
Empire Evolution

Please leave a review and a comment. I always enjoy constructive criticism, or just someone saying they enjoy reading my book. It says a Male lead but it's actually a Female lead, For some reason, a Female lead has fewer tags that you can add to your story than a Male lead. The artwork is from WolfGodess15 on DeviantArt Scarlet Rose was one of the most famous serial killers ever and had a kill count in the hundreds. One of the only reasons the authorities didn't put as much effort into finding her is that she only went after criminals and warlords. "Ahh, there is nothing quite like ripping out a heart while someone is still alive. Oh... god damn it! One of these days I'll be able to say that out loud and the person will still be alive for a little bit." I sighed in frustration as a large pool of blood surrounded me. 'God I'm bored, killing people is all well and good but after a while...huuh whatever.' I was just about to order a thermal cleaning at my position when a strange light surrounded me. 'Well, this is new, was the last thought that went through my head as I passed out.

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 The Eternal Flame Coven

(POV Hannah Grey 2 hours ago)

"Huuuuuh, System is there seriously no other way?" I asked, trembling in pain.

|Notice: Reminder: The only way for a human to survive the Desert of the Sun is to ingest either the blood of at least SS-ranked vampire immune to sunlight or find a Sun Crystal and place that in your territory. As I have stated before there is a 3% chance of finding an SSS-Ranked Sun Crystal in the time you have left before you pass away. However, there is an 84% chance of finding vampire blood on the trading platform.|

Before I could tell the System to go fuck itself, Argo, one of the Anubi I had summoned, walked in holding something that looked like whiskey.

"Your Majesty, how are you feeling?" He asked with concern.

"Not great Argo, I only have 30 ish minutes left before I die, If that happens, you are in charge of everyone else, understand?" I said in a rugged voice, but with a far-off look in my eyes as I remembered how I got in this fucked up situation.

|Notice: If you die do you want to transfer summoning rights to Argo?|


'Yes,' I mentally sighed out in despair.

(8 hours ago)

'What the hell is going on right now, one moment I'm enjoying some delicious soju, the next I'm in a void of darkness and being told I have to create an Empire?!'

|Notice: Reminder: Please think or say status to review your stats as well as access the store, map, and forum. Please look at your status before we move on to the treasure chests.|


|Name: Hannah Grey|

|Race: Human|

|Job: None|

|Level: 1 Exp 0/100|

|HP 200/200 MP 200/200|

|Rank D|

|Str 9|

|Agi 12|

|Con 13|

|Int 14|

|Chr 18|

|Luck 2|

|Will 7|

|Attribute Points 0|

|Notice: 13 is the average for all human attributes.|


|Notice: Please pick five chests.|

(7 Hours later)

|Notice: Please confirm that you have chosen 1 Astral Silver Treasure Chest, 1 Celestial Brew Treasure Chest, 1 White Gold Treasure Chest, 1 Frozen Ember Treasure Chest, and 1 Royal Red Treasure Chest.|

|Notice: Please confirm that these are the chests that you would like to bring with you.|


"Yes, sure."

In the blink of an eye, it went from shadow-like darkness to agonizingly bright light.

"AHHH my fucking eyes!!" I cried out as I dropped to my knees and covered my head, trying to block the bright light reflecting everywhere around me.

Slowly blinking the spots out of my eyes I stood up and looked around, there was nothing but sand and a few cacti sprouting near me.

|Notice: Do you claim this territory as your own?|


"Hey, System. Can I be teleported somewhere else, this place doesn't look very hospitable?"

|Notice: No|

'Well, then why the fuck did you ask me if I can claim this fucking territory like I had a fucking choice?!' I silently raged in my head.

|Notice: Do you claim this territory as your own?|


"Well then, yes, I guess I do claim this as my territory," I growled out.

|Notice: You have claimed the Desert of the Sun as your territory.|

|Notice: Your territory has a 50-square-mile radius and is surrounded by an impenetrable shield for one week. Inside your territory are the yellow sands of the sun, this environment is inhospitable to almost every living organism. There is a small subterranean river 300 yards below you. A large circular black salt flat known as Sunfire Salt, is 400 yards to the West of your position, Sunfire Salt is an S-ranked ingredient that can only be used by a Master Chef. There is also a Fire Opal cavern 500 yards to the East of your position. Fire Opals are primarily used for jewelry or heat lamps as they provide a steady supply of heat that they have absorbed over the years.|

|Notice: Congratulations! You are the first human to ever traverse the inner regions of the Desert of the Sun. You will be rewarded with five levels.|

