
Empire of Stars

Atlas DiNova is the emperor of the Twelve Planet Galaxy . He is calm, cool collected and probably one of the best emperors who have ascended since the DiNovas began to rule this empire. It's a new day in the empire and he is considering marriage- a chance at love- his empire is needing serious attention, some bug-like creatures are depleting energy resources and someone wants him dead. He will try his best to keep his empire and his family legacy alive. He will try to counter the forces that try to tear the empire apart and he will fail. Betrayal knocks on his door and he will be displaced from his position. Still, he will mature even more, meet new allies and foes alike, he will learn even more about his empire than he had ever known- removed from it all earlier- and he will find love-really find love. Follow Atlas on his journey as he reclaims his birthright. Follow this intergalactic adventure through the incredible creatures and aliens; the sentient beings of this galaxy; the politics and power play. Follow this stunning leader who will do all it takes to protect his empire.

Blue_Ink_5321 · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Dione DiCaro

Planet Trenox

AH population 

Trenox was extensively blessed with natural and human resources. It was easy to see how well the Governor, Onyx DiCaro, had managed the bountiful resources of the planet. 

 As The Carina made its way to the capital, Atlas had to admit that Trenox was not all hype after all. The planet lived up to its name. 

Atlas had been required to visit the planet itself  as the leader did not live in a space station or a starship close to their planet. Dione DiCaro, Princess of Trenox, lived on this planet with her father, the ruler of Trenox.

It was two days after Atlas's meeting with the Lenaiads and he had been neck deep in court responsibilities. He had only managed to squeeze this visit into his schedule. But he had a good feeling about this meeting. He did not have any misgivings whatsoever. He had seen his potential bride; he had confirmed that their planet was doing well economically. He just had to talk to her. 

The ship landed in the premises of  a huge complex of metal and glass and Atlas realized that they had arrived at the Governor's lodge. 

Well-tended lawns of beautiful flowers, displaying different colors spread out in controlled niches. Atlas and his aide exited the ship and met the Governor and some guards who were waiting to welcome him and his companion, at the foot of the airstair.

The leader of Trenox, Onyx DiCaro, smiled broadly at Atlas as he approached. Onyx was a middle-aged man with gray streaking a side of his brown hair. He greeted Atlas warmly. He had been pre-informed on why Atlas had made this visit so he had prepared well in advance. You never made official visits unannounced. Atlas had informed the DiCaros that he would be arriving Trenox today. 

Onyx began to tell Atlas those preparations he had made for Atlas's arrival. He had ordered a feast for the emperor; ordered entertainment for the evening; prepared gifts for his return. 

Atlas ordinarily would have just preferred getting it all over with, without all the unnecessary arrangements. But no, it was not courtly behavior to turn down such grand arrangements made in your honor.

Atlas smiled. "Of course, dear governor," he said. But he did not stray far from business. "And the princess? I assume she's well."

"Oh, Dione is fine," Onyx said. "She has said she will see you at dinner."

Atlas blinked, feeling annoyed somewhat. What was stopping her from seeing him now? He wondered, his ego  bruised by such audacious behavior on Dione's part. 

After all, he was emperor and she, just a princess of a planet. He was the one who set this meeting up in the first place. It was just courtesy on his part deciding to make this trip. He should call the shots.

"What about this afternoon?" Atlas asked, just barely concealing his annoyance. "We still have a few hours before the first sun sets in Trenox."

"You know how she is," Onyx said. "When she has her mood swings, she hardly wants to see anyone. One of her maids upset her this afternoon. I suppose it's better that way- that she locks herself up in her room. We won't want her taking that bad energy around."

Atlas passed a glance at Thyron- a question in his gaze: why had Thyron not informed him that the princess of Trenox was a potential mad woman? He still kept the smile on his face though. He shook his head.

"Fine," he said. "Fine. I'll see her after dinner. We were planning to leave tomorrow anyways."

Onyx nodded. "Yes. Please stay and enjoy the beauty of Trenox. I'm sure you will find the entertainment we have planned for tonight to your liking."

Atlas nodded as they kept moving down a paved path as they made their way to the main entrance of the majestic structure that was the Governor's lodge.

"You just have to get settled in and refreshed," Onyx said. "We have two of our best guestrooms for you and your aide. Rest assured, we are at your service."

What a humble man, Atlas thought then. He was quite jovial too. Atlas knew then that if this meeting went well and the man ended up being his father-in-law, they would have zero problems. 

Or maybe it was just because he was Emperor.  As Emperor, it was difficult for one to tell those who genuinely loved him for who he was from those who were just sycophantic. 

It was one of the downsides to his life.  He was too used to it by now though.

As the second sun set on Trenox and Atlas reached the dining hall for dinner, the misgivings he had had about Dione DiCaro evaporated. 

She was seated at table, looking gorgeous as he'd seen her the other day in holographic form. She had curves in all the right places. Her brown hair was brushed out and wavy behind her. It gleamed. She wore a dress of light silk and light, silver stones hung on the bust. Atlas moved his eyes from her breasts to her face, but only because he knew she would notice if he stared at her body too long. 

She looked calm and noble. She sat next to her grinning father as Atlas entered the dining hall with his aide and adviser.

"Atlas DiNova!" Onyx chanted as he approached. "Come. I thought I might have to send people to remind you about your feast."

"You respect me too much governor," Atlas said. "I am humbled by all the special preparations made in my honor.  If I had known earlier, I might have stopped you. I did not come here on a courtesy visit as you know. You needn't have stressed yourself."

Dione's dark brown eyes moved to Atlas's then and he caught her gaze on him. They locked gaze for a moment.

"Such a humble man," Onyx said approvingly. "Sit. Sit. Dinner is on its way. Let us watch the dance. I brought two of the most skilled dancing troupes on the planet."

Of course.

Atlas sat with his aide, he taking the seat next to the princess and his aide taking the seat after him.  They sat in that horizontal line, the table before them, without opposite chairs. The better for them to see the performance with.

Atlas watched Dione from his seat. She did not talk or do much, mostly sitting on her seat, a bored  look on her face. The dance troupes were entertaining of course, so it was not them. Atlas suspected it was because she was too used to the same or similar performances. Who knows, her father probably did this anytime she had suitors.