
Chapter 53: Fandu

The table was mixed and the second one was accompanied by Wu's scene. It was originally a thousand cups of intoxicating physique. After awakening the water system, it was not easy to get drunk. Tonight, he drank a few pounds of liquor alone. Everyone else was "respected" by him.

Chinese people like to talk about things at the wine table, eat a meal, people who were not very familiar have all begun to call brothers and brothers. After dinner, Wu's father sent a small gift to them, and he estimated that the food factory should It's fast.

The small gift from Wu's father was the jade jewelry brought back by Wu Ye. He asked Wu's mother to pick some water heads and it was not too expensive. It was just good for them. The exquisite jewelry box is not visible in the pocket. Individuals have been eager to open the room by looking for the opportunity to go to the toilet. The value of the gift is two or three hundred thousand, and the mood is smoother.

Except for Wu Ye, gifts and gifts do not know that these beautiful bracelets, pendants, earrings, etc. are mostly from the body.

When Wu Ye brought these jewellery back, he also worried that he would carry the d virus. Therefore, he deliberately caused all these things to be autoclaved and then scrubbed carefully, trying to make these things look as beautiful as new ones.

The gift was sent out, and the rice was eaten. After the meal was full, it was naturally full of enthusiasm. I wanted to ask everyone to go to the fans and continue to sing and sing. Of course, drinking and singing are all imaginary. The fans are really famous for the beautiful beauty of the thin and fat art in the ring, and there is no shortage of tender stars. The environment is very good, the luxury suite is luxurious and concealed, and it is a member of the membership system, which strictly protects the members. It is the most famous gold cave in the city.

From the drunken pavilion, it took less than half an hour to get to the fans. Wu's father booked the luxury private room in advance, and the glamorous lobby manager who just entered the private room brought a small model of water, bikini and small hot pants sexy. The figure is fully exposed. Under the constantly shining neon lights, a young and beautiful face or a heavy makeup or a touch of light, the eyes of a man with a room are straight.

Of course, there are two other men.

Wu's father has long been accustomed to this kind of entertainment scene. He can sing a song with these women, and the things around him will never go half a step. Many people in the circle laughed at him and he was a wife. He laughed and laughed without temper. I don't know how many people envied Wu's good fortune. Now, as he is older this year, he is even less thoughtful. He picks up a seemingly well-behaved one, so that she can sing and pour wine next to it.

Wu Ye originally thought about coming back here and looking for a woman who looked at the pleasing eye to reduce blood pressure and save the x-dream. As a result, she saw that this group of women had **** with white flowers, and he felt that it was enough to turn off his appetite. I sniffed the strong perfume smell on them, listening to their noisy songs and swallows. He didn't get drunk and felt a headache. He ordered a quiet and well-behaved singer to accompany him.

An Qi just entered this line for a few days, the small fresh look has no other small tender glamorous, and they are not open, she is somewhat fortunate that she was picked by Wu Shao. Whether it is looks or temperament, Wu Shao looks much more pleasing to the middle-aged man who is hungry in the group. She sat quietly around Wu Shao, pours him wine, sings for him, drinks three patrols, the people in the private room are completely released, and the atmosphere becomes sinister | An Qi is not easy to enter the fascination is naturally not to be a small accompanying wine woman, countless women like her sharpened their heads into the fans, which is not for a long-term meal ticket?

Some time ago, Wu's father's report to the eldest son's relationship with his eldest son was very troublesome. So after listening to the names of Wu Yong and Wu Ye, An Qi knew their background. An Qi is convinced that the dead camel is bigger than Ma, and the Wu family is defeated again. It is impossible to have nothing. No money can get into the fans? Can you please have these people tonight without money? The people they invited tonight are not listening to small characters, obviously, Wu family wants to overturn.

As for whether the Wu family can succeed, she doesn't know. She only thinks that Wu Ye has been in the present for so long. Several monkeys have already pulled the woman around to go upstairs to the suite. He is still well-behaved. Sitting, chatting with people without a ride, or singing and drinking, there is no meaning at all. A man like Fan Duli can't find it, and he looks so tender... beautiful.

