
Enchanted Harmony

Mike wakes up on a Saturday morning with a pounding headache and a sense of confusion. As he struggles to piece together the events of the previous day, he remembers receiving a mysterious call from someone known as the Maestro and encountering a peculiar locket with a glowing stone. As fragments of memories flood back, Mike realizes that something unusual and potentially significant happened involving the locket and a strange blue cloud. Determined to uncover the truth and alleviate his headache, Mike sets out on a journey filled with intrigue and discovery.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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41 Chs


By the end of the episode, mike could feel his orgasm slowly building. melody muted the tv and kneeled in front of the sofa before him, gazing seductively into his eyes as she increased the speed of her pumps. her satin robe still hung by her shoulders, just obscuring her tits. as mike stared at them, she got an excellent idea, saying in a sultry voice, "wanna fuck them?" stunned by her naughty suggestion, mike could only nod affirmative in response.

smiling, she shifted to rise higher on her knees, pulling the bow on her robe and letting it fall to the floor. she picked up the bottle of lube from the coffee table, squirting some on her hands, and began to sensually rub it all over her magnificent d-cup tits. clearly enjoying herself, she couldn't help but tweak her nipples as she lubed herself up, gasping in response to her own hands. mike thought for half a second that she might have overdone that reaction for his benefit, but then thought better of it; he knew from firsthand experience just how sensitive her nipples were.

with her breasts now properly lubricated, melody pulled him forward in his seat so that he was slouched a bit with his ass right at the edge of the sofa cushion. as she leaned over his groin, mike suddenly remembered her blowjob from yesterday.

"headband please." her black headband reappeared, ensuring a perfect view of what was to come.

moving her impressive globes over his cock, she began to gently rub it, first with her right, then her left. gradually increasing the speed of her alterations, she was soon practically motor-boating his cock with her tits. eventually slowing her pace to a stop as he groaned in pleasure, she then positioned her breasts directly above his engorged member. squeezing them together at the front, she formed a tiny tunnel in her cleavage that she could fuck him with. she pressed her bust down on the head of his cock, slowly taking him in between her glorious tits. seconds later, she finally saw his tip reemerge from her valley. holding him there momentarily, she gave his tip a quick kiss, giggling as she did so, before deciding it was time to take him to the moon.

melody now began to slide his cock in and out of her cleavage at a moderate pace, her gaze never leaving his. mike was completely speechless; he didn't know what was sexier, the , watching the , or the incredible look of lust and desire on her face. her emerald eyes locked onto his, her speed now increased to a manic pace, causing his eyes to bulge in surprise and pleasure. he didn't dare look away; he didn't want to miss a single moment of this mind-blowing experience. as her breathing became deeper and huskier, that wicked grin continuing to grow bigger on her face, mike knew he didn't have long.

"if you keep… that… up… you'll have one… helluva mess… to clean up," mike managed to gasp.

grinning mischievously, she simply replied, "that's the idea."

keeping her tempo high, melody finally pulled her trump card. squeezing her breasts as tightly as she could, causing mike's eyes to bulge at this newfound tightness, she craned her head down and playfully licked the tip of his cock each time it neared her. the combined visual and physical sensations were the final straw, causing mike to edge past the point of no return. melody, sensing his end was near, increased the ferocity of her bobbing to a point no normal human could ever hope to sustain. staring straight into his eyes, her own full of insatiable lust, she was unable to even utter a word of prodding before he began his eruption.

mike grunted and moaned in ecstasy, never averting his gaze from the incredible sight in front of him. as he spewed stream after stream of thick, juicy cum, coating melody's neck and gorgeous tits, his passion was only prolonged by her unbridled joy in causing his orgasm. finally coming down from his climax, he managed a few breathless words.

"that's one hell of a grin. which do you love more? making me cum, or being covered in it? i honestly can't tell."

giggling lustfully, she wiped a dribble of his cum with her middle finger and licked it clean, her eyes never leaving his. "both," she replied in a husky voice.

"well, i wish for a warm, moist towel so i can clean up my exceedingly dirty girlfriend. and once i'm done cleaning her up, it's her turn…"

tingle. flash.

instantly, mike was holding a green towel, steamed to the perfect heat and wetness. leaning forward on the sofa, he began wiping the valley of her cleavage, working straight up between them and up to her chin. sweeping the front half of her neck gently, he then sensually began to clean her shoulders, kissing her forehead in the process. making his way down to her tits, he cleaned each individually, paying extra attention to her nipples. as she squirmed in anticipation, he cupped her face in his hands. after a long kiss, he vigorously wrapped his arms around her torso, pulling her up and onto the sofa in one swift motion.

as melody laughed in surprise and excitement from his sudden exercise of control, mike knelt on the floor in front of the sofa, just as she had done a few moments before. running his hands along her inner thighs, her eyes rolled back into her head, savoring the moment. he pulled her forward on the sofa, her pussy now resting at the edge of the cushion, and reached his hands up to fondle her breasts and nipples. beginning to kiss her legs, slowly working his way toward her damp pussy, he could clearly see just how horny jacking him off had made her. tracing her outer lips with the tip of his tongue, he took in her delicious juices, bringing a smile to his face.

