
Enchanted World, Faith

After a huge natural disaster killed almost everyone he knew Zale was out for Revenge. Gods roam this world where magic is everywhere and they are almost almighty. Zale confronts the one responsible for the death of his loved ones, but he wasn´t strong enough. The god, taking a pity on him created a new opportunity for me. This is the journey of Zale as he rises to new heights, studying magic, and surpassing the limits

DevaVentus · Urban
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4 Chs

Lyviana Woods

It was early spring when Kale decided it was time to gather new wood for his house. The snow just melted and the air and earth started to heat up again.

Kale was a guy in his mid-twenties, with short brown hair and hazelnut coloured eyes.

The winters are though, long and cold in this mountainous region, and even though magic was everywhere it can not create something out of nothing.

What was peculiar though was that instead of an axe he was carrying a thick book in his hand.

"Okay Kale, you were never good with magic but this has to be done. Let's see, on what Page were these words again? 127. Alright."

Kale started concentrating on a few words:"Air, rotate, cut."

He felt deep inside himself a strong energy welling up and when he propelled it out of his body a white rotating air blade could be seen.

"Now go. Cut that tree for me", Kale thought to himself. With that command the rotating air blade flew through the air and hit a tree.

When the blade hit the tree small pieces of wood started to fly in all directions. A little while later a clear cut could be seen and the tree started to fall.

"Phew, with my low ammount of magic inside my body even a small task like this takes quite a toll on me. If it wasn't that much faster i'd just rely on my body instead."

Just when Kale was about to pick up the fruits of his labour he noticed something white in the brushwood. Upon closer inspection the figure appeared to be human. And not just that, he also seemed to be quite young, 12 years at most.

"What in Gods Name? What is a youth doing all the way out here in the middle of nowhere? Besides that those white robes look like they are made out of the finest materials. Hmm. I can´t just leave him here otherwise the wild beasts might get him."

What was said was done. Kale ignored his wood for now and brought the youth with red hair in white silky robes back to his home. He could always get it later. His wife tenderly cared for him in the next couple of days.

Two days later Zale opened his eyes.

"Where am I? Who am I? What happened?" a Flood of Questions erupted in his mind. He could hear the voice of a woman:" Kale, get up! The youth finally woke up and he looks to be quite healthy, albeit also confused."

A musculard, brown haired guy entered the sparsely lit bedroom.

"Good morning young one. I found you in the woods. You slept two whole days. How are you feeling?" the stoic looking man was actually quite friendly.

"Fine... I guess. My body doesen´t hurt if that´s what you mean. Although I can´t remember a single thing besides my name, Zale."

"And apparently how to speak neither." answered Kale. "Amnesia, always wondered why someone with amnesia almost never fails to retain their language. Anyway, my name is Kale and this is my beautiful wife Anita. As you can see she is currently pregnant. We don´t have much to offer but if you want to stay you can stay until you figured out what you want to do. I could use a pair of strong young arms to help me out."

"Thanks Kale, I really appreciate the offer. I don´t know if I can do much but the hospitality is very kind of you. Funny how similiar our names are, don´t you think?" Zale asked but Kale only answered with a hearty laughter.

"This is probably a sign of fate. I don´t know who you are but whoever paid for your clothing must be quite rich. You can only get those robes that we found you in in a magic academy, and the closest one is Liviana´s biggest academy altogether.

So eventually there should come someone to get you. Not every student gets these robes."

After they finished their chit-chat they ate together, went to bed early and started work early the next day. Anita was a fabulous cook, everything she touched tasted amazing.

Kale taught Zale how to do his work. There was a lot to do and Kale didn´t go easy on him. Fixing the Roof, making new plates, Forks and other stuff. Carrying logs, buckets of water and whatever else needed to be done around the Household.

The next few days were hard, but had a certain Peace to them. Zale didn´t remember anything new but Kale tried to teach him how to use his magic. Everyone in this world can use magic, minus some few individuals who were Born with a defect that didn´t allow them to use magic.

Whatever made Zales memories disappear also made it very hard on him to use magic. His grimmoire did have some words in them, albeit not very usefull ones. But he didn´t seem to be able to connect them properly, thus unable to perform any magic.

After a couple of days after a hard and Long day of work Zale was in bed after a delicious meal from Anita. Flipping through his Grimmoire while trying to find the answer he found a word that he thought suited him very well. "Light". It could mean an awful lot, but all Zale tried to do was conjure a small light to illuminate the room.

He searched with his mind through his Body, trying to find the place where his Energy is stored. And he could find it but... he couldnt grasp it.

"Comeon now Zale. If you can do this everything will be a lot easier and you can lessen the burden on Kale a bit. Light. Light. Light." he repeated the word in his mind multiple times but it didn´t work.

"God dammit LIGHT" he cried out loud and with a push of his anger he bent the magic force in his veins to his will and expelled the mana outwards of his body. Connecting with the word that still lingered in the room he conjured a small light.

"I did it! I finally did it! Now everything will be a lot easier." Nothing could contain Zale´s happyness at this moment.

"Ahhhh." Zale heard a voice but couldn´t determin where it came from.

"And here I thought you forgot how to use magic" a creepy, high pitched voice echoed through Zales mind.

Hmm? Whose voice is that? What exactly is Happh More to come in the next chap :)

Magic will be explained a lil bit in the next chap, and a lot in a few dozen chaps. Until then, stay tight fam!

DevaVentuscreators' thoughts