"Wait, hold on, back up. Did you say that this desert is inhospitable to all life?!"

|Notice: That is correct, you will die within 15 hours of living here.|


|Notice: There may be a chance for survival in your treasure chests.|

"Well then fucking open them!"

|Notice: Opening 1 Astral Silver Chest: You have received two new subject barracks: They will be randomly generated. You have received 10 levels, you have received 600 Attribute Points.|

|Notice: Congratulations! You are the 3rd person to reach level 15. You are awarded 200 Attribute Points.|

|Notice: Opening 1 Celestial Brew Treasure Chest: You have received 50 barrels of various alcohol ranked B-SS, notice you have received the Skill Alcohol Poison Immunity Level MAX, you have received 1 Distillery Blueprint, you have received the Life Skill Disteller: Information: You can create any alcohol with the barest of ingredients.|

|Notice: Opening 1 White Gold Treasure Chest: You have received 200,000 Timber Pieces, 200,000 Stone Pieces, and 200,000 Metal Pieces|

|Notice: Opening 1 Frozen Ember Treasure Chest: You have received Frostfire Magic Level MAX|

|Notice: Opening 1 Royal Red Treasure Chest: You have received 1 Palace Blueprint, 1 Church Blueprint, 1 Warehouse Blueprint, and 6 tons of C-S rank food.|

"Holy Shit." I breathed out as I looked at all the windows opening in front of me. Shaking my head slightly I looked over the skills I received.

|Notice: Skills: Frostfire Magic Level MAX: Information: 'Frostfire Magic' is a misnomer in the context of its name, as it contradicts its nature as one of the most intensely hot flames in existence. Its properties are not connected to water-based or iced-based magic; instead, its sole resemblance to "frost" lies in its appearance when unleashed, despite its searing heat. Skill Alcohol Poison Immunity Level MAX: Information: You will not be poisoned by excessive amounts of alcohol no matter how much you drink, however, you can still get drunk. Life Skill Distiller: Information: You can create any alcohol with the barest of ingredients.|

"FUCK! System, tell me if I missed anything, but I don't see anything here that can save me from dying within 15 hours."

|Notice: That is correct.|

"System, you didn't explain to me why I would die in 15 hours, maybe I can find a workaround."

|Notice: In 14 hours and 34 minutes the sun will set, at that time the temperature of the desert goes from 130° Fahrenheit to -227° Fahrenheit, you will flash freeze within 30 minutes once the sun sets.|

"WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL!! System, what if I build my palace, could I stay warm in there?" I rushed out, glancing at the sun above me.

|Notice: There is a slim chance of survival if that is done, it is recommended that you place your barracks' and get your subjects.|

"Ok, let's do that then." Looking around, I decided that right here was as good as any other for my palace.

|Notice: It will cost 7,000 metal pieces, 8,000 stone pieces, 6,000 timber pieces, and 2 tons of sand. Since you are surrounded by sand the Castle will just take what it needs from the surroundings. The Castle will build itself to the natural landscape of its surroundings.|

|Notice: You have a warehouse blueprint in your inventory, do you want the castle to integrate that as well?|


"Yes please!"

|Notice: Reconfiguring castle, castle reconfigured Please clear the area.|

Shrugging in response I walked a few yards away from where I had selected. Immediately afterward a large pyramid started to form and rise out of the ground. After the pyramid was completed, small courtyards started pushing themselves out of the sand as well.

|Notice: Castle has been built, please return and claim your new Kingdom|

Gazing up at the giant pyramid I had to admit that it looked cool as hell, as I went to open the giant ass door to my castle I was once again interrupted by the system.

|Notice: You have to name your Kingdom before you can enter your castle.|

"How about the Desert Sun Kingdom," I said sarcastically.

|Notice: The Desert Sun Kingdom has taken its place at the beginning of your journey to a successful Empire. You may now enter your castle: Once you claim your castle with your blood you will be able to teleport anywhere within its walls.|

"Sigh, and how do I do that?"

|Notice: Drop three drops of blood onto the door or any surface of the castle: Side note, For future reference if you want to claim an abandoned castle or a castle that you have taken over, you will have to claim it by blood as well.|

|Notice: The Desert Sun Kingdom has bonded with you, you are now its Queen. You may now teleport wherever you'd like.|

"Cool, I guess, take me to where I can summon my subje…" A bright flash of light later and I was in a large courtyard that seemed to be behind the entrance to my castle/pyramid.

|Notice: Would you like to place your barracks' here?|


"Yes," I stated in a slightly worried tone, once again glancing up at the sun which looked like it was moving even faster toward the edge of the desert.

