
Chapter 7 Cyclops, a dick or not?

[As i warned before characters might differentiate from the Original work and so might Thier backstory as you will see in this chapter. Our MC birth in this world changed somethings and might have changed the fate of some characters.]

Cyclops ran out of the Cafeteria confused, angry and hurt. He only noticed now, that he might be in the Wrong after Rose shouted at him. Portraying him as the bad person, when it should be Rose! Walking out of the Academy he ordered a Taxi and drove to one of the Places he hoped to find a Answer for himself. To confirm for himself that he wasn't the Bad guy here.

The Taxi stopped before a cemetery and after paying the Driver he walked inside and along paths he had walked so many times, till he stood before two Graves. Sitting down before them, holding his knees in his hands he asked "Mom, Dad, was i wrong? He is Thier child after all, the Ones who took you from me." Cyclops said and looked at the Graves knowing full well no one would answer.

Sighing Cyclops put his head on his knee and his thoughts were just chaotic. Still remembering the Day when it all happened. Cyclops was still a child, reading a book upstairs in his room, as he heard glass shattering, the Screams of his Mother and Father. He run to the Stairs and looked down from them, seeing the Front door wide open. Hearing his Mother begging to at least leave her son alive, since he was innocent.

Cyclops stormed down after his Mother let out a scream filled with pain and then he saw them. A man with red eyes and red hair, a small beard had a bloody knife in his one hand, while a woman with blonde hair and yellow eyes was holding his Other. Both were stained with blood and as he looked past them, he saw his mother and Father's lifeless body.

His Body shook and he felt terror, he tried to sneak away, but stepped on glass shards from the broken window in the Front Door. He let out a small sound of pain and Both adults turned to him. "Look the child came to us by himself! Let's kill him and get it over with!" The Woman said in a happy and sadistic voice and the Man nodded, gripping his bloody knife harder and stepping towards Cyclops.

Emotions overwhelmed him, scared of death and filled with Anger, Cyclops X gene woke up, The sudden attack from the Boy surprised both as the Lazer eyes split both of them in half. Cyclops was shocked and scared as the Lazers just didn't stop coming out of his eyes. This was when a hour later Professor Charles found him.

"So you are here." Said a voice Cyclops knew all too much. Looking to the side he saw Charles in his wheelchair next to him. "I was informed of your fight with Mr.Night. Knowing you after hearing you ordered for a taxi, i knew i could find you here. So Cyclops have you found an answer or are you still confused?" Charles asked.

"His parents killed mine, he is guilty he is Thier flesh and blood! Why should I not hate and despise him?" Cyclops asked, clenching his fist. "Was he the one that killed your parents? Was he the one that wanted to kill you? No, he was just a small child, who didn't know anything of what his parents were probably doing. He is innocent and if you see it your way, it would mean that he should hate you as well, since you killed his parents." Charles said and looked up in to the Sky.

"You both are Victims in Thier own rights, he suffered a lot as you should have seen from his file. You already got revenge on the killers of your parents. Though i must say your parents also were not completely innocent. They had shady dealings with a gang, the opposite one Mr.Nights parents were from. The Rivalry of both gangs and the fight that broke out killed the Parents of you and him. The Gangs are already destroyed that caused it all, as well as your parents killer, so why hold your grudge against a innocent person like you?" Charles asked and turned to Cyclops.

"I pity Mr Night, he only knows his parents died in a gang war, became an Orphan in Hells Kitchen one of the worst placed to be one. He needed to become a thief to survive and only recently had the chance to escape hells kitchen after most likely stealing things from a big gang. He needed to hide being a mutant or he would have been used. You on the other hand were found by me, got proper education and never needed to steal or fight with hunger or cold nights." Cyclops listened and looked back, after encountering Rose in the hallway he had read his file, after his mission and gloated at his misfortune. Thinking it was the right kind of punishment for a sinner like him.

Looking back he was wrong to despite Rose, thinking he was a whore and wishing the worst on him, even looking at Bobby with dislike since he couldn't believe he would sleep with the child of the people who killed his parents. His hate took over him and made him think the worst of someone innocent he hadn't even probably talked too.

"It's best of you to Apologize to Mr.Night and talk to him why you felt so much hatred towards him. He has the right to know of his parents death and you should be the person to tell him. He might hate you, he might understand you, but it's better than to be despised, then if he finds out about it later by someone else that might use this information to turn him against us." Charles said and then rolled away, Cyclops looked at his Parents grave and sighed as it started to rain for dramatic effect, maybe a bit too late since the Wonderful author forgot about it.

Two hours after the little fight with Cyclops, Rose was laying in the bed cuddling with Bobby, while watching Golden Girls, as someone knocked on the Door. "I will go and see who it is" Bobby said and stood up. Walking to the Door he saw it was Cyclops who was drenched. Bobby almost wanted to close the door on Cyclops, if he didn't look really pathetic and sad.

"What do you want?" Bobby asked annoyed. "I need to talk with Rose, alone." Cyclops responded and Bobby looked over at Rose, who had already sat up on the bed. "He can come in and talk with me. Bobby can you stay outside the Door, so when something is, i can call you?" Rose asked and Bobby nodded, he walked out of the Room and gave a glare towards Cyclops, that was functioning as a threat to not try any stupid things.

Cyclops walked in and closed a door and looked at Rose without really knowing how to start telling him. "What do you want? Say it or leave, you were disturbing our daily cuddling time." Rose stated annoyed. "I am Sorry!" Cyclops said and looked down. Rose was confused for why he know suddenly apologized. "I let out my hatred on you, for something you didn't do." Cyclops said and Rose just looked at him even more confused.

"Wait gather your thoughts and tell me why you were so angry at me and hated me for no real reason okay?" Rose said, as he didn't want to listen to vague sentences that would confuse him more. Cyclops took a deep breath and told his past to Rose, who listened and was shocked himself, that his parents killed Cyclops parents. He thought his parents were just some random ex gang members, created to give him a dramatic backstory.

Not that they were some murder psychos, that would really try to kill a child! What the hell Rob, did you throw at me here? Is there more of such things, he didn't know of? For all he knew the Vampire clan would could suddenly show up, to tell him that his grandpa was Vlad the Impaler and first Vampire or something. Like really? Looking at Cyclops who finished his story, Rose sighed and removed the curse.

"I am not mad at you, i can understand your hatred towards my parents influenced you. People like them deserve to be killed or sentenced for life and rot in a cell for eternity. So let's make a fresh start, my name is Rose Night and yours?" Rose held out his hand. Cyclops took it and said "My name is Scott, Scott Summers. Nice to meet you Rose!"

Rose was relieved they could start out fresh and it didn't escalate into a long winding drama, he found them exhausting.