
Enchanted Sex System

When Stiles dies from being shot he expects to be dead however he discovers that he isn't and not only that but that he must be the villain, amass a harem, and take over the wizarding world in order to remain alive. Of course he has some help from a system, and other things which he'll collect on the way. Warnings inside

Priscilla_Davis_1230 · Movies
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15 Chs

2: Harry Potter [ R18]

Silas went out of his way to locate Privet Drive #4 which wasn't too challenging. Silas had gotten used to the way his house felt and knew just what he'd do to win before anybody noticed the game had begun. Silas strolled up to Privet Drive where he spotted Harry in the yard. Silas had taken the liberties to get the witch across the way out for the week.

" Silas Blackwell?" Harry questioned as a small blush took over his face.

Harry had a small thing for Ravenclaw, and Silas was the reason for it. While many didn't notice the man Harry always ended up focusing in on him.

" What gave it away, why are you doing whatever this is?" Harry walked over to Silas and fiddled nervously with his fingers.

" I'm gardening my aunt asked me to do so."

" I heard from a little birdie that this place is no good, is that true?" Harry looked up shocked nobody ever came to check on him it was always just letters.

" I can't leave Dumbledore said that the wards protect me and so I should stay here." Silas shook his head.

" Dumbledore doesn't have to know, and if I could find your little hideaway so easily why couldn't they these so called wards are non-existent." Harry felt like he was breaking major rules but the Slytherin side of him came to life as he looked back at the place.

" My relatives are inside, I can't leave until they aren't looking and they have all of my supplies." Silas smirked.

" This my dear friend, is an enchanted lullaby box it'll grant you a days worth of temporary sway."

" I can't that's like an unforgivable."

" No, this doesn't make them loose their free will it simply makes them more open to things such as leaving you alone or going out to eat." Harry looked at the box temptation filling him.

" Only if you help me." Silas stepped through the wards and nodded. Harry ran inside and Silas followed. Silas activated the box. Harry looked at his relatives who looked at him angrily.

" You'll go out to eat and enjoy a family day without Harry." Silas instructed and they hummed as Vernon nodded.

" You better be finished when we get back boy." Vernon snapped and they all left. Harry looked at Silas who looked at him.

" Thank you."

" Your welcome, and I don't know if you know but you're looking at me as though you could kiss me." Harry looked away quickly and hurried to collect his things. Silas observed the place in real life.

Silas carried himself with pride and poise something that allured Harry who was red as soon as he entered the small cupboard underneath the stairs.

" We have to break into the main room." Harry said and Silas looked around grabbing a skillet off the stove top. Harry was confused as Silas found the door and began to beat the lock. As it fell to the ground with a clink Silas dramatically opened the door for Harry.

" Let's get your things that are rightfully yours, darling~" Silas teased Harry purposely to sway Harry's feelings for Silas in the right direction. Harry turned to Silas.

" Why are you really here?"

" Well sweetheart, I want you safe and sound, but I also want you all to myself which is so wrong considering I'd expect you to share me with others, I won't force you to love me or go with me, however you should remember that by living with me you're my boy, and that one day I'll take all of you." Silas shared. Harry looked around at his things and then at Silas. Harry dropped his things and Silas assumed the boy wanted to stay. Harry hugged Silas. Silas hugged the boy back.

" I don't care, I don't care about your sexual and romantic intentions, I just thought you might be a death eater."

"Oh I see, well that's out of the bag." Silas said playing it cool. Harry tugged at Silas' shirt.

" If it's my body you want me arou-"

" I want you to formally submit to me, in bed, and out of it." Harry looked at Silas.

" Submit? As in you want me to be under your care forever."

" Oh sweet little Harry, submit means that you belong to me, that I can pay your bills, provide, and pleasure you. That you value my opinion and decision above all else." Harry thought about it.

" I- I have to think about that, but I still want to leave this place." Silas kissed Harry's head and smirked.

" As you wish." Silas said and picked up Harry's things. Harry grabbed the rest and his owl and they left on the nights bus. Hogwarts in the world had acceptance at 13 so once out you could drink and everything all over the world. Harry was 16 soon to be 17 while Silas was now 17.

Silas and Harry arrived and Harry marveled at the house.

" Wow your home is so big but what do you parents think abou-"

" My parents aren't around I live alone." Harry made note not to bring up Silas' parents.

" Sorry, but this place is huge."

" Yes, let's find you a room, then we can take you shopping, after that we'll set up your room, and get some food in you." Silas said and rubbed Harry's stomach from behind the boy. Harry was a bit overwhelmed by the affection but happily so.

Silas took his time with Harry who didn't like something about every room until they arrived at the room across from Silas' Harry loved it so.

" I like this one."

" Anything you don't like?"

" No it's perfect." Harry squeaked.

" Then it's yours baby, do you want to go shopping or eat first?" Silas questioned. Harry smiled guiltily.

" Shopping sounds nice." Silas nodded.

" Let's start with your wardrobe, hand me downs won't do at all." Harry smiled fondly at the words as Silas dragged him along and they ended up using the flo.

Harry and Silas had gotten many, many things while out and about. Silas insisted on buying Harry anything he touched or looked at and Harry insisted of prices. Harry spotted his friend Ron and ran towards him only to be heartbroken.

" Harry's such a selfish git, honestly Hermione thinks he has good reason but what does she know, he knows we struggle and still every year lets us continue struggling."

" Shut up Ron, Harry is amazing." Fred defended

" No Ron is right, Harry is worthless and pathetic." Ginny stated. Harry turned to Silas who extend his arm. Harry grabbed the arm and leaned into Silas.

" I want to leave."

" Paris or home?"

" Can we go to Gringotts I want your help checking my finances." Silas let his arm fall around Harry's waist.

