
Emperor of Mankind

Wishing to become the Emperor of Mankind, the MC is allowed to consume some Essences which grant him the abilities of the man. As he grows up, he will journey to the Star Wars, DC and/or Marvel universe, in between the terrible Age of Strife, to begin his preparations before he returns to Warhammer 40k and unleashes the might of Humanity on the Universe. This is an AU and some if not quite a few things will be wrong. Don't take this as an offence, but as for me simply not knowing something and making it up as I go. If you have something to add or give me things to implement, please do.

DaoistWDfd8h · Book&Literature
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Warp abilities - Wiki


Space Marines:

The Avenger:

A destructive avatar of roiling flame is summoned that leaves immense destruction in its wake.

Fear of the Darkness:

Sheer terror overcomes the Librarian's foes as their souls are pierced with the horror of death and the truth of their insignificance in an uncaring universe.

Force Dome:

A force field is created around the Librarian and nearby companions, protecting them from harm.

Fury of the Ancients:

A psychic creature of fire charges forward, burning anything or anyone caught in its path.

The Gate of Infinity:

The Librarian is able to create a safe passageway through the Warp, allowing him and his battle-brothers to teleport to any location on the battlefield.

Machine Curse:

The Librarian curses a target vehicle's machine spirit to malfunction and potentially cause itself harm.

Might of Heroes:

The Librarian calls upon the power of the Warp to heighten the speed and strength of himself or another to unimaginable levels.

Might of the Ancients:

The Librarian uses the power of the Warp to increase his strength to unimaginable levels.

Null Zone:

This power removes the mystical defenses of any enemy within range of the Librarian.


The Librarian gains precognitive powers, allowing him to outfight his enemies by seeing their movements before they even act.


The Librarian shoots bolts of lightning from his finger-tips, rending his foes with psychic energy

Storm of the Emperor's Wrath:

Bolts of psychic lighting shoot out from the Librarian's hands, incinerating even the most heavily-armoured foes.

Veil of Time:

The Librarian steps out of phase with time, witnessing myriad potential futures and using that knowledge to alter the course of events to prevent or bring them about.

Vortex of Doom:

A hole is torn between real and warp space, consuming any unlucky foe (or friend) caught in its path.


Blood Angels:

Blood Boil:

The Librarian causes his foe's blood to explosively burst from every pore.


The Blood Lance:

The Librarian summons a gore-splattered lance and launches it at his enemies, skewering man and machine caught in its path.


Fear of the Darkness:

Projecting a wave of sheer terror, the Librarian causes all enemies before him to fall back in fear.


Might of Heroes:

The Librarian enhances his already considerable strength and speed to unimaginable heights.


Increases attacks of an ally.

The Sanguine Sword:

Infused with a sliver of his inner rage, the Librarian's Force Weapon becomes more deadly as it takes on a crimson hue.


Shackle Soul:

Reaching into his enemies' minds, the Librarian crushers their will to fight.


Shield of Sanguinius:

A shimmering golden barrier is erected around the Librarian and his nearby companions, protecting them from harm.



The Librarian shoots bolts of lethal ruby-red lightning from his fingertips that tear apart his enemies.

Transfixing Gaze:

His eyes transformed into blazing pits of despair, the Librarian weakens his enemy's resolve during a fight.

Unleash Rage:

The Librarian unleashes the savagery locked within his battle-brothers' minds to turn them into unstoppable killers.


Wings of Sanguinius:

The Librarian achieves flight thanks to two blood-red wings of psychic energy emerging from his back.


Space Wolves:

Fury of the Wolf Spirits:

The Rune Priest summons the charcoal-black spirits of Freki the Fierce and Geri the Cunning, two of the most exulted Thunderwolves from the netherworld, and sets them upon the enemy, their fangs causing horrific wounds as their howls drive the foe into madness.


Jaws of the World Wolf:

The spirit of the world opens its maw, creating chasms that swallow and destroy all in the Rune Priest's path.


Living Lightning:

Sentient electricity arcs from the sky into the ranks of the enemy, leaving blackened corpses in its wake.


Murderous Hurricane:

Bellowing forth an ancient curse and summoning icy winds, the Rune Priest's foes are consumed by a blizzard, its psychic ice tearing flesh and slowing advance.


Storm Caller:

The Rune Priest calls forth a vortex of ice and winds that crackle with psychic energy, obscuring the Rune Priest and his allies from their enemies.

Tempest's Wrath:

Calling to the wind spirits of a raging storm, the Rune Priest punishes all enemy units and vehicles that fly in the air around him, smashing them into the stony ground below.


The Gate:

Links certain points with small, temporary warp gates through which the user's allies can pass to emerge elsewhere.


Using a word of power, and slamming his gauntlets together, the Rune Priest can shatter stone and liquefy the brains of those nearby.


Dark Angels:

Force Barrier:

Creates a shimmering psychic shield that protects the Librarian from enemy attack.


