
Enchanted Harmony

Mike wakes up on a Saturday morning with a pounding headache and a sense of confusion. As he struggles to piece together the events of the previous day, he remembers receiving a mysterious call from someone known as the Maestro and encountering a peculiar locket with a glowing stone. As fragments of memories flood back, Mike realizes that something unusual and potentially significant happened involving the locket and a strange blue cloud. Determined to uncover the truth and alleviate his headache, Mike sets out on a journey filled with intrigue and discovery.

Fredrick_Udele · Fantasy
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41 Chs


As the tension between them reached a fever pitch, Kana could hold herself back no longer. Throwing her arms around his neck, she kissed him passionately, wanting nothing more than to love him. Though he was hesitant at first, he slowly began reciprocating her feelings, running his hand down to the small of her back. She swung her leg over to straddle him on the edge of the bed, cupping his face in her hands as she continued their lip lock.

"Burke… I just want you to know. This has nothing to do with the fact that you're a Jedi. I'm not some swooning girl wanting to throw herself at you because of what you did for me today. I… I want you. I've wanted you since the first day we met." She began to slowly unbutton her dark blue work shirt, "And, if you'll have me, I know you'd make me the happiest girl in the universe."

As she finished unbuttoning herself, she left the shirt loosely hanging, barely covering her tantalizing breasts. Resuming her kissing, she slowly ran her hands over his face and down to his strong neck. She started grinding her hips gently, being careful not to rub against the cut on his lower thigh, and could feel his enormous cock growing hard against her.

Breaking their kiss momentarily to come up for air, Burke gasped, "I… want you to. God, I've wanted you for so long. I know I'm not supposed to, that it's not the Jedi way, but, back in the canyon, you were honestly the reason I survived. During that duel with Vader, I kept thinking of you, knowing what would happen to you if I failed." He moved his hands under her unbuttoned shirt, gently caressing the small of her back. "You were my strength. Through you, I was able to do things I never thought possible. If that's not the true nature of the Force, I don't know what is."

He drew her close, kissing her softly. Running his hands slowly up her back, he began to slip her shirt off of her. She shrugged her shoulders as he did so, allowing the blue garment to fall to the floor of the ship. Her bare breasts now fully exposed to him, she took his hand and gently placed it on her left tit. As he began to fondle her, his left hand moved up to run through her deep red hair, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her. She threw her head back, allowing him to begin kissing her neck, slowly working his way down to her chest.

Arriving at her bust, he briefly lingered in the valley of her breasts before taking her left nipple in his mouth. He heard her gasp lustfully, which only spurred him on further, working her right nipple with his fingers as he lightly sucked. After several minutes of this teasing, she could handle no more, deciding she had to have all of him. Gently sliding off his lap, she leaned over him and lightly kissed his lips before slipping her hands underneath his dusty brown shirt. Pulling it up and over his head, she exposed his strong chest, hardened from his years of training in secret.

With a seductive giggle, she playfully pushed him onto his back and worked his belt before gently pulling off the remainder of his loose black pants. Now with the man she desired fully naked before her, she figured she should return the favor. Smiling with a seductive look in her eye, she kicked off her boots and undid her belt before turning her back to him. Looking over her shoulder, she could see how much he was enjoying the show. Unzipping her black pants, she bent over as she slid them off of her, shaking her ass ever so slightly as they fell.

Fully exposed to him now, she approached the foot of the small single bed, slowly and lustfully crawling towards him. She hovered over him, teasing him momentarily before he quickly drew her face to him, his kiss showing more passion and desire than he had displayed thus far. Moaning in delight, she was pleasantly surprised to feel his hand traveling down her flat stomach, soon arriving at her pussy lips. As he gently stimulated her clit, soaking her in her own juices, she kept up their kiss and began to slowly jerk is cock.

She was surprised at first by its size, easily seven inches long and quite wide. Breaking the kiss momentarily, she couldn't resist purring, "Now THAT'S my kind of lightsaber…"

Slapping her behind playfully, he replied sarcastically, "Very creative. How long have you been waiting to use that one?"

