

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


"Now that all information has been heard by all. I declare this event to be over"

After declaring the end of the event, Long slowly descended on the platform while the audience began to leave the coliseum as they began to discuss among themselves how this event was different from the previous event they attended.

After finally landing on the platform along with his friends, he faced the students as he prepared the gifts for the two finalists. But before he could present the gift to the students, he heard a complaint from a student that was pointing at a student right in front of him.

"Sirs, I need to know why this bastard was chosen and not me"

Although Long got angry along with Lawrence and Manuel at how they were questioned by a mere second-year student, they later had a helpless expression when he saw the student that was questioning him.

"Louis, I can't tell you why Jonah got chosen instead of you because I wasn't given the task to pick among you guys for the special unit in the capital. But you can know why when you ask Mr. Tang"

Louis can be considered as one of the top 5 strongest students currently in the competition. His potential Is even higher than Jonah's with his lightning and wind element but his downside against him is based on their battle prowess. He is one of the direct descendants of another prestigious family called the Richards family so he was usually pampered and rarely had any real battle compared to Jonah. But he still had to voice his doubts since he entered the semifinals where Jonah couldn't reach and Tang nit being around.

So when he heard Long telling him to go and ask that powerhouse why he had poor taste in picking students for the special unit, he immediately shakes his head as he said while sweating a little with a panicked face.

"Oh no sir, that's not necessary. Since you said you didn't have any say in this matter then there is nothing that can be done..."

'Coward' thought Dave as he glanced at the panicked stricken Louis in disdain. After seeing Louis rejecting the idea of asking Tang, he simply ignored him as he said.

"Since everything has been settled, I will now give the finalist their gifts"

Suddenly, Long swing his right hand in the air which made four shiny crystals that were covered with a light halo mysteriously appear. These crystals were releasing a faint aura made of different elements as they floated in the air. When the students saw the crystal right in front of them, they had shocked looks as they all screamed in their minds.

'Energy moves!!'

In that world, energy moves are considered trump cards to its practitioners and a life saver to non-practitioners. Energy moves give its practitioners a sudden outburst of power that is above their rank but only for a limited time. Just like its practitioners, they are made in ranks based on how long the outburst can last on a practitioner.

While the non-practitioners can use these energy moves as a defense mechanism against any practitioner at the same rank or lower than the energy move. Although they are being sold to non-practitioner at a more orbital price than the practitioners, it was reasonable since it has the power to make a non-practitioner withstand a full-blown spell of a practitioner.

On a normal day, Long should have given only two crystals to the two finalists of the event. But the capital suddenly showed up and changed the final stages of the event into having four finalists. So with a pained expression, Long said.

"These are the four prizes for the finalist. Each of these crystals has only one element that matches the element of a student that reached the finals so you don't have to worry about not finding a crystal that matches your element"

After hearing what Long said with all eagerness, the four students that made it to the finals immediately dashed towards the crystals to find their matching elements. After some seconds of searching and reaching the envious gazes of other students, the finalist finally got what they wanted.

What Noah got was a crystal that had a faint dark aura radiating out of it. When he inspected it, he suddenly had a mixed expression of shock and ecstasy as he thought.

'Unranked energy move'

Unranked energy moves are one of the most priced assets owned by humans in that world. Why so is because they are moves that can grow up with the practitioner as they advance in Ranks till they die. Although they are worth a fortune to practitioners, they aren't sold to non-practitioners since their activation is a bit different from the ranked ones.

After inspecting it again for some minutes to confirm he wasn't seeing things, he suddenly turned to face his master as he bowed while saying sincerely.

"Thank you"

(To be continued...)