
Chapter 117: tree of Life

Wu Ye is now a little touched by the pulse of the system. When it comes to the system, the mouth is particularly sweet: [system, can you tell me what the tree of life is? ]

System: [Retrieve database requires 100 points, 10 transcrystals. ]

Wu Ye muttered a sentence: [Little fan, it's only a hundred points, you can deduct it yourself. ] Some people have already started bidding on the field. However, this 'crystal tree' in everyone's eyes is only decorative at best, and the shape is unique and beautiful. It is not bad to buy it back and make a display. However, compared with the rare herbs, the auction price of 'Crystal Tree' is significantly lower.

The control page of the system changed, and a lot of medicine appeared on it. The most prominent one in front was the d virus vaccine and the zombie expulsion agent.

No need to look down, Wu Ye has made up his mind that no matter what the price, he must buy the tree of life.

He was about to bid, his eyes swept to the old monsters around him, his eyes turned and asked the system: [system, can you communicate directly with my mother, so that she must take pictures. He hasn't shot anything. When he's shot, those old monsters must be suspicious. He's still not processing the gold. The only ones that can be used are only 30,000 or 4 billion. If they fight with them, they will only suffer. Yourself.

System price: [1000 points, 1 orange crystal. ]

Wu Ye's meat hurts: [Why don't you grab it? Only 500 points, 5 Chi Jing, love to do or not, or I...

Not waiting for him to finish, the system directly deducted points, as if he was afraid of his remorse. Two less epiphany, the mother egg **** is absolutely deliberate, and pitted Laozi!

The system captures the psychological activities of the stupid host, and can be wronged. If it is not a task reminder, the stupid host will not want to make a truly perfect d virus vaccine for a lifetime. Oh, don't bother to care for him. Although I think so, the system is a little bit boring.

The system cherished the words like gold and said seven words to He Yushu: [Wu Ye let you take it. ]

He Yanshu's brain appeared in a cold mechanical sound, and was very surprised. Fortunately, she heard the sound of the system and quickly calmed down. Her mind was very lively, and immediately understood the meaning of Wu Ye. After waiting for a few seconds to adjust her expression, she pressed her voice and whispered softly to Wu Yong: "My brother has been sleeping badly, or we have to put this Buy the potted flower and give it to him?"

Wu Yong did not understand why He Yushu suddenly made such a request, but the big scorpion had a nervous breakdown. He always knew it. He nodded immediately: "Yes, you can do it."

The voices of their husband and wife are very small, but the monsters around them are all masters, how sharp is the ear? I heard it completely. However, they did not doubt that after Wu Ye's birth, these old monsters used the privilege to give their ancestors several generations of relatives and friends a clear investigation. Wu Ye's little mistake was naturally recorded. If Wu Ye is going to buy something, they may still be suspicious of the starting point. If Wu Yong and his wife buy it, to be honest, the kind of decorative potted plants will not be meaningful to them even if they are beautiful. It is better to save money and buy The key items behind.

The competition for the tree of life named 'Crystal Tree' is not fierce, but there is a foreign guy who has been biting the price. In the end, He Yushu spent a whole lot of 240 old monsters flashing a thought: Flower 1 More than 50 million yuan to buy a potted plant for the big scorpion to cure neurasthenia, Wu family's family is thicker than they know.

The old monsters didn't think deeply, their attention was quickly drawn to the next finale.

_ Youth Essence Extract 10 bottles.

'Yearing Pills' 100 tablets.

'Yang Xin Wan' 100 capsules.

'Mijia Yoga Secrets' 1 book.


The ordinary and straightforward names will push the atmosphere on the court to the high-end tide. When the last auction item came on stage, the auctioneer had not had time to introduce it, and the whole venue was sensational.

The bidding sounds in the venue have been rising and falling, and the value has been rising. On the big screen after the auctioneer, several large characters appeared: 'Shenquan refining'.

Nothing has ever been heard.

