

           "Sister-in-law!" A shrill voice came from the other end after the call was answered and Vivian rolled her eyes with a sigh. 


                "You'd better leave the house in case your brother comes there. He's currently in a bad mood."


                "What!?" Kelly exclaimed from the other end. "W... What happened, d... did you two have a fight?" She stammered, already thinking of where she could escape to.


                 Should she run to City M?__no, she doesn't want to lay eyes on her dangerous former boss. 'Argh!' She can't think of anywhere else to go. 


                 "S... Sister-in-law, please do something, don't let him come back, pls pls pls." 


               Vivian could hear the poor girl trembling from the other end and she shook her head with a sigh, then cut off the call as she could also hear the shuffling of clothes; maybe the girl had started packing.


                 After getting inside her car, she picked up a tablet from the passenger seat then tapped into it and smirked while staring down at the GPS. It seems like the guy is still in the city.


               She gripped the steering wheel and started the car, then zoomed out of the hotel without any destination in mind.


              She could just enjoy herself for a few days before the guy cools down. 


                        * * * 


             Many days passed by and Vivian was becoming uneasy. 


                On this sunny day, she paced around in the bedroom while looking down at her phone with one hand on her waist. 


                "Argh Matt!" She tapped her feet on the floor, seeing that the call had gone to voicemail again. 


               Had she pushed him too much?


              She halted in her footsteps and leaned against the large window with a sigh. 


                "Matt..." She whispered, looking down at the busy city through the large window.


             She couldn't believe how unlucky she was to not have realized it earlier. She thought that she had grown so attached to the overprotective guy, but now...


              A long time passed by and she finally moved from that position with another heavy sigh, then sauntered toward the bed.


             Opening the bedside drawer, she took out the small bag of pills from the bedside table, then walked out and tossed them in the trash. 


                Her phone suddenly beeped as she walked back to the bedroom, and she smiled sadly, staring down at another credit alert that had come in.


               She sat on the bed after dropping down her phone and her gaze wandered around the room. 


                 Contemplating whether to go out and have some fun, she shook the idea off with a sigh, knowing that even if she went out, her thoughts would still wander to the guy.


                Although he could be overbearing sometimes, he had never forced her to do anything against her will. She thought he was just trying to have fun, but after seeing what he had done to his ex-girlfriend that night several months ago when the girl had tried to poison her, her assumption was confirmed, but she had decided to act oblivious to it. She chuckled sadly, then stood up from the bed.