
Endless Trials: Before The Birth Of The Baby

Hello my lovely readers! This is Author Elaami. Please, I'm so sorry for not uploading more chapters on time and deleting some chapters and I also want to thank you all for your support. If you would like to read the complete story, please do search the same title of this very story right here on Webnovel platform. or click on this link right below: https://m.webnovel.com/book/endless-trials-before-the-birth-of-the-baby_20040663406912305 The complete book is still available right here on the platform. Just search the same title and you will find it. Please, do leave honest reviews of whatever you think about this book. It's really important to all Authors. Thank you all. I highly appreciate your support! Love from Author Elaami! ******* "No! Please" "Please, don't touch me down there Jian Ying" I said to him with a rather high tone. He looked me straight in the eye with his hand still on my thigh and replied. "I like it there!" "You...you can't do that" I wriggled out of his hold and that got him angry. "You are my wife and every single part of your body is mine, including...down there! So keep that your mouth shut! Spread your legs wide for me and lie there!" He shouted at me with a serious expression.I had never seen anyone who was more shameless than him. "I'm not your wife yet Jian Ying and besides, I'm still young" I was perspiring all over. He smirked at me and said with his dominant voice. "Oh, yes you are!" "You are at the ripe age for it and besides, in a few days time, our marriage will commence. So, why wait?!" And before I knew it..." "Ahhh....!" ********* "You...you are so bad! *Sobs* You said you don't like me and that you don't want me. So...so, how could you do this to me? I'm still very young wuwu...wuwu…" "Just stop crying, will you? You should be very grateful that you still have the energy to speak!" "How could a 19 almost 20 years old be young huh?!" "I don't care, you are very bad. You are a beast in human form Jian Ying!" "I will make sure I report you to mother what you did to me. Wuwu...wuwu…" "Hahahaha...Go ahead!" But while on that, just make sure you get ready for me tonight, ok?!" "You...!" ******** "Jian Ying...?" "Mhm?" "What is...f**king and lovemaking?" Jian Ying"....." ******** Just as the name implies. This book "Endless Trials: Before The Birth Of The Baby" is about the struggles of a young and very beautiful girl. Chen Lijuan was just a regular innocent and good girl. She went through a lot in the hands of her adoptive family, but the heavenly light shone on her and she was taken to her newly found home. She was unaware that she was adopted by the family she knew all her life. Though she had doubts if truly they were her real family, because of the way they treated her. There at the Jian ancestral mansion, Chen Lijuan was loved by all, but she was tempted again by Jian Ying. Jian Ying was her betrothed, right from when she was a baby. What their parents did without their knowledge when they were young, was more like a marriage ceremony. They had to accept their fate and lived as a Married couple. Jian Ying was a big time billionaire CEO who had to deal with the changes in his life. Getting to know Chen Lijuan, became another trial for him and for his newly found wife, Chen Lijuan. ******** This book is an enjoyable book. It's a book that will definitely make you laugh a lot, despite the challenges of the protagonists. Don't take my word for it and go check it out!" Happy reading and please do Stay Safe! #For me and for all!

Elaami · Urban
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Let's Go Home!

I searched everywhere in the shopping mall across my street, trying to find my stupid sister. We went there with a shopping list in my hand for a few items for my father at the hospital. He was hospitalized the previous night because he was stressed. "So they said"

We haven't even finished shopping, but now, I couldn't find her.

I was having a headache already and was angry at her. Just waiting to see her, then extinguish my anger on her.

"You just wait till I find you and you will get it from me!"

Since I couldn't find her inside, I decided to go and look for her outside because it was getting late already. Staying out late, was something my father hated more than anything. I didn't know what she was doing, or maybe she was sleeping somewhere again. She always did that whenever she had the chance to.

When I stepped out of the shopping mall, I looked sideways and then I saw my sister not too far away. Standing and talking with a "man". I could not hold back my rage, seeing that she was right there, comfortably talking with a man. That alone, made me run mad. I couldn't stop thinking of ways to get back at her.

I immediately walked down to them without wasting any more time, waiting to pull my sister's ear. How dare she!

"I was here looking for her and she is there conversing with a "man"! Ok, you just wait! You will surely get it this time!!"

After getting close enough, with anger, I screamed her name and she moved her body to the other side to get a better view of the person who called out her name, because the man standing there was obstructing her view. I could not stop admiring the fine man's back and I wondered what his front would be like. For a minute there, I lost myself but I did not waste any time in "fixing up" real quick! I got more angry because my sister was with such a man. How could she have such rare luck?! I refused to accept it.

I heard my name and after confirming it was my sister, I got really scared because I knew she was going to do something really bad to me. I was always scared of my sister because she was always having this strong hatred for me. It made me think that I was adopted, "so I thought" and funny enough, it wasn't just her, but my father and mother too.

She came to me and pulled my ear, shouting and hitting me everywhere. I became really hot and my face flushed with embarrassment.

"Is something wrong with you?" She spat hurtful words at me while dragging me along with her. I was so, so afraid of what would come next. Knowing how wicked my sister could be, I knew I would be roasted alive at home. While I was preparing for my own death, she spoke the big word before marching home.

"Let's go home!"

Chen Lijuan"....."