Three buildings started to grow out of the ground and walls, it was fascinating to watch.

|Notice: Would you like to summon your subjects now?|


"Again, yes."

|Notice: Summoning subjects now.|

|Notice: Congratulations! The race known as Coyote Beast men and women have been chosen|

|Warning…Warning…Warning. The Coyote Beast Men and Women would not survive the Hellish temperature of your territory, evolving race to match habitat, race found.|

|Congratulations! The race known as Anubis Men and Women has been chosen. The Anubis race is a race that excels in both magic and martial arts, residing in arid regions. They possess the unique skill to extract moisture from the air, allowing them to endure without drinking water, and they are adaptable to extreme temperatures.|

|Basic Anubi status|

|Rank B-SS|

|Str 40-10,000+|

|Agi 22-10,000+|

|Con 28-10,000+|

|Int 40-10,000+|

|Chr 30-10,000+|

|Luck 10-??|

|Will 1-??|

|Notice: Would you like to summon 100 Anubi?|


"No, not yet, I want to know what the other two are first."

|Notice: Summoning Subjects now.|

|Congratulations! The Race is known as Sunflare Hyenas. Sunflare Hyenas, akin to their desert habitat, are formidable creatures adept in hunting and teamwork. With striking fiery coats, they possess the intelligence to comprehend and obey orders, enhancing their pack's strategic prowess. Their survival skills in the Desert of the Sun include efficient water conservation and cunning hunting tactics.|

|Basic Sunflare Hyena status|

|Rank C-S|

|Str 40-10,000+|

|Agi 22-10,000+|

|Con 40-10,000+|

|Int 15-1000+|

|Chr 10-100+|

|Luck 5-??|

|Will 1-??|

|Notice: Would you like to summon 100 Sunflare Hyenas?|


"Again, not yet, summon the last one." I sighed. 'At least I'll have some pack animals for hunting and such if I survive this.'

|Notice: Summoning Subjects now.|

|Congratulations! The race known as the Sunfire Rabbit has been selected. Sunfire Rabbits are nocturnal creatures that inhabit the Desert of the Sun. With fur that absorbs sunlight during the day and releases a warm glow at night, they are well-adapted to the extreme temperature fluctuations of the desert. The Sunfire Rabbit is a delicacy in almost every region of the world as they are very hard to capture and tame. You are lucky in that they will listen to any order you give, even if that order is to let you kill it.|

|Basic Sunfire Rabbit status|

|Rank C-A|

|Str 12-100+|

|Agi 22-1000+|

|Con 15-200+|

|Int 5-100|

|Chr 5-100|

|Luck 5-??|

|Will 1-??|

|Notice: Would you like to summon 100 Sunfire Rabbits?|


"Huh…well at least I'll have food. Or at least my subjects will. Summon 200 Anubis men and women, as well as 50 Sunflare Hyenas and 100 Sunfire Rabbits."

|Notice: You will have to spend an extra 1,000 MP for an additional 100 Anubis men and women.|

"Do it."

|Notice: -1,000 MP|

|Notice: Summoning Now.|

Immediately the dull buildings that stood before me started to change and glow. The one in front of me turned into a building made of black and gold bricks which had a dog-like head as an inscription on the door. The building to my right started to shrink and turn into what I could only assume was a farm-like thing for the Sunfire rabbits. To my left, the building actually disappeared and was replaced with a cave-like thing made of solidified sand and some type of grass.

After the buildings stopped glowing and changing there was another bright flash and standing before me were 200 Anubis men and women. I looked to my right and in the rabbit cages were what looked like normal rabbits except they were dark red and had wisps of flame around them. To my left 50 Hyenas exited the cave-like structure, they were huge, as big as a horse huge. They also exuded a heat that I could feel from 20 feet away.

