
Emperor Style(Working on it)

Fate a powerful concept of life. as proved by myths and history. The more you try to hinder it, the stronger it becomes. Born from two beings that should have never Met. He became an abomination, something that should have never existed. My first book, so please if I make any grammatical errors, or write anything that you feel is wrong, bear with me. and help me in pointing out my mistake. Discord link: https://discord.gg/G8v2ghWU5g

Hamzat_11 · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Anger and Hatred

The dragons as a whole could be seen as a monster race, but many choose to call them God beasts due to their uniqueness.

Just like the angels and demons, the dragons had sub-clans and main clans.

Because dragons are hard to breed, having many purebloods became impossible.

As a way to solve their problem and gain more strength and influence in the world of styles, they decided to create subspecies of themselves by breeding with other races and other artificial things.

The dragon clan has four royal clans, and one imperial clan, the four royal clans are ruled by four dragon Kings, while the imperial clan is ruled by a dragon emperor who is said to have transcended the realm of low-rankers.

Back to the current battle, bloom firing being one of the four dragon kings had a very strong and big pride coupled with arrogance.

So Mary trying to push him to the side like a kid irritated him a lot.

Roaring to the sky he charged at Mary using his tail to hit her with such force that she was repelled in the opposite direction.

Without wasting time he breathed in a huge amount of air almost drawing all the elements of air Into the surrounding space; with a wide roar, he released everything he drew in through his mouth.

With intense heat, an elemental blast came out from his mouth, covering the huge distance between bloom and mary in just microseconds.

Mary was a little bit caught off guard since she was not paying much attention to the battle and only trying to get past bloom her reaction to the attack was slow.

Placing her sword in front of her, and creating a barrier around herself with her light element, she prepared to stop the fast-approaching fire.

*Boom* When the attack collided with her elemental shield it could only last for a second, with the attack passing through her shield so easily, she knew she had made a mistake.

Without wasting any time she used her wings to cover her whole body, leaving her sword suspended in front of her to reduce the attack power.

*Creak* colliding with her sword the attack reduced a lot before touching her feathers.

After the attack died down she was seen with her wings a little burnt and a crack on her sword, her armor looked destroyed, and with her eyes turning completely white she charged toward bloom.

Only for him to vanish right before her eyes, leaving a sentence that would forever hunt her dreams.

"My only aim was to help them escape, now that my work is down I will be leaving, *Buhahahahaha*," said bloom while laughing.

Bloom is not a foolish man, though like every dragon he has pride and arrogance, he still knows that he'll not gain anything from prolonging this battle, especially now that she is pissed.

"You bastard," yelled Mary, with a fit of obvious anger on her face "I will get you for this," she said disappearing from her position.

Lilith POV monolith

I don't know why he did this, why he always has to hurt my feelings.

I've done everything in my power to win his heart, from knowing all about him even the type of underwear he likes.

"No need to feel hurt dear," said my dad, he always acts like he doesn't care about me in public, but behind the scenes, he tries to do anything and everything to make me happy.

"I know Dad, maybe am not good enough," I said, that was the only plausible reason he would refuse me.

I didn't see hate in his eyes, and sometimes it even looks like he was pitying me, which I hated a lot.

"Don't say that, he's not worth you, I will make sure to teach him a lesson," he said as if making a declaration.

"No, you won't do anything like that" I said in a warning tone.

His current Expression tells me that he understands what I mean, and without wasting time I walked out of the room.

authors POV

After Lilith left, the whole room became quiet the further her footsteps got from the room.

Damien could only look at his daughter retreating with a solemn look on his face.

"Azion" Damien called out, looking at the wall like he could see through it.

"yes my lord," said a shadowy figure, bowing down to Damien.

"I hope you know what to do? " Damien asked, not bothering to look at the shadowy individual.

"Yes my lord" answered the shadowy figure, this time sounding a little happy and emotional.

Without saying another word, Damien threw an object similar to a token at the shadowy figure.

Nodding the shadow disappeared the way it appeared.

'I won't let you hurt my sweetheart's feelings over and over again' with his eyes turning intensively red he thought 'it all ends now'.