An Qi was a little moved, taking advantage of Wu's chance to go out to the bathroom, and rushed into Wu's arms.

Wu Ye is also a frequent visitor to the fans, but they are all coming together with the familiar friends. It's the first time that the business is serious with the old man. Looking at those hungry people, they are impatient and still want to Going back, I must give the old lady too much eyesight on the old man. Suddenly in his arms, he had a warm, soft body, and a soft, boneless hand was placed on his crotch.

The second face brush is black.

When he was playing with friends, he also made a small tender star to accompany him, but he only stopped singing and drinking to play a game that was harmless and never 'in-depth' communication with the woman here. Many times, he can't even tolerate any physical contact between these women. Everyone joked that he was mentally clean, but he felt that this should be a good habit to inherit the old man.

From the age of fifteen or six, his father and mother told him to play outside, but he must not mess with the relationship between men and women. In order to hold him, the old man deliberately let him see some photos of the terrible x-patients. At that time, he was obsessed with Lianyu. He hoped that he would be as happy and loving as his parents in the future, and that he was too young and scared at the time. He was really scared by those disgusting pictures, so he did not think about it. Even women who are not even jade are more willing to get in touch with the women in the Fengyue place.

To this end, he was not ridiculed by the friends.

After the short black face of the second face, I once again remembered the original intention of finding a woman to ventilate the fire. I couldn't help myself, and I was ready to push the boat and try it with An Qi.

As a result, the mouth has not yet kissed, and the sound of Qin Wuhua's cold and gentle voice is heard in the ear. 'Aye, I like you. '

I am jealous.

An inexplicable and strong sense of guilt allowed Wu Ye to push An Qi away. He is now no better than the original. An Qi was directly pushed by him and fell to the ground. The elbow was just pressed against the red wine glass, and the broken glass instantly cut through her fair skin, and the blood flowed like a note.

There is a lot of music in the private room, and some middle-aged men are already fascinated. They are dancing and dancing with the little models who can be their daughters. Woman, no one noticed the situation here. She was just playing with her mobile phone. She didn't notice the situation of An Qi and Wu Shao. She heard the movement and left the mobile phone, and quickly came over to help An Qi.

"Take her to take a good look, the cost is on my head." Wu Ye's face is very bad, the suffocating smoldering in the zombie plane naturally emerged, obviously a beautiful and even called a delicate and lovely face cold Down, even An Qi and the woman played a chill.

"Wu, Wu Shao, I really didn't mean it." An Qi almost cried, and she knows that Wu Shao's reaction will be so big.

Another woman is afraid that it is not good-looking, and she is busy playing round: "But it is accidentally falling. Wu Shao does not blame you. You hurt so badly. If you stay, you will be miserable. Let's go." After that, she and An Qi both looked at Wu Ye, and An Qi's soft and pure almond eyes were full of pleading.

The guests in the fans are not rich and expensive, they can come in quite easily, and the first rule of their staff rules is absolutely no conflict with the guests. In any case, the guests are always God's guests will always be right. If they offend their guests, they may be fired at any time.

Wu Ye didn't bother to make a fool of them: "Go, take a good look, don't stay."

An Qi knows that Wu Ye does not mean to care about her. After thanking her, she left with her companions.

After they left, Wu Ye's irritated 扒拉扒 pulled the hair that had just been trimmed today, and pulled the neckline of the shirt, and there was a kind of depression that could not be said.

Mom, Qin Wuhua is nothing to worry about! It's killing him! Desperate to let him go back home is not comfortable! After he goes back, after going back...

What should I do after I go back?

Refuse? What is the faint disappointment in my heart?

accept? Mom, I am a straight man! Qin Wuhua's body is not the following one at first glance... No, oh yeah, what is Laozi thinking about, the grave egg qaq!

