
chapter 6 continue .....

three simple rules in life.

1- if you don't go after what you want ,you will

never have it.

2-if you don't ask ,the answer is always no.

3-if you don't step forward, you are always in

the same place.

NOW let's continue...

Luke sound good,we'll see you there .

Lia:- ok see you bye .

On there way home .hey ,baby ,what,wrong

with you ,you look like something is bothering

you ,tell me don't keep everything in your heart

Alex:- I just want our work to be great, nothing

else baby.now come on . ( they shook their hands,and she entered her home )hey Lia we

Will go together ok , come to my house then .

Ok ,of course we will go together Lia .

Alex enter her home ,her parents was sitting

On couch .

I'm back mom and dad :- Alex.

Alex dad:- welcome back my princess,come

my princess ( he hug her and kissed her on

forehead) how is my baby doing .

Alex:- dad ,I'm not a baby, any more dad .( she

pout cutely).

Alex dad:- it doesn't matter my princess, how

much you grown up you will always be my

little baby ( he caressed her hair )you and your

mom are my everything.

Alex mom:- you two .(she was smiling looking to them)

dad I'm exhausted,I'll take a nap ok .

Alex dad:- sure go take a rest .

Alex entered to her room she fluffed her self in bed ,and close her eyes but her thoughts

wasn't letting her sleep ,she was thinking that

what happened early ,after some time she

drift to her dream land .

suddenly Alex phone start ringing.....

Alex on phone who's there let me sleep a

bit more, she said in a sleepy voice .

Lia hey lazy ass (she yell at her ) are you still

sleeping,get up and be ready ,I'm coming

,get ready ,we have to go ,we can't be late .

Alex :- why you are mad again ,grandma ,I'll be

ready in 5 minutes, just give me 5 mins only

she got up and rush toward washroom, she took shower and wore some of her causal

cloth she did everything in a speed of light

,she check her look for the last time

and come down stairs ,

Alex:- mom I'm going with Lia ok ,we are working on our project .

mom :- ok take care dear ,don't be late come

on time .

Lia call again ,where are you I'm standing out

side ,come on hurry up .

when she saw Lia she flashed a smile to her

her ,come let's go .they were walkig in a

street ,a car honk near them ,they turn their

head toward sound ,and saw Luke was in a

car and waving his hand to them ,

come here let go together .

they both hopped in a car and went .after a

few minutes,they arrived there and he stop his

car in front of Danny's house ,they came out

of car and entered to his house ,they was

welcomed by his maid , they lead their way

toward his room,

Alex" wow his house is huge, and beautiful.

I'm wondering how his room will be . when we

entered to his room , it was looking like a

dreamy room of every one ,I. was looking

around to see him but he doesn't show

anywhere ,Luke call my name and pointed

next to him to sit and i did as he said .we were

waiting for him to come .

why I'm exploring his room why I'm interesting in his everything, but my thoughts

was interrupted by the person who's look a

mysterious to me , something is shocking

me why every time a smile appearing on my

lips whenever I'm seeing him and when he is

looking to me my heart beating fast .

what is all this ,am I fall for him? no way ,I

can't fall for a person like him ,he is not easy

to understand.

after reading this chapter what you think?

what happened between Lia and Jack?

and what gonna happen between Alex and

Danny ?

what you think that they will fall in love or

not ,how they will fall for each other ,who

will the first one Alex or Danny ?

this story is going to be more interesting from one chapter to another let's wait to the next
