
Endless Stars Collision: The Journey of A Warrior

On that day, humanity realized they were not alone in the vast universe. The excitement of new discoveries and the fear of the unknown served as fuel for humanity to evolve and become stronger in order to face this calamity, but was their rate of evolution fast enough to keep up with those changes? Leo is a warrior who fought against the disaster that befell on Earth, until he sacrificed his life on the battlefield to save his friends, but as he was about to pass away, he was saved and sent to another world by Earth's planetary will in exchange for carrying out some quests for it. However, ever since he arrived on to the other world, he has been in an accidents, one after the other. So, how will his journey to the other world unfold? and What challenges will he face on this journey? --------------------------------------------- Please bear with the occasional grammar mishaps. English is not my native tongue.

Rhongomyniad · Fantasy
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42 Chs

magic users and contribution points

in the teaching room of evangeline.

leo was forced to wait for more than half an hour.

when he was about to run out of patient, the door was suddenly opened.

evangeline with an apologetic smile said to me,as walked toward her seat.

—"sorry to make you wait for long leo,the problem i had to deal with was somehow more time consuming than i thought"

seeing her apologies like that, i could only swallow the words of annoying that i had wanted to say,especially since i am who was asking for help from her.

So—"it's okay,or that's what i wanted to say, but since i have something i would like to do later,i would like to ask you even though i know this is shameful for me to say since you are helping me just because you wanted to,not that you need to ,but could you please explaine to me in hurry"

leo said that as he apologized several times as while feeling ashamed of what he is saying.

evangeline who saw these gestures of his,couldn't help but chuckled a little while covering he mouth with he hand in an elegant manner.

leo who saw that ,thought that she was beautiful ,but he also came to another realisation that she may be a nobel from the manners she is showing.

he also finally realised that he apologized several time to her unconsciously,so he couldn't help but scratch the back of his head with his hand,as he thought,

'was i this nervous talking to this women in front of me,well its been a long time since i did have an informal conversation with a women,even when talking to scarlet as she was busy most the time so we only talk about serious things,so maybe because of that, i didn't feel that i was talking to a women , instead as if i was talking to a comrade in arm.'

suddenly,Evangline's voice had brought me from my thoughs.

"hmm ,where have we reached in our conversation before,ah!"

as she said that she flipped the pages of the ancient book in her hand, until she suddenly stopped.

"Yes,its here.the qualification needs to be a mage."

After looking at me to know if i was ready to listen she start explaining.

"there are two ways as to how one can become a mage, even then both the ways needs,luck and talen.unlike warriors who only need to open their magic circuit ,then learn the art of mana manipulation so they can do things like body strengthening and other featureless mana techniques. Magic users need to have an innate ability to be able to use magics. this is also the reason why i said mages are stronger than warriors,mages can use both magic and warriors techniques as long as they have time to learn both so they are stronger but even so they are only a little stronger "

As she said that leo interrupted her.

"An innate ability?"

"yes an innate ability,but not anyone could work.as i said before there are two ways to became a mage,The First Is,having one innate ability that is related to the body physical senses,like eyes that can see the basic atomic stracture of elements or atleast one element,also having something like sixth or senventh sense that help the in feeling atoms that surronded us .only after that can one use their gift,with a slightly high level of mana manipulation to manipulate the surrounding atoms to make what you want,this need also a relatively strong mental strength to do that."

'so using energy to make atoms react then make what you have in mind '

hearing this leo was somehow disappointed since it was very logical ,that it look like it has nothing to do with the word<magic>.

"then what is the second way to become a mage?" leo said as he look at evangeline who was looking a little shocked as she was looking at him.

leo who was confused because of her look toward him couldn't help but ask"why are you looking at me like that have i said something strange"

evangeline who was Still looking at him to this moment said.

"isn't here where you should ask me, what is an atom and what is atom's basic structure,did you learn them before coming here?"

'ah i forgot although this world have science advancement close to earth but since,there is mana and magic here ,its not very popular topic to read about at least for someone who doesn't need them' as i though of this i lied since i couldn't say the truth.