Wu Ye found that she is now like two feet stepping into the swamp. The more I struggle, the deeper I am, what should I do? qaq

In the second half, Wu Ye obviously did not have the interest, just impatient and perfunctory, sitting there and thinking about it, two guests have the heart to talk to him and he loves to answer. Wu Fu saw that he was not decent, quietly let him go out and breathe in and come in again.

Wu Ye was really impatient to stay here, so he went to the bathroom on excuses and went outside.

The fans are built in the suburbs. From the outside, it is a beautiful European manor. The small garden is very beautiful. Wu Ye does not smoke, sniffing the unpleasant smell of smoke for a long time, and the heart is dim, and the familiar door turns to the small garden downstairs to breathe fresh air.

The sweet-scented osmanthus in the garden is in full bloom. The pleasant osmanthus fragrance mixed with other floral fragrances makes people feel shocked. Wu Ye boring for two laps and met an acquaintance who is not too familiar.

"Wu Shao, how come you have time to play today?" Zhao Jun, the owner of this fan. The appearance is the same as his name, ordinary, but the momentum of killing and slashing has added an indescribable man charm to his ordinary face. Zhao Jun is called the army, and the people on the road must respectfully call him a prince. The title of this prince is much more than the prince of some bad streets in Jingli.

Zhao Jun took the means, not only completely over the foundation of his old man, but also bleached the foundation. However, it is awkward. No matter how drifting, the black and gray industrial chain in his hand is still quite a lot. To be precise, he is now half-white and half-black, and he is both black and white. Now he is not only the head of several big names in the South, but his foreign business is also quite prosperous.

However, Zhao Jun is very low-key. In these years, 'business' is getting worse and worse. He does not want to make a head scorpion. He has always tried to constrain the following people and slowly transform some bad business.

The city's fans are just one of his many industries, because this is his mother's family, he spends more time here. The outsiders are all fascinated by the big boss. Mysteriously, I have come to play. I have seen Zhao Jun several times, but basically I have nodded and mixed.

Wu Ye thought of the rumors about Zhao Jun, and his mind was alive. He wants to get a long-term supply of arms, and the country must definitely not think about it. If it is foreign, the two largest arms exporting countries will have no chance to get to know any arms dealers. He used to be a first-class citizen who has touched these? No acquaintances lead the way, he can't always go to the world with gold bricks to find arms dealers?

In front of him, Zhao Jun is a good choice.

However, they are not familiar at all. How can I open this mouth to him?

Wu Ye's eyeballs turned around for a long time, but they still didn't think about countermeasures. They could only smile and say hello: "Zhao Ge is good, I am coming with my old man to accompany my friends."

Zhao Jun also smiled: "Then you are so fun."

Going far, Zhao Jun's decent friend and friend Shen Cong smiled and said: "The kid just grew up well, isn't the boss interested in it?"

It is no secret that Zhao Jun's men and women are eating on the road. Both men and women like to be cute and cute. I have to say that Wu Ye's appearance is quite in line with his usual standards. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Shen Cong: "Is it in your heart, Laozi is a hungry ghost in color, and you have to eat two mouthfuls when you see a appetite?"

Shen Cong's dark road was originally, but his mouth was big and flattering: "Of course not, the boss's wise and savvy gods and monarchs unified the rivers and lakes..."

Zhao Jun was simply frustrated and looked at the wood around him, and interrupted him disappointingly: "Okay, let you read it and Laozi will become undefeated in the East. However, the child just did mean something." He used to I also played several times with Wu Ye, because Wu Ye is really beautiful enough, Wu's business is also relatively large, so the impression is quite profound. In his impression, Wu Ye is an ordinary second master, but just now, he actually smelled a dangerous **** suffocation from him.

This kind of bloody, he only smelled in some desperate people. If Wu Ye's previous work was disguised and he succeeded in cheating his eyes, then he was really too simple.

"Send a good hand and follow him quietly." Wu Ye just said clearly and stopped. What did he want to say?

"Oh," Shen Cong nodded, whispering: "Cut, still said no interest."

Zhao Jun heard clearly, but he was too lazy to explain to him, striding into the fans, and he still has a big guest from the e country tonight to entertain.