Wu Ye frowned slightly and asked the system: [What is that? ]

This time, the system did not ask Wu Ye to score points, and directly replied: [Similar to the low-level gene repairing raw material, the effect is similar. ]

Wu Yeyi listened to the low-level gene repair liquid is a grade, and suddenly no interest.

But other people present are not thinking so.

Only in extremely confidential documents, there is a record of the spring of the gods. The spring water is located deep in the Amazon rainforest. In a Mayan ruin, the surrounding terrain is extremely complex, and the poisonous grasses are spread all over the terrible beasts. Countless explorers It is buried in it and belongs to one of the rare mysterious areas on the earth. Later, an explorer returned successfully and brought back a bottle of spring water. He discovered at the time that the spring seemed to promote wound healing, brought it back to the laboratory for testing. The test results show that this kind of spring water contains a special substance, which can accelerate the metabolism of the cell new city and improve the cell vigor. The further examination shows that this substance can theoretically repair the genetic defect and shock the experimenters.

This substance was named by the discoverer as 'the substance of God'. The sacred material of a bottle of spring water is very rare and has little effect, but once it has been refined and purified, it has an extremely powerful effect.

Eliminate dark diseases, prolong life and increase skill.

No one can resist this kind of temptation. People who haven't been drunk may not be aware of their effects, and they may still have doubts. Those who have actually drunk can guarantee an addiction.

However, the spring of God is too little, too precious. At the beginning of the discovery, the government did not believe it at all. The news spread in the upper class, so that after the spirituality was general, after the initial discovery, some people tried to develop the surrounding environment to the maximum. The degree of exploitation of spring water. As a result, they started their hands and the springs dried up and dried up for three years. After that, no one dares to move there.

In the past, the output of spring water was relatively stable. In the past few years, there were 5 tons per year. In the past three or five years, with the increasingly serious environmental pollution, the production of spring water has decreased drastically. Only a new low was created in the previous year. Every two hundred kilograms of spring water can extract a 'Shenquan extract', a Shenquan extract can extend life for 3-5 years, increase the skill of 6-10 years, as for the extent of the disease caused by dark diseases, some people directly healed and some people only have certain Better. When encountering a trauma, like the last time Zhao Jun was afraid that Wu Ye would not be saved, he could return to his life. Unfortunately, there was no goods at all, and even if there were goods, he would not be willing to buy.

However, in any case, this kind of 'Shenquan refining' is something that today's technology cannot synthesize. As the springs become less and less, the price of 'Shenquan refining' has soared to a new level.

At this auction, there were a total of five extracts, basically all that came out of the government last year. How valuable is its value?

The starting price is the US dollar in billions, allowing barter.

The auction quickly entered the white-hot stage, and Wu Ye looked at the number of beating on the projection, only to feel a dry mouth.

1 billion knives, 2 billion, 2.5 billion knives...

Nima, I knew that Laozi got two bottles of low-level genetic repair liquid to sell, how much money was there, and killed a paralyzed zombie. The second is particularly indignant. When you go back, you must call Daqin to compensate him!

The system is very pertinent to pour cold water: [Even if there is a low-level genetic repair solution, do you dare to sell it? ] Sao years, or 乖乖 cultivation to do the task to kill zombies.

Yeah, does he dare to sell it? Look at this crazy posture, there are still many countries in the joint town, in order to save the Shenquan, if he can come up with the same role and completely different types of things, still not let people swallow the living? Even if he has the ability to protect himself, his family, his friends? If it is in Yucheng, it is only Qin Wuhua who can't really give up. There are too many people here.

He is still too weak.

For the first time, Wu Ye's head clearly showed two words: power.

Soon, Wu Ye's gaze gradually calmed down, and a pair of eyes calmly watched the digital changes on the projection. On the control panel of the void, Wu Ye's gene-enhanced progress bar unexpectedly went up a little while without absorbing any energy, and finally stopped at 90%.

If you still have 10% difference, you can advance to the fifth-order abilities.

