard to guard him secretly. Tony knew it but he never said anything. Nor did I speak about it. We have this silent understanding between us.

During these 6 months, our family also got close. May and Pepper are best buddies now. Maria and Natasha are also together. While Tony and I go to our lab. Well, we talk about his poison.

I knew about the new element. But, I didn't want to prevent Tony from knowing about his father. So, I just helped him clean the palladium from his body from time to time. But this was not a permanent solution.

I had to strike up a conversation about his father. "Tony, you know in the SHIELD database I saw your father's name. Apparently he was the founding member."

Tony also knew about the shield from the Son of Coul. "What? Why don't I know about it?", he immediately asked me.

"Well, I don't know the whole story but I can guess why you don't know.", I replied.

"Let me hear your reasoning."

I acted wise and mighty. "Do you know about the history of your company? About your father. His exploits. His colleagues. His dealings?"

"Well, he was the one who made Captain's shield. He helped the Allies with Arms and ammunition. He was close with Philips, he had dealings with the military.", Tony tried to add some more but he couldn't.

"Well, you're right but this is all surface knowledge. Even ordinary people know this. But if you don't know your father for real then you will never know. I heard you have some misgivings about him. Also, let me tell you an unpopular story about your father. He never did anything without a purpose. Even when he did some stupid work it had some greater meanings."

"Moreover, he was hailed as all-knowing. So, maybe he knew about your poisoning and made a cure back then waiting for you to pick it up.", I impart my knowledge.

"It's weird coming out of the one who doesn't know his father.", Tony was foul as ever. Let me tell you. He might be on death bed but he will spit some annoying words out of his mouth.

"Who knows? Whatever it is, leave it, you should ask his things from SHIELD. They shouldn't have kept it from you.", I tried encouraging him. We walked to the living room where everyone was sitting.

"Yeah yeah. I will do it later. I met their heads. One eyed dragon. He calls himself the greatest spy. I think he is a pirate. A legit scammer.", Tony spoke.

"Well, I also met him.", I told him, remembering my encounter with pirate Nikolas Fury. "He came to me. He wanted to know how a poor as fuck guy can be a billionaire in less than a year. Can you imagine? He was saying 'Mr. Parker, your case is too good to be true,' He also wanted me to work for him. Let me tell you that the Fury guy looks Pedophile. How can they give him the position of the director of the global terrorist organization?"

Tony was also with me. No one likes him. Mudafuker Pirate.

"Yes. He seems to be a kidnapper. If I hadn't known it from the military I would have thought they were scammer", Tony spoke again.

Listening to us calling Fury Pedophile, pirate, scammer, terrorist, Maria was furious but Natasha was trying to keep her laugh down.

"Let's scam the scammer. If we two people are together we can make him cry from his one eye.", I gave him the brilliant idea.

"Yes. Let's do this.", Tony also loved the idea.

Then we sat on the sofa. Everyone was gathering around. I know one thing. That is, Maria was trying to contact Fury. She looked at Natasha and went out. She said she had some work to do.

After that, I knew Maria would send the recording of our talk to fury. I wanted to see his reaction but. Well, I can't. But I can talk to him. Hehe.

I waited for a few minutes. Then called Nikolas Fury. But Son of Coul received it.

"Hello, I'm Happy Hogan. Tony's personal secretary. My boss wants to talk to your boss.", I spoke with seriousness.

Phil- "Can I know what is the matter?" he spoke with some seriousness. Maria had also come back.

Me: "I wanted to give your boss a cat. A fluffy golden cat. It is just that it's appetite is very big.", I replied.

I looked around and saw Maria in shock. As I thought, Maria is Skrull. Well, not that I care. But they have shape shifting power. Which is great. I just need to take a little of her blood and the system can analyze it and can extract the power of shapeshifting. It will be great. But I need to bully a pirate. Hehe.

Fury: "Who is it?"

Me: "Mr. Pedo_ *aham* Hello Mr. Fury, Our boss wants to gift you for your hard work in world peace "

He didn't speak for some time. He might be having an annoying tick mark on his forehead.

Fury: "Stark? What do you want?"

Me: "Mr. Stark is with Mrs. Stark, Well, to be Mrs. Stark.", Pepper was blushing slightly. While Tony gave me thumbs up. He didn't know how to approach Pepper about their marriage.

Fury: "What do you want?"

Me: "Apparently Today my boss was cleaning the old stuff. And, he came through a note by Howard. It contained him being one of the senior members of S.S.R and Founding member of S.H.I.E.L.D. Which was called Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division."

