
Endless Stars Collision: The Journey of A Warrior

On that day, humanity realized they were not alone in the vast universe. The excitement of new discoveries and the fear of the unknown served as fuel for humanity to evolve and become stronger in order to face this calamity, but was their rate of evolution fast enough to keep up with those changes? Leo is a warrior who fought against the disaster that befell on Earth, until he sacrificed his life on the battlefield to save his friends, but as he was about to pass away, he was saved and sent to another world by Earth's planetary will in exchange for carrying out some quests for it. However, ever since he arrived on to the other world, he has been in an accidents, one after the other. So, how will his journey to the other world unfold? and What challenges will he face on this journey? --------------------------------------------- Please bear with the occasional grammar mishaps. English is not my native tongue.

Rhongomyniad · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
42 Chs

bones breaking

leo who walked out from evangeline's teaching room,moved toward the dormitory.

and as he expected he found there the same show that happened a week ago.

but this time while two men were bullying a student, another 20 beside them are guarding them.

as they saw leo,without even the need to say anything,they put their hands in their weapons then run toward leo.

"it seems i am really popular these days sign..."leo said as he was deflecting the weapon attacks that are coming at him from several directions.

after doing that he run back to a safe distance behind as he held his wooden spear in hand .

the wooden spear is a training spear that the academy give for free to its students.

it was made from a branch of a strong tree from the elven empire.

this wooden spear have two advantages,one it is very light,two is that its very sturdy.

sturdy enough to block attacks from weapons that were strengthened by mana.

for leo who didn't want to injure and kill by mistake ,this was a good weapons,but for the other party who fought him this was looking down on them.

"don't look down on us" one of them couldn't help and say as he saw that.

leo hearing that knew that they seems to have misunderstood him again,but even so he didn't care,as he put more oil in the fire ashe said,

"Make me"

hearing that the 20 men,eye grow red with anger as they used more strength in their strikes.

leo would have been happy if his enemy got angry while fighting as this makes the opponent's attacks more predictable.

but now all he could do was to deflect their attacks,or evade them.

also having the advantage that [the journey of a warrior] skill give him as it helps in analysing fighting styles in the shortest possible time making him able to predict most the attacks that will came long before they do.

but even so as there were more than 20 men before him who were all stronger than him in raw power he couldn't take advantage of this skill,as all he can do was defending.

fortunately the two who were bullying the student before lost interest in him as they joining the previous 20 men who were attacking me

even though 2 more joined my situation has not grown worse since from the beginning although 20+ where fighting me but i am only fighting 3 to 4 of them at once because of the range.

if they have some teamwork between them they would have been able to make even seven of them fight with me at once,but fortunately for me and unfortunately for them they can't do that

even with all this leo was sure that he will at some point lose stamina then lose.

if it was about killing he could do it in less than a few seconds ,but what is in front of him were human being not monsters,also those human didn't really do something big enough to deserve that,although they bully other student but as far as i saw they were not really hurting them too much,so although bullying is not good,they at least didn't do something deserving death.

but even so leo was trying to find a way to end this before he lost stamina and got beaten by them as that would be shameful after all he said and done.

"since it became like this, lets try that, although it's the first time i am trying it but,i am sure i can do it with my control level now"

as leo said that,he start to only evade attacks as he tried to open three of his magic circuit after doing that,he let the mana flow from them toward his body.

mana is an attribute less energy, if it was put with an element, it will became that element,like fire element + mana became fire,and the more quantity and the quility the mann is fused with the fire element,the bigger and stronger fire will became.

it's just like how water is shapeless,whenever you put it in take its shape,put it in glass it became a glass shape ,put it in a bottle it became a bottle shape.

so what would happen if that man start to circulate in the human physical body,the answer is—

[ physical Reinforcement (Rank E) skill had being created ]

[ skill description: enhance the physical  by the use of Magical Energy.

