
Chapter 116: auctions

On the fourth day, the 'Red King' landed, some people disembarked, more members or invited people boarded the ship. Wu Ye and his parents went to the shore for an afternoon, and the cruise ship was about to board the ship before it set sail.

There are a lot of 'cooked' faces on the boat. These faces are common in various news reports, financial magazines, and even may be the wanted orders issued by Interpol. If you like to see the most influential **** people in the world (x countries), there are definitely many that can be on the top.

Wu Yong once felt that he was one of the very wealthy people. Now I see that those faces suddenly feel that they are too arrogant in the past, even if he once had hundreds of billions of net worth, at best, it's just rich first. 'Upstarts only. Those people in front of us are the ones who truly grasp the lifeblood of the world. In the past, let alone receive such an invitation, even this level of gathering has not heard of it.

And now he is finally standing here, all this is actually the light of the second son who is disappointing. Thinking about this, Wu Yong couldn't help but think of the eldest son he had been proud of. He flashed a glimpse in his eyes and quickly calmed down.

The reason why the circle becomes a circle is because of some fixed faces inside. On the cruise, businessmen, politicians, big brothers, regardless of nationality, naturally gathered in their respective circles, Wu Ye family is definitely a very new face for these people. Some sociable people greet them with their glasses, hoping to get some useful information from the infinite chat.

Wu Yong and He Yushu are both masters of communication. Although these people do not have a background in the background, it is good to see the big world. They can talk a few words in the north and the south. The attitude is not humble, but it has caused some people's goodwill. Even if they finally found out that they only opened a 'small' food factory, no one took them down. Those who can appear on the cruise at this moment are all fine people, and they have enough reason to believe that Zhao Chengyuan will not invite useless people.

Soon, their conjecture was confirmed.

Xu Zhongyuan, an old robe, a log of gray robes, and the entire luxury cruise ship are not a painting style. As they walked slowly, they calmed down around, and the eyes of these incomprehensible people were all awed.

"Xu elders, elders of the round wood, don't come innocent." Wu Ye saw that they all came to the front, apparently directed at him, and he greeted the greetings.

Xu Zhongyuan smashed the dust and looked down: "Wu Xiaoyou don't come innocent."

The round wood gave a low voice and laughed: "Wu Xiaoyou does not come to the innocent, Zhao Lao also invited some old friends to come over, I wonder if Wu Xiaoyou is interested in sitting with us in the past?"

Wu Ye thought about it. Compared with the intrigues of these embarrassing guys, he still wants to see the old friends of the log. I don't know if those people are more Xu and Yuan, will they be more Awesome.

"Well, let's go see it together."

Wu Yeyu Bi, Xu Zhongyuan and Yuanmu made a gesture of asking at the same time, and the gestures showed some respectfulness.

Respectful? Are you kidding? Roundwood, Xu Zhongyuan, they are the same characters in the legendary old gods, and old monsters that are not necessarily rich and powerful, how can they respect a little adult child?

The eyes of the people around him stared at Wu Yong and the couple, and the goblins looked at Tang Yan about this.

"Parents, do you want to go together?" Wu Ye also noticed that those people were too fanatical, and they were not at ease to leave their parents alone.

Wu Yong is a person who is good at grasping opportunities. On this cruise ship, just one person, not to mention his current social status, is that his former identity is difficult to meet, but now he does not want to talk to someone. Mixed relationships, even if they are familiar with each other, have endless benefits for their future career.

Wu Yong waved his hand: "No, you have fun with Master Xu and the master of the wood... No, just talk. I will go around with your mother, don't worry about us."

Seeing that He Yushu also nodded, Wu Ye was no longer reluctant, and they followed the log and they went into the elevator on the top floor.

As soon as they left, they simply blew the pot outside.

A business community who had just talked with Wu Yong was very busy asking Wu Yong: "You and your master seem to have a very different relationship with Master Xu."

Wu Yong smiled and played haha: "Fortunately, okay, more chat."