"In it was written that he had left his relic in SHIELD. Which was supposed to be returned to his successor. His son Anthony H. Stark. It should have been given to Tony Stark on his 18th birthday. But, Tony is 30 this year. And, your S.H.I.E.L.D hasn't done its job properly. Don't say you forget it. If you say so, your S.H.I.E.L.D will lose its credibility. And, if you did so you wouldn't be the greatest spy organization. You didn't give it to Tony, you want to keep it for yourself. Or maybe use it for yourself. Ok, let's make a possible hypothesis."

"1st you used it for yourself. But, this can be discarded. Why? Howard was a scientist so he must have only given you guys some sort of hint. He was a smart man. He never did anything without any purpose."

"2nd you guys were able to decipher the hint and be able to get the reward. But again this is impossible. Why? As I said Howard was a very cautious man. He planned everything. He knew the level of your S.H.I.E.L.D scientist won't be able to decipher it. Everything was so subtle that you can't pinpoint what he means."

"Only someone like Tony can understand what he meant. And, no sorry. Tony was meant to understand. Howard was said to be strict. He always forced Tony on things. He was strict with Tony while he was an easy going man to others. Everyone knows this. There was an incident when Tony was a child. After that incident that made Howard laugh like a mad man. He was happy. In fact happiest in his life."

"But After that Howard was always strict to Tony. He always asked Tony to do this and that. Even Tony didn't know what it was. Maybe he was trained to get the hint. How can I say this? Howard was a smart man. In fact too smart for his era. So, there is no way he neglected his mental health. So, he can say he found the breakthrough to something. Something that his era can't handle."

"So, He wanted Tony to succeed him. So, he started subtly influencing Tony's mind. And, it was to understand the hint."

"3rd Another evidence for the above point is, you give too much importance to Tony Stark. There are other geniuses. Other scientists. But, Why Tony? I think this has to do with what Howard has given you."

"4th point is, you guys knew about Tony's condition. When we found out about Howard's letter we searched for all the people Tony has been close to. From security to doctors. And, the doctor who checked Tony after coming back from Afgan was a secret government doctor."

"5th Well, We hacked some black sites and found some peculiar information. Called, Avengers initiative. And, the first person to be included was Tony H, Stark. Avengers are a group of some great figures who can band together to fight for world peace or alien threat."

"Now here comes the twist, if you knew Tony was poisoned and dying. How can you include him in this? Then, it means you want Tony to use his Billions of dollars to fund you. Here is another plothole, if you just wanted him to fund you or you wanted to take over his property you wouldn't have included him in your multi year plan. Tony will probably die within a year or 2. And, avengers will not commence until another 2 years. But you made plans for him for next decade."

"This all leads to a conclusion. That is, you have a solution. And, every smart person knows, the solution is either taking out the shrapnel from his heart or replacing the palladium with another element. Taking out the shrapnel? Only one surgeon in the world can do it. Doctor Stephen Wolf Strange. And, he got into an accident. So, only new elements can do it. The cliché is, the new element should be an element emitting clean energy."

"As for the new element? "

"1. I doubt that your worthless SHIELD can do it. It's not a kid's job to do it. "

"2. Howard wanted to build an environmentally friendly energy source for the world."

"3. Howard was so advanced that sometimes he used to tell his colleagues that he was born too soon."

"4. Howard just left you guys with a hint. Not a print. Not anything else."

"5. Tony also said that Howard was always saying Howard wanted clean energy for the city."

"So, the most probable thing is that it is Howard's relic which you will use to save Tony. SO, you will gain favor from one of the greatest minds, Anthony Tony Stark. Which, he will fund your SHIELD and Avengers."

"Ok, The one who knows it all, how is my deduction skill? If I were in SHIELD what would my level be? How far am I from you? Nikolas Fury?"

Everyone in the room was silent. There was no one talking from that side as well. Then again I continued.

"We've a video, Howard giving his things to SHIELD and agreeing that you will give it back to Tony."

"So, My boss hopes you will bring it here within an hour. Also hope nothing misses. Tomorrow Tony will go to White House. So, he wants to see it before he goes there to confront those mudafukers. Have a great day. Also, you can send Hawkeye to bring the things."

"Don't worry Tony will even pay for his daughters' school fee. Hehe."

Fury: "It will be done within an hour. Private jet will bring it to you."

Me: "okey dokey."

Fury: "How do you know about all this? Your deduction is perfect. But, again it is too perfect to be a true situation. I could never find a flaw in you last time either."

Me: "Well, I'm perfect. I'm a billionaire, genius, spy, detective...…"

"And, you might even know me with the alias 'The Sage: One who knows it all'. After all, we had some dealings together in the past. Also, thanks for the sexy and hot kitties as secretary. Also, Don't worry about Barton. I just wanted to thank them for training my men."

Fury: "What? You're the sage?"

Me: "well whatever. Leave it. Leave it. My mouth is tired after speaking all this time."

Fury: "….."

Me: "Ciao."