Warning: pouring more mana than what the body can handle will destroyed the body,so this skill is used with caution. ]

Yes,the outcome of that mana would be becoming a physical strengthening energy.

so as leo poured mana into his body,he felt a huge leap in his strength.

as he was a little distracted by this feeling,he was too late to defend with his spear against the sword that came attacking at his chest.

as he didn't have time and choice to think he poured more mana in his hand then he tried to caught the blade that was coming at him.

as he did that those who were fighting him panicked,although they want to defeat the man in front of them that doesn't mean they want to kill him.

so when they saw him distracted and one of them attached him without releasing that, they all stop what they were doing and run to stop the sword from attacking leo.

but they couldn't reach there in an instant.  the man who was attacking leo finally realised this but it was already to late as he couldn't stop his sword swing at this time.

fortunately before the sword reached leo he seems to have woken up from his distractions,as he without hestiant used his arm trying to stop the sword in front of him.

this made those men sigh in relief as although his hand may be cut but his life is not.

but they were surprised by what they saw,as leo's hand and the sword met,a sound of metal clashing sound instead of flesh cutting they had expected.

seeing that leo had only a small injured in his hand that was strangely healed before blood from it could even be spilled to the ground

those who fought leo were dumbfounded as they all point at leo with this finger and said in almost the same time.

"y-you can use physical reinforce, how is that possible it was not even two weeks since you had been in this academy how could you learn it in this period,you atleast need to have an intermediate mana control level to use that skill"

and as if approving of their thoughts, a voice rang in my ears—

[ due to the successful creation of physical Reinforcement skill, Basic Mana Manipulation (Rank A) had become Intermediate Mana Manipulation (Rank F)]

this was an application of the status plate that notifying its user into their ears directly when creating or learning a new skill

"it seems that is the case,why are you going to run away now"

leo said as he held his spear again in his hand

his word had enraged them so the fought with him again.

but this time in addition deflecting attack,leo was attacking them from a time to time so as the time goes they began to get a lot of bruise in their body,but their pride didn't let those spoiled young masters of the imperial acamdemy to admite defeat .

leo who know this had a headache,trying to end this fight until his eyes open wide as he thought of something.

"would that really work ?...it's no use thinking since it's not even dangerous so i should try"

leo's eyes suddenly became a beautiful red color eyes as he opened one more magic circuit and send mana into them.

as he did that he found that what he thought about was really possible.

Mystic Eyes of analyse:

- shows details of that object that it can see. However, only information within the knowledge base of the user would be shown, it can't analyse anything that the user didn't already know.

at first i didn't know what was this first skill of the mystic eyes even mean only know did i understand.

after pouring mana into my eyes the world change from my perspective, i saw details of everything i know and understand about the world,the more mana i pour the more detailed the thing i see.

and what is the thing i studied the most and understand is without doubt the human body,so when looking at the men in front of me.

i saw something illogical.

i can see both their normal physical appearance,and their internal structure as well at the same time,such as blood muscles,nerves ,heart, lungs ,bones and everything else i understanded about the human body.

seeing this the corner of my mouth couldn't help but turn up a little as i thought ' this is going to be easy.'

the bullies who saw my eyes although they were a little surprised but they soon moved to attack me again.

when one of them was about to be hit by leo's wooden spear in the shoulder he braced himself for the pain that is coming.

but the outcome he thought didn't happened as not only he felt pain but also his shoulder was dislocated.

but that not only happened to him but all his comrades as whenever leo could hit them with his wooden spear a bone in their bodies would be dislocated.

some in their hands had been dislocated,some legs.... until they couldn't stand up anymore,this was the effect of leo's  mystic eyes as long as he can see the bone and hit them in the right place ,at the right angle, and time .they can be easily be dislocated.

that's not only for the bones but for all the organs in the human body .

as leo was smiling at this, he didn't know that his smile didn't not only scare the bullies but also everyone that had come to see the fun,and soon another nickname would be created for him in the academy.

leo move toward one of the man whose leg was dislocated then without mercy he kicked him in the leg,as a loud sound of bone movement was heard as the man's bone return to its place, but the man himself didn't seem to know this, as he was still screaming from pain.

Then leo went to the man next to him who was trying to run away from him,"why are you runing when i am trying to heal you?"

"Wait no i don't want ,i will go to the  the academy's healer so you shouldn't tir yourself"the man said with a weak voice as he was still moving away from leo.

but leo didn't let him do so as he said,"don't worry i will not tir myself by doing such a small thing,or are you perhaps afraid of pain,no i am sorry for insulting you by saying that, you who endured my beating all this time and earned my respect by doing that,will surely not fear some small pains"

after that sound of screams of men and bones arranged in the surrounding that some of the onlookers couldn't help but shuddered.

as all that was happening leo heard a notification again from the his status plate.

[Skill Hand-to-hand combat (Rank D) had evolved and became bone-setting martial art (Rank D+) ]