"yes i saw them before coming here at one of lady scarlet's books so i readed a little"

"Ah,no wonder,then let's return to our topic"

as she said that,she took a bottle of water from beneath the desk with a glass,then pour some water in it.

after she drank ,the glass of water she said.

"the second way to become a mage is not much different from the first, it's also an innate ability,but the different is this ability doesn't usually awake at birth instead,only after one awaken his magic circuit,this ability is mystic eyes,although not every mystic eye can make one a mage but most of them do"

'mystic eyes,does that mean i can also use magic ,but that is not necessary true,since she said that not every mystic eye can make one a mage,i also didn't see anything in the status plate about this,anyway lets find about that later'although i thought of asking evangeline about my mystic eyes but i had a bad feeling that i shouldn't say that after i heard what she said before

"actually there is a third way but since its evil i won't say it"

'i think i understood what you would like to say lady,without even your need to say it,is it not ,just stealing the mystic eyes from their holders,since mystic eye are physical organs ,unlike magic circuit that is only a physical materialising of the magic circuit that is in the soul, so these eyes can be taken away and transplant in other people,i was fortunate enough that i didn't say anything to evangeline,even though i feel she is not that type of person who would hurt me for such a thing ,or i at least think so,but now evengline isn't the problem but actually edward is as i have told him about the mutation that happened in my eyes before,and i would be surprised if he didn't realise that my eyes became mystic eyes'

while having some cold sweat at the thought of edward holding my weakness,i quickly adjust my mental state as in the end i said to myself 'whatever he want to do with that information is not important ,i have nothing to lose except my life  so i shouldn't fear anything'

As i thought of all of this—

"Its okay you don't need to say anything else lady evangline ,i can't even thank you for all this explaining, so that is more than enough"

evangeline who seems satisfied with my word said in a light tone.

"is that so,then do you have anything else, to ask about, i still have some time, so i can answer some of your questions"

as she said that, i thought about the several questions that i have in mind ,then i choose one of them to ask.

"when can you please tell me what does the contribution points that appears in status plate means?"

"That is it?,well contribution points means the contribution that you have done against the gates disasters , these point can be used to strengthen your already learned skills,in short it's the blessing of the world on its inhabitors, so we can defend it against the monsters that come out of the gates"

""strengthening the already learned skills?"leo asked in a confusing tone since the mode changed from a logical one to a leveling up game type.

"yes but don't get the wrong idea and think that as long as you have enough point you can rise you skill without limits, those point don't work like that ,to begin with ,rising skills level doesn't mean that as long as you paid enough point you can instantly raise it to a higher level,that won't happen,when one paid enough contribution points to level up a skill,information and experiences of people who had trained this skill would be pour into the mind,after only they understood it all,that the skill in the status plate would be leveled up"

"information and experiences of people....."

"I know what you want to ask,those came from those who sell their skills to the world ,if you have a status plate now go to contribution points icon,after doing that you will find buying and selling skills,buying i explained it to you before but selling not yet,selling is not like what you think as in once you sell your skill you will lose it ,no even after selling it it won't vanish ."

As evangline said that i went to my status plate finding what she said was right.

"When you sell your skill ,the world would only scan the history of how you acquire this skill and its information then put it in the store where one can buy skills,after that it will give you contribution point equal to those skills you sell's worth"

So,That's how is it.

looking at the clock in the wall i knew that its late so.

"thank you lady evangeline for wasting your precious time on me,as its a little late i would like to beg you pardon to go as i have something to do"

evangeline who heard that put a smile on her face and said "its okay it was nice talking to you leo,if you need to ask something in the future you are free to came here"

"thank you very much then,then if you will excuse me "

i stood up from my chair as i said that then walked through the door as i said one last goodbye to evangeline

as i walked through the hallway ,i always had the feeling that i forgot something but since i forgot it then it seems to be something unimportant,so i throw away this though from my mind,the i continue walking toward my destination.

while in another teacher room that was only a few doors away from evangeline's.

Leo's teacher hak  was talking to himself in a loud voice

"Why the hell that man hadn't came to me after all this days!!"