'Damn, hey System, if I slept with the Sunflare Hyenas, would I survive the night?'

|Notice: No, the outside temperature of the Sunflare Hyena fluctuates around 140-187° Fareheit, you would burn up in less than an hour. The same is true for the Sunfire Rabbits, although they exude a heat around 120-165° Fareheit.|

'Fuck!' I thought silently before glancing back at the Anubis men and women standing before me.

'I guess I should introduce myself.'

"Hello everyone, my name is Hannah Grey, I am the Queen of this Kingdom. If you could send up your designated leader so we can chat that would be lovely."

A few minutes later a large Anubian man and petite Anubian woman were kneeling before me.

"Greetings you majesty, I am Argo, leader of my tribe and this is my wife Lena. How can we serve you?" His deep bass voice rumbled out.

"Argo, follow me, we have much to discuss and not a lot of time. Lena have some of our people start exploring the area with the Sunflare Hyenas." I said while turning around and heading back into the castle, glancing at the sun as I did so.

"Yes, Your Majesty." He said walking after me.

(Present Time)

"Your Majesty, I brought some Firestorm Whiskey that Aria found in the warehouse, it is said that once you drink this whiskey, you will exude the heat of a firestorm. Please, drink this so that you might survive the night." Argo said with a slight whine in his voice.

|Notice: Firestorm Whiskey does exactly as he said and you might survive the night, however, Firestorm Whiskey is an SS-ranked whiskey while you are only rank-D. It would kill you before you finished a glass.|

The hopeful glint in my eyes disappeared as I read that.

"Unfortunately Argo, I'm only D-rank and that would kill me, but thank you for trying. There is only one thing left that I can do that might work, if it doesn't you will be King by tomorrow, now please, stand outside my room and guard me tonight." I said with a sad smile.

Argo just looked aghast at the whiskey he had brought to help me before sadly bowing his head and leaving the room.

Once again I opened up the forum and stared dissapointedly at the name I had chosen when I was seriously wasted after talking with Argo for a few hours. @Insane Women

"Huuuuh, well let's see if anyone is able to save me."

[@ Insane Woman: Helloo world, do you want to drink your sorrows away? Pretend that you haven't been sent to another planet, then I have what you are looking for. Introducing… alcohol: I have barrels and barrels of various beverages ranging from Basilisk Blood: similar to our very own whiskey. Or how about something stronger? Like Ice Giant Vodka, rumored to knock a giant out with only a sip. But wait, there's more! For a limited time only, I'm willing to sell half of everything I own if you can get me a drop of blood from an SS-ranked vampire that is immune to sunlight.]

I chuckled lightly at what I posted, I may as well go out having fun right?

(23 Minutes Later)

I blinked my eyes open rapidly, not believing the blinking notification I was seeing in front of me.

[@ Frozen Rose: @ Insane Woman, I have a drop of Vampire blood that is immune to sunlight. What will you be giving me in exchange for it?]

[@ Insane Woman: @ Frozen Rose: I'll give you a church blueprint, 1 Fire Opal Cavern, 100 of my subjects which are Anubis men and women, 100,000 metal, 56,000 timber, 20,000 stone, and 5 tons of food ranging from C-S rank. Deal?]

A few minutes later there was no response and I thought I had lost my last lifeline.

[@ Frozen Rose: @ Insane Woman: Deal]

|Notice: 1 church blueprint, 1 Fire Opal Cavern, 100 of your subjects, 100,000 metal, 56,000 timber, 20,000 stone, and 5 tons of food ranging from C-S rank have been sent to @ Frozen Rose|

Immediately after that a small glass vile appeared in my hand as my mouth hung open in surprise.

"System, I am seeing this right, this is a drop of vampire blood that is immune to sunlight?"

|Notice: A single drop of SS-ranked blood from an Eternal Flame Vampire Fox.|

"What the fuck is an Eternal Flame Vampire Fox?!" I exclaimed, still in shock at actually getting what I needed to survive.

|Notice: Information can be given later, please drink the blood, you have 6 minutes before nightfall.|

"Of…of course." Hesitantly I tilted the small vile into my mouth and let the drop spill onto my tongue.

|Notice: WARNING WARNING WARNING: The blood that you have ingested was laced with the venom of the vampire, are you willing to become a part of the Eternal Flame Coven?|

"That sly bitch, System what happens if I say no?"

|Notice: You will not be granted the adaptability that you would need to survive the night.|

All I could do was smirk with helplessness.

"Yes, I agree to become a part of the Eternal Flame Coven."