
Enchanted Sex System

When Stiles dies from being shot he expects to be dead however he discovers that he isn't and not only that but that he must be the villain, amass a harem, and take over the wizarding world in order to remain alive. Of course he has some help from a system, and other things which he'll collect on the way. Warnings inside

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Movies
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15 Chs

9: The Beginning of A Downfall| Slight [ R18]

Silas woke up to find his owl bringing in the male which was from the Daily Prophet. Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Narcissa sat at the table and watched as Silas read the books.

" Plans for the day?" Silas asked.

" I'm going to work on the library, along with the future design for Hogwarts when you take it over." Hermione stated and Silas nodded turning to Harry.

" I planned to get started on figuring out my future, I was thinking I could just help with your numerous offspring." Harry shyly stated.

" That brings me to a point I thought of, we should all have roles in the house. Clearly Silas is the head. Draco can be politics, Narcissa can be partnership, I can be education, Hazel can be magic, and Verena can be stress relief." Hermione suggested.

" Hermione I was thinking that Verena could speed up your pregnancy, but you'd have no time with the baby." Silas shared as he laid the paper down with a grin.

" Promise me you'll knock me up sometime between December and February that way I can go a few months without problem."

" January sweetheart." Silas confirmed and Hermione smiled.

" Me and Mum have a pureblood thing to attend, we'll bring back a full report, and yes it's all day." Draco grumbled.

" Dumbledore's being targeted now, how great. So Silas will you bring staying here or going to Hogwarts?" Narcissa questioned as she rubbed her thighs together.

" I kinda want to go back Si, I mean it's my first home, and it'll be easier to make connections." Harry tried to convince.

" Yeah, and we are able to steal from Dumbledore. This also gives you a chance for people who you want to join us,please Si!" Hermione asked and Silas sighed.

" You'll be on egg shells, and we can't have sex ever night or even every week, but if you two really want to go back we can." Harry grinned at Hermione both knowing Silas gave them anything they asked for.

" We'll have to go shopping for all the school stuff soon." Narcissa said as Draco, Hermione, and Harry all stood up and left after finishing and giving Silas a round of kisses.

Narcissa began to finger herself after they left. Silas instantly noticed and stood he walked behind her and moved her fingers.

" You could have just asked." Silas stated.

" I didn't want to Infront of Dray."

" Infront of Dray my ass, if you need me here," Silas laid his hand over her heart. " Or here," Silas cast a small spell as he shoved two of his fingers inside Narcissa who let out a loud moan. " You shouldn't deprive yourself, he'll understand." Silas said as he cast a quick spell. Draco, Hermione, and Harry all returned as asked.

" Draco is my child, he isn't supposed to see me naked."

" Either you are public with it or you don't want me as much as you say you do."

" I do want you I just don't think it's appropriate for my child to see me having sex." The trio sat down for a show, sure they could have been doing something better.

" If I asked would you have sex with me Infront of Dray?" Narcissa took all of a second to form the answer.

" Yes."

" Good, now ride it if you're so horny." Silas said knowing that Narcissa had no clue her child was watching as Silas turned her and him so that they could see. Silas reached out to their minds.

' Like the view?'

' Yes, Dray is it wrong I want to fuck your mom?' Harry asked.

' No considering even Dray wants to fuck his mom.' I looked at Draco and he blushed red.

' I'll see if she'd be into that you three may go.' Silas stated and they all left.

" You got me pregnant, now I want to be full." Narcissa moaned.

" As you wish." Silas stated and came as he stood and went to grab a napkin but Narcissa cleaned him up with her mouth.

Silas knew about the pure blood event but he wasn't invited so he'd not be attending. Silas instead went to check on a few things. Those things being the state of Azkaban being Humane, school changes again, and why of course the reparations of returning Hogwarts' land back. Silas was pleased to find Amelia ready for a meeting. Silas sat down and began producing the most as he noticed Amelia in a bit less today.

" Well what's going on?"

" Well Lord Blackwell, the case date has been set. It's in two days." Silas nodded as he made a reminder to tell Harry who'd be more then pleased to go. Harry should also go see his only real family, Sirius and Remus.

" I would like to add a case on your hands, I have reason to believe that Regulus Black isn't actually dead but rather suffering in Azkaban, a search never hurt." Silas said letting his eyes captivate her.

" A search, hmm, yes that seems nice."

[ You've activated skill Hypnosis due to it being so weak currently you can only slowly corrupt those who harbor no feelings for you and even slower for those who hate you.]

Silas nodded and kept Amelia Bones talking for four hours straight until he got a little bored.

[ Mental Corruption is at 73%( Estimating another 30 minutes until fully corrupt)]

Silas kept going for an hour working everything out and even getting sidetracked about stupid stuff on purpose.

[ Mental Corruption is at 100%, you can now hypnotize Amelia Bones, at anytime and have her do small task, sexual included, but nothing big you'll have to begin level two corruption.]

Silas shook his head annoyed.

" Amelia come give me a blowjob."

" Of course." Amelia said and then Silas got an idea as he tied himself to the chair and gagged him. Silas began to fake cry with eye drops that he magically had dropped in his eye. Then as Amelia began he broke the hypnosis and continued to tug ruthlessly.

" mmmmmhm mmm" Silas tried to speak and Amelia looked confused as she stopped.

