

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Fantasy
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37 Chs


When the other students who got the crystals filled with energy moves saw what Dave did, they immediately follow suit as they all said in unison.

"Thank you, Sir"

With a satisfied expression, Long replied to the students while waving his hands.

"No need to thank me. Besides, you guys deserve it. Just go and fuse with your energy moves while the rest should go back to get ready for your graduation into second years tomorrow"

Immediately, all the students except Dave rushed out of the coliseum to fuse with their energy moves and get ready for the graduation party tomorrow.

But a few students weren't rushing out of the coliseum to do any of those things. Instead, they rushed out to get ready for their journey to the capital.

"We will also be going Old Long. We have a party to organize" said Manuel as he turned to leave with Lawrence.

"Ok guys, I will catch up with you later" replied Long as he walked toward Dave who was still inspecting his energy move with ecstasy.

After standing in front of Dave in silence for a few minutes, Long finally spoke.

"Why don't we go back to my residence? Besides, I have another gift for you as a disciple"

Suddenly, Dave began trembling as he turned his gaze to Long as he screamed.


'Wow. I haven't seen him so excited, well he is still a kid' thought Long as he quickly grabbed Dave by the waist and flew out of the Coliseum. When they got to the residence, Long went into his bedroom as Dave waited In the living room.

'I wonder what gift he has for me' thought Dave as he patiently sat on one of the couches in the living room with an expectant expression.

After some minutes of waiting, Long finally came out of his bedroom holding a black square shape box. After dropping the box on a small wooden table right in front of Dave, he sat on a couch at the other end of the table while smiling warmly.

Normally, Dave should have asked his master if he could open the box. But instead, he simply ignored his master out of excitement and opened the box.

When he finally opened the box, he saw two black sabers lying in it. they had strange runes on their body while having a faint dark aura radiating from its body. With a look of shock on his face, Dave screamed.

"A Ranked weapon"

While ignoring the shocked look on his disciple's face, Long began to describe the weapon.

"It's actually a peak Rank D weapon of the dark element. You can use it till when you get the middle phase of Rank C so you don't have to worry about not having a good weapon fitting your power"

After hearing the explanation from his master, Dave said in a more sincere tone.

"Thank you, master!!"

"Like I said earlier. You don't have to thank me, you earned it. Now, go and get ready for your journey tomorrow" replied Long as he waved his right hand.

"Yes, master!" said Dave as he quickly carried his gift and ran toward his room.

'Am going to miss you' thought Long as he looked at the leaving Dave with a sorrowful gaze.

When Dave got into his room, he quickly dropped the box at a table beside his bed, climbed his bed, and began to inspect the crystal filled with energy move of the darkness element.

'Master taught me during my one-year seclusion that for me to merge with an unranked energy move, I will have to use my mental power to seep out the darkness element from the crystal and fuse it with my energy core'

After recollecting what his master taught him a year ago on how to merge with an unranked energy move, he began to do phase 1 of merging his energy move.

With a focused mind, Dave slowly but steadily dragged the energy move out of the crystal. After some minutes of dragging, a dark liquid that was filled with a strange diagram finally came into view as it floated in front of Dave.

'Next is the fusion' thought the tired-looking Dave as he slowly dragged the dark liquid towards his forehead. When the energy move finally touched Dave's forehead, it quickly enter his mind which immediately weighed heavily on Dave to the extent of almost making him faint.

But suddenly, Dave had a look of resolve as he quickly straightened his meditative posture and began phase 2.

He used his mental power again to memorize the diagram found in the dark liquid. After some minutes of memorizing, the same diagram found in the dark liquid appeared on its own in Dave's mind.

'Now for the final phase' thought Dave as he began to use his mental power to drag the dark liquid which was now devoid of any diagram to his chest.

But this time, when the dark liquid got close to Dave's energy core, the latter suddenly became a suction force as the core absorbed the dark liquid wholly in a matter of minutes. That sudden action made the energy core tremble which made Dave enter his meditative state in other to control his energy core.

After some minutes of stabilizing his energy core, a sudden pop sound rang out of his body as the environment in Dave's room became a little tense. When some minutes passed by again, Dave slowly came out of his meditative state as he smirked while thinking.

'Am now a Rank C practitioner'

(To be continued...)

Sorry everyone but I will be changing the Ranking system in the story by adding a middle phase in all the Ranking.

Thank you for your understanding.

Alalibo_Samuelcreators' thoughts