
chapter 5 continue.....

"Don't force things

let life flow

learn the lessons

notice the blessing"

Alex :- why you calling me silly head, huh what you think of your self that you are so wise huh...

he laughed at her words ,

Alex:- why are you laughing, you are annoying , wait... where is Lia ,ahh... I leave her there ,oh no she will kill me ,( she turned toward him ) this all is because of you, now see ,she will looking for me, ahh...she will be worried about me .I'm going to find her .

Danny( holding her hand ) no way ,stop right where you are standing ,don't take one step back ,come with to library ,I'll call them .

don't worry .( he gave her a sweetest look).

girl 1:- who was that girl ,she is hitting on my boy ,how dare she .

girl 2:- I didn't saw her ,but she has a long hair ,(she facepalm herself sadly )he is mine only mine ,I'll find out who is she ,is she the one who is working with them .

girl 1 :-NO , I don't think so because I saw Lia in her class with her best friend.so it's obvious from where they come in a first place .

girl 2:- I hope so ,because I'll not leave her easily then ,how dare she (granting her teeth)

third girl :- look ,you can't force someone to love you ,because it's natural find someone else who love you too , try to understand.

girl 2:- noting is impossible the world it self says 'i'm possible. I not going to leave him in any cost ,keep this in mind .

third girl :- it's your obsession , I can help it ,do as you like ,but listen you will be hurt in end end, be careful .

Sia:- don't act like you care for me .

Alex" we entered to library ,he went near window and set on chair ,put his head on table and closed his eyes he look exhausted and said " I'm taking a nap ,don't go anywhere"

after some time when he fall asleep I set near

him and looking ,

she smiled and says you look so cute and

innocent , that's why every girl is crazy over

you ,I'm wondering who you like .

she didn't realized that he was looking to her

he tried his best not to show that he is looking

to her ,he can't help it and speak,

am I that handsome ,(in his deep voice )haha...' he laughed suddenly'

" the quieter you become the more you hear "

because of his sudden words ,she flinched hard ,she blink her eyes .

Alex" his word startled me ,but his deep voice made my heart flattered ,please don't do this with my stupid heart, don't embrace me ,I'm bagging you ,slow down my stupid heart"

Danny:- are you ok , why you are red ,do you have a fever ,or something bothering you .

Danny" the moment I saw her ,talking to herself,she looked so cute ,when I speak ,she flinched hard at that moment,I realized that how much cute she is ,when I speak again ,my words made her blushed I knew she is blushing but I wanted to tease her a bit more ,but when I looked at her my heart flattered and she is the only girl who make my heart flattered and giving me that unknown feeling which I never experienced before

dated girls before but thus never happened"

Alex" I have to find a way to go out of this embrace moment" I have to find other ,wait here ,I'll come with them " my heart was racing ,my cheeks was burning ,I wanted to go away from the tension between us ".

Alex step out from library and run toward bathroom to relax a bit .

Alex she stood in front of mirror" why you doing this to me ,relax now Alex don't let him know about you that you feel something for him " and went out of there.looked around to find Lia and finally she found her with Luke and Jack.

Alex:- hey ... Lia where you all went.I was looking for you guys .

Lia:- sorry baby, I was with Sia's friends,now I came to looked for you then I meet them .where is Danny .

Luke :- he is in library ,he said find me there .

Alex"returns back to library with them ,pretending like I just come now ,as we entered ,Danny was sitting there ,he waved his hand to us to come .we all went ,where he was sitting .Lia set next to Luke and I set between Lia and Jack .

Danny"I was looking to her all time and I knew that my staring making her uncomfortable,but I pretend like I know nothing".

Lia "why Alex is not concentrated , it's make me worried ,I wondered why she is quite all this time ."

Lia:- ,are you ok ,you look silent.

Alex:- hummed in response .

Alex" they all discussing project work but I can't concentrate because of that devil sitting in front of me ,he was secretly staring at me and when our eyes met, he gave me a devil smile which giving me goosebumps,I tried to avoid this stare but I can't"


Luke :- we have to go now , I have a family dinner. .

Danny:- come to my place after lunch at 4:00 then .

Luke :- sound good ,we will meet there I'm in a hurry ,see you all there ,bye Lia ,bye Alex.

Lia and Alex:- bye take care see you.

Jack :-I'll meet with you guy there too ,bye

Jack" I'm wondering ,why Danny acting strange ,what about Lia ,she is all the same isn't forgive me yet ,Luke is right ,never play with the feeling of others because you may win the game but risk is that you will surly lose the person for life time ,it's me , I regret that time and I hate that moment ,but I can't go back too ,I know why she is acting this way ".