" Sure thing love, are you hungry yet?"

" Yeah, I'm starving." Silas pulled them into a food place and analyzed the menu. Silas placed an order and Harry fiddled with his fingers.

" Look at me darling, he's an asshole you're not a selfish git, do you hear me?" Silas was pan and Harry was hot but his heart also went out to him. Silas was a dark champion yes, and he wanted sex yes, but he deeply cared for Harry's mental health knowing what's to come.

" Yeah, I just- I just thought that Ron and Ginny were real friends." Silas smoothed over Harry's shirt. The food came and they left to Gringotts. Harry was shaky he didn't know why but his body just couldn't stop shaking. Silas had no clue as to what was about to transpire as Silas and Harry made it to the front. The goblin instantly sent them to the family room which Harry had no clue existed. From there it was chaos Harry and Silas had so much work they had to settle that by the end of it Harry was asleep and Silas was drained. Silas picked Harry up and carried everything home. Silas used magic to fix Harry's room and then he laid Harry down and went to take his shower when he heard an announcement.

[ You had sex with Mother Magic aka Hazel 6 times choose you abilities (6) |

Scale: Baby< Starter< Average< Accelerated < Exceptional< Mastery

- Magical Manipulation ( mastery)

- Hypnosis & Mind Manipulation ( mastery)

- Potion making ( mastery)

- Enchanted Creature Care ( Exceptional)

- Runes & Arithmetic Knowledge ( Exceptional)

- Sexual magic spells and potions ( Mastery)

- Plant magic ( Mastery)

- Rituals, Summonings, & Bindings ( Mastery)

- Magical sight ( Mastery)

- Status Seer ( Exceptional)

- Magical Theory ( Mastery) ]

Silas observed the list closely and decided on Status Seer, Magical Theory, Hypnosis & Mind Manipulation, Magical Manipulation, Magical Sight, and Sexual magic spells and potions. Silas was glad to have such an easy system. He then stripped of his clothes and started towards the bathroom when Harry came in shyly. Harry turned red looking at Silas' naked body which was lean and gorgeously sculpted. Harry gulped and blushed.

" What did you need darling~" Silas teased.

" I wanted to ask that for the night I sleep in here."

" So as to get used to my magic?" Silas questioned and Harry nodded.

" Yeah."

" I don't mind, I have to take a shower though." Harry blushed and looked away. " Would you like to join~" Silas teased. Harry said nothing but shyly smiled. Silas took Harry's hand gently and dragged the boy to the bathroom. Harry was shocked at the grand bathroom but as Silas helped him take his clothes off and Silas stepped into the tub Harry felt almost compelled to follow. Silas began to wash his body and so did Harry.

" May I touch you?" Harry asked awkwardly. Silas moved behind Harry washing the boy up.

" Do as you please." Harry felt himself harden under the touch of his long time crush. Harry went grab himself. " But no masturbating." Harry looked at Silas.

" I can do anything but not masturbation?"

" Correct." Harry turned around and began to scrub Silas' chest. Harry then got on his knees he'd had a blowjob a few times at parties but never had he given one.

" Is this okay?" Harry questioned as he licked Silas' full length.

" Only if you want me to bend you over and take you right in this shower." Harry has thought about it all day and he made eye contact with Silas as he licked up his shaft. Silas groaned and pulled Harry up. Silas would make good on his word.

Harry waited fearful as Silas was thick, and long, and veiny in a good way. Harry had wanked himself plenty of times so he knew that his average 6 inches were less then Silas' length.

" How long are you?"

" 9 inches." Silas said as he penetrated Harry who yelped at the sudden penetration. Silas waited and Harry tried to get comfortable but his body craved more then a taste. Silas noticing this moved forward. Harry's eyes bulged as Silas pushed and plowed open his virgin anal slowly, until Silas was balls deep in Harry.

" You can move now." Silas reached forward and turned them so that Harry could watch himself get fucked. Harry found it a major turn on to match as he got fucked so good he didn't think about a woman and doubted a woman could ever do what Silas was doing to him.

Harry could feel himself loosing it.

" Cum as many times as you like, but know if I make you cum five times in a row without cumming myself your body will want to submit to me more and more." Harry could barely care as he was fucked senseless and he came streams and streams of cum. His moans heard by no one but Silas who grinned at the easy way out. Harry had cum twice and he wasn't close to cumming as he just needed to control himself plowing slowly and the least pleasurably to him but so pleasurable to Harry. Harry came once again. Harry had next to cool down as he was constantly simulated and every five or so minutes he was cumming again. Harry had cum 8 times and Silas could tell it was wearing Harry out so he sped up and Harry's moans increased as Silas pounded into Harry ruthlessly.

Harry was left filled with, covered in, tasting, and smelling like cum but his body relaxed into Silas like never before and Harry couldn't think at all. Silas fed Harry a lot of food and made him drink a bunch of water after properly cleaning him off. Harry snuggled up in Silas' bed afterwards exhausted from the extreme pleasure he'd experienced. Silas woke Harry up for more food and water and then some health potions.

" Why now, why get with me now?"

" You're a champion of light and I darkness however the world is imbalanced so I had to defeat you in order to win, however I couldn't kill you so I decided to bring you over to the dark as one of my lovers." Silas shared honestly.

" Well I enjoyed it, like a lot a lot, it was amazing, I'm tired now, goodnight."

" Goodnight Harry." Silas said and sighed relaxing.

[ You had sex with Harry Potter 20 times, he has no current abilities except the claimed title| Do you wish to use these points for upgrading yourself, him, or your lair?

yes, I would like to power push Harry's skill to be able to be one of those on my harem thrones.

Your request has been processed and has been accepted.]