Can you chat? Deceived! Wu Ye is obviously not like the person who asked for the meditation. He talked with the old Taoist old monk but he looked at the two masters. It was obviously not just like chatting with Wu Ye... He said, no wonder Zhao Laozi Will invite them to board the ship!

The businessman bowed his head and took a sip of his drink. He looked up again, obviously a bit more sincere and sincere. Others who have noticed the scene just now have come over and chatted with Wu Yong. Wu Yong is also an old oil that has been mixed for decades in the shopping mall. You came to me very well and gave a good impression to many people. When the auction started, he received a private business card.

A small business card is inconspicuous, but at a critical moment, it will play an unimaginable role.

Wu Yong did not think that a temporary visit would have unexpected benefits. A brand new door to the top of the pyramid finally opened to him slowly.

The 'old friends' of the round wood are among the few innate masters in the country, but they are a little worse than the roundwood and Xu Zhongyuan. They are not at the same level as Wu Ye...not at all. Faced with the temptations of these old monsters, Wu Ye easily resolved. When someone finally couldn't help but ask him about the teacher's problem, Wu Ye pushed two or five, and the master died that he was not allowed to reveal his name. A beautiful baby face could be innocent, and that one of them could be his grandfather. The old geeks have some doubts about whether they are bullying people, and finally have to give up this topic.

Instead, Wu Ye heard a completely strange name - Tong Huang. When the old geeks said the name, they all looked like a respectful face. Even if Wu Ye repeatedly denied it, they also recognized Wu Ye as his apprentice.

Anyway, he did not admit that these people love how to make up the brain to make up the brain, and it is not bad to pull the tiger skin. When the tiger skin was torn apart, Tong Huang came to the door. Anyway, he said nothing. It was all those who made up the brain and shut him down. Really want to fight, he is not necessarily afraid of Tong Huang, martial arts tricks can not, he still has the ability, the space ring can also act as a hidden weapon library, so many means do not believe that a pure warrior. For Tonghuang, there are still some small expectations in the heart of the two. If he can defeat Tonghuang, then he is the first master of the martial arts. It is not a common calf. Just think about it, there is a kind of chicken blood boiling!

In the illusion of two infinite ambitions, the auction event will finally begin.

Hundreds of people gathered in the luxury venues. Due to the limited seats in the venue, only the bidders who paid the deposits had the right to enter the market, and all the other people who accompanied them stayed outside.

Wu Ye did not pay the deposit, and went straight to the old mom and dad, and sat in the front row of the old monsters.

In this auction, Wu Ye took a total of three national treasures of porcelain and Kistler to participate in the auction, in addition to a set of old pits emerald men's accessories, divided into the fingers, jade and jade ring, the work is extremely beautiful; a set of ruby ​​jewelry, Divided into bracelets, necklaces and earrings, the flaming colors are not a trace of brilliance, each jewel is carved like a natural, master craft, not only can fascinate women, even men who do not love jewelry can not escape its charm.

Wu Yeyuan thought that the five things of his own had to have a finale. As a result, the auctioneer began to auction these things in succession. Finally, the reaction at the venue was not bad, and the auction atmosphere was fierce. In the end, two pieces of porcelain and a strange stone were taken by a famous domestic collector at a price of 34 million knives. The 70-item jade accessories are obviously more in line with the eyes of Westerners. Victor is not allowed to take 100%; Wu Ye brings out five things to sell, and then he will earn 5105 billion, plus the money he won in these days. The assets in the hands have increased by more than 300 million, enough to maintain the turnover of this period.

The first three of the auctions were auctions of top antique jewellery from all over the world. At the end of the first stage, the venue took a short break for more than ten minutes and started the second round of auctions.

Nima, is there really no problem in public auctioning new weapons? Should the improved sniper rifle and individual rocket launcher be so expensive? What kind of ultra-thin bullet-proof vest is obviously not as high as his low-level protective clothing can sell tens of millions of dollars, how hard are these guys to die? Even the nuclear bomb raw materials have appeared! It's not scientific!

