
Empire Evolution

Please leave a review and a comment. I always enjoy constructive criticism, or just someone saying they enjoy reading my book. It says a Male lead but it's actually a Female lead, For some reason, a Female lead has fewer tags that you can add to your story than a Male lead. The artwork is from WolfGodess15 on DeviantArt Scarlet Rose was one of the most famous serial killers ever and had a kill count in the hundreds. One of the only reasons the authorities didn't put as much effort into finding her is that she only went after criminals and warlords. "Ahh, there is nothing quite like ripping out a heart while someone is still alive. Oh... god damn it! One of these days I'll be able to say that out loud and the person will still be alive for a little bit." I sighed in frustration as a large pool of blood surrounded me. 'God I'm bored, killing people is all well and good but after a while...huuh whatever.' I was just about to order a thermal cleaning at my position when a strange light surrounded me. 'Well, this is new, was the last thought that went through my head as I passed out.

RavenGoddess · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 6 Dragon Meat and Insane Woman

Just as I was about to enter the farm again, a thought entered my skull.

'Sun of a bitch, I forgot to find someone to trade this stupid lumberjack blueprint with. Fuck!'

Before I could continue that line of thought a beautiful black-furred wolf woman ran up to me.

"My Queen, did you send the new livestock here? A few minutes ago there was a bright flash of light and then one of the empty paddocks was filled with 15 giant dragon women." She rushed out seemingly a little out of breath.

"Yes, that was my doing, how are they settling in?" I asked, not even trying to explain how they got there.

"Well, they seemed surprised at first, but after we gave them some food, they settled right in. Um, I don't know much about dragon women, what are they useful for, besides the obvious?" The wolf woman asked with questioning eyes.

'That is an excellent question.' I thought to myself.

'System, what can dragon women be used for, and what are their basic stats?'

|Basic Dragon Women status|

|Rank B-SSS|

|Str 20-10,000+|

|Agi 22-10,000+|

|Con 28-10,000+|

|Int 6-1,000+|

|Chr 20-10,000+|

|Luck 1-??|

|Will 1-??|

|Notice: Dragon women shed their scales every day. The scales can be used for armor, weapons, jewelry, and more. Dragon women can also reproduce with any race and give birth within two weeks. Another use for them is their succulent meat. Dragon women's meat is some of the highest quality meat in the world if cooked properly.|

'I…I don't know how to respond to that. Sure, I've killed lots of people in the past, but I never ate them.' I thought with a little disgust at the thought of eating someone. Before I could continue that line of thought the System cut me off.

|Notice: You are a vampire now and will have to get used to eating, or at the very least drinking from other sentient beings to survive.|

'Huuuh, that is a very good point.' I thought back to the System, while also inspecting the wolf woman in front of me to learn her name.

|Name: Ember Frostpelt|

|Race: Frozen Tundra Wolf|

|Job: Farmhand|

|Level 19|

"Ms. Frostpelt, the dragon women shed their scales once a day so we can use those to make armor, weapons, and other things. They also can reproduce with any race and give birth in just two weeks, and their meat is regarded as some of the highest quality in the world if cooked properly." I said without breaking eye contact, as well as trying to accept a new hard truth. In that I was in another world, and that in this world, some sentient beings were nothing more than livestock.

Ember quivered in front of me when she heard my explanation.

"My Queen, do you happen to know of anyone that has the cooking skills required to cook such high-quality meat?" She asked while simultaneously slurping up some drool that had fallen from her fangs.

In my heart, I quivered at her blatant acceptance of eating another sentient being. I also mentally called up my life skills with an internal sigh.

|Life Skills: Master Chef Level MAX, Musician Level Max, Master Enchanter Level MAX|

'Well, I'll have to get used to this new world eventually, it may as well be now.'

"Ms. Frostpelt, have two of the largest dragon women brought to the kitchens as well as 30 phoenix eggs. I will be cooking for everyone tonight." I said with a small grin/grimace. Her eyes widened in shock at my declaration.

"Of…of course your majesty. I'll get that done at once." She said as she scampered towards one of the paddocks. Nodding my head, I just teleported to the kitchen to get ready for this new and strange tribulation I was about to experience.

As I was waiting for my…ingredients to show up, I was once again looking at the trading forum. If I was going to cook a meal I needed to have some seasoning. I'm 80% sure someone will be selling something similar to salt or other seasonings like that. Sure enough, after a few minutes of looking, I found what I was looking for.

[@ Lava Lord: Hey all, if you are interested in cooking I have something called Black Salt that is rank-SS. It says that only someone with a chef's skill can use it. I'm willing to trade for some water, I have 30 five lbs bags that I'm willing to trade.]

[@ Blue Spirit: If anyone is willing to trade metal or wood, I have a metric shit ton of Chimera Claw rank-S. Despite what is sounds like, it is actually a spice that is supposedly used in meat dishes.]

[@ Insane Woman: Helloo world, do you want to drink your sorrows away? Pretend that you haven't been sent to another planet, then I have what you are looking for. Introducing… alcohol: I have barrels and barrels of various beverages ranging from Basilisk Blood: similar to our very own whiskey. Or how about something stronger? Like Ice Giant Vodka, rumored to knock a giant out with only a sip. But wait, there's more! For a limited time only, I'm willing to sell half of everything I own if you can get me a drop of blood from an SS-ranked vampire that is immune to sunlight.]

'Wow…this last woman is truly insane who would want to give away so much stuff for a single drop of blood?' I thought to myself after I had traded for the Black Salt and Chimera Claw.

'Hey System, would there be any harm in giving away a drop of my blood? Like, they couldn't use it to control me or anything right?'

|Notice: At this time there is no way for any King, Queen, Emperor, or Empress to have the ability to control you with your blood.|

'If the insane woman ingested my blood would she become a part of my coven?'

|Notice: If you add your venom to the blood and she ingests it she will become a part of your coven.|

'Huh…will she be able to tell if my venom has been added to the drop of blood?'

|Notice: No, if she uses the skill inspect it will just read as (A single drop of blood from an SS-ranked Vampire who is immune to sunlight.)|

'Well…that's convenient. I might be able to take over an entire Kingdom without lifting a finger. I'll make the trade now.'

[@ Frozen Rose: @ Insane Woman, I have a drop of Vampire blood that is immune to sunlight. What will you be giving me in exchange for it?]

[@ Insane Woman: @ Frozen Rose: I'll give you a church blueprint, 1 Fire Opal Cavern, 100 of my subjects which are Anubis men and women, 100,000 metal, 56,000 timber, 20,000 stone, and 5 tons of food ranging from C-S rank. Deal?]

I could only stare at that prompt for a few seconds in wonder. Why in the bejesus would someone give away so much for a single drop of blood? Putting that thought out of my head for a second, I looked around the kitchen for a small container and found a tiny glass jar. It would work for what I had in mind.

Concentrating on my mouth, I extended my fangs and let a minuscule drop of my venom into the container. Biting my finger I let a single drop of blood fall in as well before mixing them together. Raising the glass bottle to eye level I inspected the drop of blood.

|Notice: A single drop of SS-ranked blood from an Eternal Flame Vampire Fox.|

'I hope she is okay with the blood having a little extra to it.'

[@ Frozen Rose: @ Insane Woman, Deal.]

|Notice: Insane Woman has given you a church blueprint, 1 Fire Opal Cavern, 100 of her subjects which are Anubis men and women, 100,000 metal, 56,000 timber, 20,000 stone, and 5 tons of food ranging from C-S rank.|

As soon as that window appeared, the vile in my hand disappeared.