Giggling, she replied, "The lightsaber pun? Since you told me you were a Jedi. Playing with it? Since I first laid eyes on you…"

Resuming their kiss, she straddled him carefully, making sure to keep her weight off of his legs. As she braced her hands against his strong chest, he carefully guided her by the waist to align with his cock. Slowly lowering her dripping pussy onto him, she moaned in satisfaction. A huge smile spread across her face as she started gently bouncing along his shaft, her incredible tits swinging with her pace. She opened her eyes and gazed lustfully into his.

"You have no idea how many times I've imagined this," she whispered breathlessly. "Some nights, when I couldn't sleep," she said, beginning to erotically play with her own nipples, "I couldn't help but pleasure myself… to you. Hearing your voice, imagining your hands all over me… some nights that was the only thing that got me through."

Leaning forward, her impressive breasts dangling in front of his face, she continued, "But the real thing is way fucking better than that…"

Unable to control himself any longer, he grabbed hold of her tiny waist, holding her above him, and began to pound his cock into her at breakneck pace. Her moans of pleasure and ecstasy only spurred him on, refusing to give her even a moment's respite. She needed him, as he needed her. As the pair began to climax together, he finally pumped his last, expelling his seed into her womb with a guttural moan…

Looking up at her, panting and sweating, Melody just smiled back at Mike. "Welcome back," she purred.

Greeting him with a sweet kiss, she marveled at the fantasy the pair had just experienced. "You are a very fun and creative master," she said, poking his nose playfully as she lay on top of him.

"What? Because of my nerd fantasies?" Mike asked sarcastically, slowly returning to his own consciousness.

Giggling, Melody replied, "Of course. Many who experience fantasies can't think of anything outside of the sexual part of things. You, on the other hand, had a compelling story, interesting characters, not to mention some hella good action."

Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes lightly. "So, were we actually having sex, since our characters were in the fantasy?"

"No. Essentially, we were both asleep on the sofa the whole time. Now that the fantasy has ended, though, we can still feel all of the effects of the fantasy, as you can likely tell. For example…" She leaned close to his ear, whispering, "I can still feel your throbbing cock in my pussy."

Squirming at the mental image, Mike asked, "Is that why my boxer briefs are soaked in my own cum?"

"Well, I don't know… let's check and see." Slipping his gym shorts down to his knees, she revealed his flaccid cock, still coated in his stickiness. She began to lick his shaft like a lollipop, moaning in delight. "Mmm… this is definitely your cum. It tastes wonderful."

Seeing as it was nearing 8:00, Mike decided a little evening relaxation was in order. "I wish for my sexual energy to be fully recharged so I can enjoy a nice, long, relaxing handjob from my gorgeous girlfriend."

Tingle. Flash.

Instantly, Mike's cock rose to full attention. Melody pulled him to sit up straight on the sofa, handing him the TV remote. "Why don't we see what's on while I grant your wish?"

"Sounds good to me." Mike flipped through the channels before settling on channel playing Seinfeld reruns. As they watched, he couldn't help but be impressed with Melody, who was able to take in the sheer ridiculousness of the show while never missing a beat of her masterful handjob. She slowly stroked him, occasionally paying attention to his bulging head, before traveling lower. He could tell she was making sure he enjoyed the ride for as long as possible, and he definitely wasn't complaining.

Mike did have a hard time paying attention to the show on TV, as Melody's black satin robe had begun to slip down to her shoulders, revealing the tops of her incredible breasts. They jiggled and bounced slightly as she reached over to the table, pumping some lube from a bottle on the coffee table. That wasn't there a minute ago, was it? She smiled wickedly; rubbing her hands together and coating his cock with the cool, slick gel.

"Ooh, that feels nice…" Mike murmured.

Resuming her leisurely stroking, she giggled. "Thought you might like it."

A moment later, the next episode of Seinfeld started up. Hilariously, it was one of the most famous episodes ever, "The Contest." As the characters made their bet to see who could go the longest without jacking off, Melody couldn't help but laugh. "You know, you'd win that contest hands down."

Cocking his eyebrow, Mike replied, "What do you call what you're doing right now?"

"Partner masturbation, silly. The bet is on self gratification." She giggled, continuing, "Honestly, you may never need to jack yourself off again."

"Well I am still a guy, but with such a beautiful sex genie as my girlfriend, I suppose anything's possible," he mused.