"you taste… so good," he whispered.

"r-really?" came her surprised reply.

"mmm hmm. it's like honey, or sweet nectar. it's intoxicating. addictive." he lightly licked her between his descriptions.

"well, then… quit talking and make me cum already…"

resuming his worship of her womanhood, he began lapping her steadily from the base of her lips all the way up to her clit. although she squirmed and buckled, melody did an admirable job of helping him stay on target, gently placing her hands on the back of his head and running her fingers through his hair. he smiled to himself, exceedingly proud of how much he was making her lose control, and slipped his middle finger into her dripping slit. hearing her breathing become increasingly heavy at the dual sensations occurring, he then began flicking her clit with his tongue. unfortunately, he soon realized that his tongue's stamina wouldn't allow him to keep this up much longer. until, of course, he remembered that he was eating a sex genie.

i wish any time i pleasure you that my tongue would never run out of strength.

tingle. flash.

now reinvigorated, mike's tongue licked and flicked with drive and purpose, only to be satisfied when melody became a moaning puddle of orgasms. sensing from her vocalizations that she was extremely close, he now began sucking her swollen clit and curling his finger to massage her g-spot. melody's eyes bulged, her hands latching onto the backrest of the sofa in a death grip. with a few final tickles of her g-spot, he blew an intense stream of cool air on her clit, sending her over the edge, screaming and moaning all the while. her sweet juices gushed from her womanhood, soaking the sofa and sticking to mike's stubble. she twisted and writhed, her words little more than incoherent babbling. after a solid five minutes, she finally came down to earth, seemingly in a trance-like state. mike moved to sit next to her on the sofa, kissing her cheek.

"i love you," he whispered. the words themselves were enough to send her spontaneously rocking into another mini orgasm.

"holy shit! i came again, and you didn't even touch me!"

chuckling, he started, "well, that's because i lo-"

"stop right there mister!" she interjected. "i believe you, i love hearing it, but i can't really handle another one of those right now."

relenting, he sat back on the sofa as melody rested her head on his shoulder. sighing contentedly, she asked, "so, what's going on for tomorrow?"

going through things in his head, mike responded, "well, no formal rehearsals this week with my audition this friday and… oh crap."

"what's wrong?"

mike sighed, mad at himself. "i have the biggest audition of my life in less than a week and i haven't practiced in two days. in professional music, that's like a supermodel going to get a big mac. you just don't do it."

running her fingers through his tousled hair, melody purred, "oh, my poor, poor master. if only he could realize the full potential of his genie's powers in order to balance his work and sex lives."

"wait, are you saying you can help fix this? i thought your powers were only for sexual purposes?"

nodding, she replied, "they are."

now thoroughly confused, mike asked, "then what wish could you possibly grant that would help in my music career and the upcoming audition?"

"i'm sorry, but i'm not allowed to tell you that. you have to answer that question for yourself," she said, frowning slightly.

"ok, let me think…"

mike pondered the situation for several minutes in silence, running through different scenarios in his head. half a can of coke later, he had arrived at a wish he thought might fit the bill perfectly.

"alright, i think i have a wish. let me know if any of this won't work," mike said. "i wish for all of my musical abilities, range, stamina, tone, technicality, musicianship, and so on, would increase every time we have sex, experience a fantasy, or are intimate in any way, shape, or form. the increase would be no less than the benefits i would receive from a day of practicing, and potentially more, depending on the intensity of the sex. all of that within your parameters?"

with a sly look on her face, she responded, "yep, i can do that."

his eyes lit up, showing his extreme pride in having found the solution she had alluded to. "oh, one other question. is it possible to retroactively apply the effects of this wish to all of our encounters since i first met you?"

melody closed her eyes for a minute, appearing to search for an answer in the deep recesses of her mind. "…just barely," she finally replied.

tingle. flash.

mike now felt the tingling envelope his lips, lungs, and mind. he felt great, as if he could perform a three-hour recital right then and there, no warm-up required.

this is gonna come in real handy…

"i take it you're pleased?" melody asked, running her hands over his chest.

taking her hands in his, he kissed her knuckles sweetly, replying, "very."

she giggled. "well then, it seems we have quite a bit of 'practicing' to do this week, don't we?"

"yes, yes we do," he said, laughing. "truthfully, though, there's still no substitute for real honest hard work. especially when it comes to career defining auditions."

"i suppose that's true. and step one is a restful night's sleep, correct?"

seeing that it was now nearing 10:00, and his plan had always been to get up early on monday for a long day of preparation, he agreed. the pair strolled back to their bedroom, turning off all the lights in the apartment as they passed them. melody hung her black robe up on a door hook, and mike discarded his boxer briefs in the laundry hamper. crawling into their king-sized bed, melody snuggled up into her favorite position in the world: curled up in the crook of mike's arm, her head on his chest.

"want me to wake you up again tomorrow?" she asked sweetly.

"sure," he said, smiling. "6:30 work for you?"

"sounds wonderful," she said with a contented sigh.

mike reached over to switch off the lights, curling up with the girl of his dreams in his arms. minutes later, they were sound asleep.