
Chapter seventeen

As they walked out of the principal's office, Ray stopped Ariana by grabbing her wrist.

" Are you happy now?" He asked grinning with anger. 

" What do you mean by am I happy?" Ariana was also getting upset.

" Oh please. Don't play dumb, I've dealt with a lot of girls like you in the past" he told her.

" Not this again" Ariana said as she rolled her eyes and groaned.

" Don't you dare do that" Raymond warned.

" I'll do anything I want. You're not the boss of me" she said and pushed him away. " And FYI, I hate you no fucking less than I hate apples" she said and left.

" What does she mean she hates apples" Raymond soliloquised.

" Do you need help with that?" That was Beatrice.

" Not you again" Ray said angrily.

" Ariana pushed you away, don't you wanna get back at her" Beatrice asked.

" I'll do thaty way" Raymond said and was about leaving.

" Give her some apples" Beatrice said. " Like they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away" she said and chuckled.

" Explain" Raymond was now getting interested.

" Nothing is free in this life. Not even in Freetown. You're gonna have to pay" Beatrice told him as she walked in circles around him.

" Here" Raymond told her bringing out some money from his jeans. " A hundred dollars"

" I don't need your money" Beatrice said and laughed. " All i want is a kiss from you on the lips" she said.

" Honestly, girls like you disgust me and for me to say, I'd rather choose Ariana than you but however, I need to get revenge so I'll do it" Raymond said and gave her a light kiss on the lips.

" That's more like it" she told him caressing his chest. " Okay, just make Ari have some apples and wait for the results" she told him and left.

" How I'm I supposed to do that" Raymond thought to himself.

" Hey dude" a guy greeted.

" Seth" Raymond was excited. " I didn't think you'd make it" Raymond was very happy.

" When the request is from you, I can't turn it down" Seth said.

" Let's head to the cafeteria. I have a lot to tell you" Ray said as he headed to the cafeteria with his only and best friend.


Ariana was now standing in front of her locker furiously.

" Who does he think he is?" She asked Cassandra

" You have to calm down. Here, have some water" Casey said giving Ariana a bottle of water.

" Thanks" Ariana said as she drank the whole bottle.

" Do you feel Better now?" That was Casey

" Yeah. Thanks friend" Ariana said.

" Come, it's break. Let's head to the cafeteria. I'm starving." Casey told Ariana.

" Yeah. But that principal of ours. Boy, I'm fucking tired of him." Ariana said.

" Since when do you start making use of the F word in every single sentence of yours? Casey asked.

" Geez. Ever since I started hanging with that son Of a bitch" 

" Stop it. I don't like it" Casey said. " Now, get your food out let's go to the cafeteria. I'm so hungry" Casey said as she brought her lunch out of her locker.

" Hey, where's my key" Ariana asked as she looked around for it.

" I thought you had it" Casey said.

" Yeah, but as you can see, it's missing. Help me find it" Ariana said as she looked around.

" Ari, give me a hair pin"

" What are you gonna do with it?" Ariana asked.

" Just give it to me" Casey said. Ariana gave the pin to Casey opened her locker for her.

" Wow. Thank you" Ariana told her. " Where's my food" Ariana asked as she checked her locker for her food.

" Don't tell me your lunch has been stolen"

" I'm afraid it has" Ariana said.

" Come, we'll eat mine" Casey said.

" By the way, what did you bring?"

" I brought Rice and sauce"

" But your'e carrying the cooler like there's nothing in it"

" That's cause there's nothing in it" Casey said as she looked into the cooler.

" Darn" Ariana was tired. " Come on, let's head to the cafeteria and have some tea".

" This means, whoever steals the lunch steals the keys or uses pins to open the lockers" Casey said.

" True" Ariana said as they left for the cafeteria