Even with the state of mind to promote the ability to improve, stupid host finally did not stupid home. The system's chip flashed a set of complex data similar to happy, and the chip was slightly hot.

Looking at the full auction, Wu Ye's fever brain finally calmed down. No matter who took the 'Shenquan Extract', it has nothing to do with him. What he needs to do is to upgrade himself, constantly strengthen himself, and strengthen his own strength. He really stands at the top of the pyramid, not who is it. Who is the tiger skin?

After the auction, in order to ensure the safety of the auction, the delivery will not be carried out until after the landing.

The 100 billion underground auction ended, and the Zhao family had been busy for a long time.

After landing the next day, Wu Ye completed the delivery directly, and returned to the city with his parents with the tree of life and 100 million soft sister coins. I went to the factory and took some hot candy and chocolate, bought 15 fake cigarettes, and then returned to Yucheng with the tree of life.

At the time of delivery, Wu Ye knew that the tree of life was born on the shore of Shangshen Spring. Because the flowers are beautiful and unique, it was only someone who dug it out and wanted to see if there was any special effect. As a result, only the flowers have a calming effect, and after being planted in the basin, the color of the original fresh green leaves gradually becomes morbid white, and the white is almost transparent. The life of this small sapling is afraid that the saplings are worthless. Therefore, taking advantage of this auction opportunity, I took the name of a crystal tree for this small sapling, so I will use it to sell a good price.

I did not expect that Wu Ye was cheaper in the end.

After Wu Ye took the tree of life back to Yucheng, he did not care that it was still cold outside, and brought the tree of life directly into the plantation park, and chose a place near the central pond to plant it. According to the system's instructions, it was filled with a lot of water rich in healing power, and Zhou Jiabao put down other things, and only applied plant abilities to the tree of life every day.

By mid-March, the ice and snow began to melt away, and the tree of life finally grew a small green bud. The original white leaves gradually appeared sporadic green spots.

[System, you honestly tell me, what part of the tree of life can be used to produce vaccines? Li Yuan put all the leaves and branches of the tree of life into the vaccine test, and all of them ended in failure.

[3000 points, 30 orange crystals. ] System direct quotes. In this system, there is no pit Wu Ye. Originally, the system advanced information information is very expensive. Of course, this kind of expensive is only for Wu Ye, a self-righteous and wealthy ghost.

Wu Ye bargained with it for a long time, see the system is not loose, and finally can only say: [... OK, count you, 3000 to 3000. But you must give me all the information about the tree of life. ]

The system didn't say anything, and the detailed introduction of the tree of life was directly displayed on the control panel. The introduction of tens of thousands of words, after Wu Ye finished reading, merged into two words: potholes.

The tree of life is very powerful, and the fruit of life can be matched with many precious medicines. But the premise is that the tree of life in adulthood will only result in flowering before adulthood, and the flower is still poisonous. The tree of life takes a lot of energy in adulthood, and some trees of life from birth to adulthood cost a full millennium.

After the millennium, the trees of Laozi's graves have become ancient trees.

Before the system was opened, the system said with an icy mechanical sound: [The system can exchange the high-energy fertilizer needed by the tree of life, 1 let the tree of life grow into adulthood, pro. ]

Kiss your sister! (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻

Two less seems to see the dark future, the hand is itchy, I want to kill the tree directly!

"Aye, what's wrong, is there something wrong?" Qin Wuhua saw his face ugly, whispered.

Wu Ye whispered and said, "I was pitted again by the system."

"..." Qin Wuhua thought for a moment, patted his shoulder and comforted him: "Don't be angry, it's not the first time anyway."

Two less silent for three seconds: "... bastard, are you despising the IQ of Laozi?!"

As the rabbit boss of the second few dog legs, he has been living with Daqin ash recently, eating a short mouth, and temporarily do not dare to feed the Lord. Silently twisting his head to the side, and wanting to cover himself with a big gray tail.

Two less inadvertently saw this scene, angry! Fried! Now!