" What happened?" Amelia said her eyes showing distress as she removed Silas' gag.

" You tried to rape me, get away from me!" Silas acted as he was free he went to run when Amelia grabbed his arm. Amelia pulled Silas back.

" You can't tell anyone about this, I'll loose my job."

" You shouldn't have tried to rape me." Silas silently activated the hypnosis.

[ Victim is going through a mental break down Corruption for level 2 is at 60%]

Silas made Amelia cast a binding spell and continue sucking him off as a recording orb sat on her desk, placed there by him. Amelia grinned as she sat back.

[ Corruption for level 3 has begun and is at 80%]

Silas broke it and Amelia was panicking as she tasted cum and that's when Silas overpowered her mind and shattered her guards.

[ Corruption level 5 is complete.]

Silas had Amelia free him and Silas acted hurt.

" You can't tell anyone."

" You raped me why would I keep my mouth shut."

" I'll pay you, give you anything, what do you want?"

" I wanted not to be raped." Amelia got on her knees.

" Please Lord Blackwell I can't loose this job I need it." Silas went to storm out when Amelia blurted out what he had wanted to hear. " We can check right now, on Azkaban." Amelia offered desperately. Silas paused.

" If you touch me I'm gone." Amelia nodded and they left to Azkaban where they began to search. they searched from bottom up and found Regulus on the worst area shivering, cold, almost a corpse. Amelia looked at one of the order members.

" Kingsley who put him in here?"

" Dumbledore brought him in here, said that he was a convicted death eater."

" When?"

" Years ago." Silas wasted no time as he sneakily took the Azkaban portkey from Amelia and copied it. Silas then noticed how Regulus' eyes looked at him with a mixture of need, gratefulness, and hints of lust in them.

Regulus could only thank the mysterious man who was his saviour.

" Well all charges have been dropped as we have a testament on record of his mother admitting to forcing Regulus to be a death eater and to take the mark." Silas stated calmly. Kingsley went to say something but Amelia Bones unlocked the cell door and Silas carried Regulus out of it. They left after that and Silas left to his house where he got Regulus in a nice bed, with mind healing potions, and some good food and plenty of water.

Regulus relaxed into the mattress.

" Thank you sir." Regulus stated.

" I'm Silas, the dark champion, and it's no problem."

" Silas Blackwell?"

" Indeed I am."

" I see, what does the dark champion require for me."

" Nothing, as of yet however you of course know that this action ties you strongly in magic to the Blackwell family. I'm clearing your innocent brother's name, so you should rest. I'll get Narcissa when she returns." Regulus nodded and rested in the bed happily.

Silas went towards his office and found an open note. It was to Harry from Sirius. It basically stated just how much Sirius was loosing faith in Dumbledore and how Remus was growing closer and closer to being Dumbledore's little pet. It saddened Silas to know that Remus and Sirius might not make it but then he remembered something.

" Verena I need you." He felt her arms curl around him.

" You called master~" Silas smirked.

" Yes, do Sirius Black and Remus Lupin make it through my future plans together?"

" Yes, anything else, master~" Silas pulled her around and smiled as she was undressed.

" Keep calling me that and let's just say you won't be walking away without a reward." Verena climbed on the desk showing off her wet pussy.

" Later Verena, I'll have lunch with you riding me alright?" Verena nodded happily and left. Silas then managed to get some more shit done and doubt planted with the afternoon prophet. Silas was pleased and he now had access to a better Death Eater route, Snape will be falling quickly to Silas. Now he had another problem to face, who would protect his mates who remained here and those children?

[ Do you wish to read Creature Creation?]

Silas confirmed and waited maybe he already had the solution to his problems.

[ You can create creatures that will hold certain qualities those qualities will act as their core values and there for what they will follow to death. This will require a lot of either energy, magic, or cum, which do you choose to use?]

Silas thought about and choose energy. He watched as a menu popped up allowing him to draw the creature, and Silas was actually a great artist so he drew a few girls, men were weak to them sometimes but he drew some boys to be safe, and created succubi and incubus in real time the boys were made of 5 traits, lust, strength, obedience, loyalty, and protective. Making them obedient and loyal to Silas, loving to their lustful partners and strong enough to kill anyone who they deemed unworthy these males slipped into the forest. The female however they were made of 6 traits, lust, agility, intelligence, breeding, loyalty, and obedience. Much like their males this assured that they would breed and mate. He made them compatible to mate with werewolves, vampires, wendigo, harpies, veela, muggles, wixen, and of course their own kind. Silas also set their birth time to a month with them growing up and aging slowly after age 18. It took them a week to grow a year. The females went to find mates and a spot to care for their young.

Silas then felt a bit tired before bouncing back.

[ You've unlocked Legion Creation, you may now bind creatures for your legion.]

Silas smirked and stood he grabbed his coat and apparated to Romania. In Romania he found dragons two of which he offered for his legion and they accepted as they broke out and faked their death with fire. Charlie was distraught but Silas couldn't care at the moment as the dragons went with him. They found a cave on Silas' land and rested there. Silas spent the rest of the day, up until lunch when he fucked to regain his complete composure and left Verena a cum covered mess, and then after that making creatures and binding them. He had an army of creatures now but he still set up some more for the safety of his mates and children. He made ones that'll follow in the shadows and sent them to guard his mates and of course he had one himself he might be strong but safety in numbers is safety.