
Emperor Reborn (In DxD)

"And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. It had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns, and on each head a blasphemous name. The beast I saw resembled a leopard but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority. One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast. People worshiped the dragon because he had given authority to the beast, and they also worshiped the beast and asked, 'Who is like the beast? Who can wage war against it?" Revelation 13:1-4 (Since I like yanderes, there will be a lot of yanderes in the story.)

LonelyTiger · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Akeno's Perspective

Ah....I can't wait for the next day to start since I will able to meet with Pat. I prepared a bento for him because I noticed he didn't bring lunch with him and how amazed he would be if he received home-cooked food from me! And if I feed him! 

Okay! I must sleep now.

What should I cook for him?.... I'll cook a little of everything.

"Hmm~Hmm~I hope he likes fish" I was preparing the bento box wearing an apron over my school uniform while humming.

I packed my bag and headed for school. Since my classroom was different than Patrick's, I couldn't be with him during class time. That fact saddened me greatly. I know that I was too easy with him. I don't understand why. I mean he has a great appearance, He wasn't racist towards me even after knowing about the situation in the supernatural world, He excludes a certain aura around him that makes me feel as if he and I are destined for each other. Even Rias, Kiba, Gasper, and Koneko didn't be this unfeeling towards me being half-fallen and half-human. But Pat, only Pat made me feel this way

My Mom said that only my destined one would truly accept me for what I am. I guess my destined one has arrived. I am 100% confident in him.

By the time lunch period rolled around, I headed for the class where Pat was at. I didn't see Rias inside the classroom for some reason. Pat saw me coming to him with a big bento box. I knew He was happy but didn't express it outside. I couldn't control myself and I started to feed him. He seemed embarrassed at first but didn't mind that much. After the bento was finished by me and Pat, I decided to be mischievous and tease Patrick with the thing he said to me yesterday.

And what was his reply,

 "I want to leave my mark on you"

 Ohh~ Ara~Ara~You don't understand how dangerous that statement was~ Dear Pat. Seriously, Gosh he knows no shame. I mean how can someone say that to someone else that to in front of other people? I told Pat that he couldn't do that right now and turned away from him in anger. He sat on his seat for a few moments before he left. I was curious about where he was going.

So I followed him. He came closer and closer to the student council president's room. He barged inside it. I was wondering why he was going to Sona's room all of a sudden. Suddenly, Sona dragged Pat out of the room and said something I didn't hear. But what I heard shocked me. Pat called Sona darling. Why? WHY?

I thought I was his special someone but was it someone else? 

I headed back to Pat's classroom not knowing what to do. However, no sooner had I seen him than I dragged him by his hand to the back of the school. I confronted him about where he was going after school. He kept avoiding my accusations and trying to say it was no big deal.

IT IS A BIG DEAL TO ME. He is now telling me, he can do what he wants! I decided to play his logic and said something which seemed to infuriate him.

He grabbed me roughly and bit me on my neck with force. I didn't like that, Pat was being too forceful and rough. It hurts a lot. After he stopped doing that he whispered that I was only his and to not even think about these things.

I was speechless at how shameless he was!

He left me as soon as he said that. I dropped to the ground at the situation. His rough bite left a mark on my neck which was red and visible. I went to the Occult Research Club to rest after all of this. As I entered the club, I found Rias sitting on behind a desk watching anime. She seemed surprised that I was wearing a scarf since I never wear one. Obviously to hide the bite I had to wear one. 

"Why are you wearing a scarf Akeno?" Rias asked puzzled.

"Um...It was a bit windy outside." I replied.

"Hmm, Okay and make a cup of tea for me." Rias went back to watching anime.

I heaved a sigh of relief that she didn't push the matter further. After giving Rias the tea she wanted, I went inside my room and tried to think about what to do.

I just remembered a nursery rhyme from my childhood. It went like this.

-What are little girls made of?

-They are made of sugar, spice and something wonderful.

It is time to show Pat my spice.