After this round of auctions, Wu Ye is a complete experience, and antique jewelry and these things are not a grade at all. Wu Yejing looked at the two well-modified sniper rifles, and all aspects of performance were superior to the sniper rifle he used now. If you can get the goods, slamming the three-level zombies about 600 meters is not a problem at all. The weak points plus the key attacks may even kill the giant zombies. Unfortunately, the price is too expensive, far exceeding the value of the gun itself. After the two sniper rifles were rushed by several arms dealers, they were finally bought by Victory.

The second can only comfort myself. Victor buys it back as a sample. It will be mass-produced sooner or later. He buys it equal to buy it for me.

The rocket launcher Wu Ye trusts the 'system card', and the projectile's climbing function is much more efficient when dealing with the huge and flexible giant zombies. I knew that he wouldn't sell antiques. He took out the system rocket launcher and auctioned it. Maybe he might have an arms dealer to mass-produce it. It's too miscalculated.

In this auction, in addition to the sniper rifle, Wu Ye also looked at a special material scorn. The armor is fully enclosed and has a very strong bulletproof capacity. The most important thing is that the total weight is only 15 kg. It may be a bit heavy for ordinary people, but for the abilities, this weight is almost negligible. This kind of contempt does not say that the third-level zombies, the impact and scratching of the first and second zombies are absolutely no problem. If you promote it in Yucheng, you can make a small profit and improve the survival rate of hunters.

Fortunately, the armor fell into the hands of Victor, waiting for the auction to end, looking for opportunities to talk to Daniel.

Wu Ye thought about it, and the last round of auctions began.

The beginning is a thousand years of ginseng.

Wu Ye loves to see chicken blood, and the thousand-year ginseng is definitely a high-frequency word. The ginseng roots involved in the auction must be kept very well, and the block is also very huge. It is really a bit of a 'human figure' when you look at it. It is a good thing at first glance. In the first two years of the domestic ginseng special auction, a 325-year-old wild ginseng has produced a high price of 10 million yuan. The value of this ginseng is far above it.

The atmosphere in the venue was obviously hot. For most people in the venue, antique jewellery was just a icing on the cake for them. Guns and ammunition were obviously not their dishes. Only these medicines to save lives are their biggest. The pursuit.

Fear of death is a natural instinct of human beings, and it is difficult to have a dead word with money and strength. If you don't have the money, you won't have to pay for it. Anyway, how can you know what to do? But imagine a rich and powerful person. He has the life and death of countless people. In the end, he can't control his own illness and death. How terrible and unacceptable is it?

They don't want to die. The more they have the money, the more they have the right to die. In the history of mankind, many emperors died in the words of "seeking for longevity". What an immortal figure is Qin Huang Hanwu, and they really can't see the lies of those who are traveling with the Taoist priests? Do they really know that the drug is poisonous? There are counts in their hearts, but in the end they can't resist the temptation of the word 'longevity'.

No one standing at the top of the pyramid puts the wealth of the world.

These people who are currently participating in the auction, in a sense, are the kings of certain fields. Like the ancient kings, they hope that the longevity is not to die.

In the fierce competition, this millennium ginseng was finally followed by 150, and it was some cherished medicinal materials, which were bought by Wu Ye's eyes at high prices.

Unconsciously, the first time, the first piece, is a strange white plant, about half a meter high, like a potted tree, very beautiful, with strong vitality but no fertility, once a year There are only nine flowers at a time, the flowers are extremely beautiful and beautiful, and the flowering period lasts for seven months. The blood-red flowers will secrete a special fragrance. After testing, they have the effect of calming the nerves. The flowers contain neurotoxins and cannot be eaten. The starting price is 5; the system that has been silent is suddenly releasing random tasks: [Buy the Tree of Life. ]

Shrimp? tree of Life? ! Two little tigers are shocked, good, and they are so happy!