Creates a torrent of psychic flames that engulfs the enemy.

Mind Worm:

The Librarian hurls a bolt of psychic energy at the enemy's mind, causing a deadly mental seizure.

Weaken Resolve:

Scares enemies and forces them back.


Iron Hands:

Betrayal of Flesh:

Harnessing his hatred for weakness, the Librarian sunders the flesh of his enemies with a blast of psychic power, reducing his enemies to dust. It's ineffective against daemonic and mechanical entities

Deus Ex Ferrum:

The Librarian focuses his mind and links his iron will to the strength of his augmetics, boosting himself and his allies strength and toughness.

Punish the Weak:

The Librarian summons forth a roiling tornado of force around himself, harshly tearing at the flesh of anyone not strong enough to stand against its assault.


Raven Guard:

Corax's Ingenuity:

The Librarian plunges his mind into the Warp, harnessing its power. He is infused with power, embodying the pure ideals of Corax, and emanating his power to those around him.

Curse of the Raven:

The Librarian curses an opponent, condemning him to death at the hands of the Emperor's champions. Warp energies eat at the target's mind, and reveal weaknesses in his defences that the Battle-Brothers can exploit.

The Unkindness of Deliverance:

The Librarian manifests his psychic power as an unkindness of ravens. Black as night, these ferocious birds swarm over his opponents.



Fury of the Salamander:

The Librarian conjures the flame and fury of his home world and the terrible lizards that dwell upon it, and drives it towards his enemies. The roiling flames twist and writhe into the form of an ancient and powerful drake, its malevolent visage inspiring dread.

Heat of the Furnace:

The searing heat of the forge runs through the veins of the Salamanders, and the Librarian can turn that heat outwards, wreathing himself in flame that enemies cannot bear to be near, and which causes flesh to burn and blister at his touch.

Nocturne's Fire:

The volcanic fury of Nocturne is a deep and powerful force, and terrifying when fully unleashed. Salamanders are reluctant to use this power unless absolutely necessary, for it can be difficult to control once unleashed. The area around the Librarian is suddenly engulfed in a raging inferno which few things can withstand.

Vulkan's Anvil:

The Librarian draws upon the unyielding endurance that the Salamanders are legendary for, becoming an anvil against the attacks of his enemies. There is little that can strike a Librarian down when he manifests this power.


White Scars:

Heart of the Khan:

The Stormseer reaches deep into the legacy of Jaghatai Khan, and brings forth the legendary swiftness and ferocity of the White Scars' Primarch.

The Howling Wind:

The Stormseer gathers the powerful winds of the Chogorian steppes, driving them forwards to cast aside the enemy.

Spirits of the Steppes:

The Stormseer calls upon the spirits of the land, air, and the souls of long-dead warriors to bring some fragment of the harsh steppes of Chogoris to the battlefield he walks upon. It is said that so long as these forces of nature fight alongside them, the White Scars will always be victorious.


The Stormseer calls upon the lightning that embodies his Chapter's way of war, and brings it to bear against his enemies.


Imperial Fists:

The Golden Son:

The Librarian is transformed into a radiant figure suffused with the power and nobility of Rogal Dorn. Friends witness a glorious sight not seen since Rogal Dorn himself walked amongst Men, while enemies see the fiery harbinger of their doom.

Into the Crucible:

The Librarian calls upon the spirits of all those Imperial Fists who gave their lives at their Primarch's side during the battle of the Iron Cage. The blows of his enemies are turned aside or healed by the incarnate force of his ancestors.

Noble Praetorian:

Reaching into his soul and his genetic inheritance, the Librarian channels a portion of Dorn's noble spirit, making himself a champion of the weak and a defender of the just.


The Librarian channels the will of Dorn into an attack so terrible that no wall or fortification will be left standing. The ground quakes, the skies darken and the air itself screams as a mighty etheric hammer manifests itself in the Librarian's grip.

Ultimate Sacrifice:

The Librarian channels the selfless spirit of the Imperial Fists into himself, causing fate to deliver blows meant for his fellows to strike him instead.

Wave of Penance:

The Librarian reaches into the ether and draws forth all of the pain suffered by his ancestors in the self-imposed atonement of the pain-glove and a hundred other such rituals. In an instant, ten thousand years of penance is unleashed upon his foes, every iota of pain ever felt by the Chapter turned back upon its foes in an unstoppable blast wave.



Alien Minds:

By reading the moods and surface thoughts of nearby aliens the Epistolary can anticipate their actions and gain insight into their intentions.

Bond of Brotherhood:

The Epistolary focuses his mind upon the links between himself and his fellow Battle-Brothers in the Kill team, inspiring them with scenes of victory and shared peril. Alternatively, the Librarian may also use this power to subtly support the weight of his arguments in council or when influencing other Chapters.


Blood Ravens:

Battle Sight:

Blood Ravens Librarians can cast their mind across a battlefield, world, or even system for hints and clues to the movements and deployments of their enemies that may have gone undetected by more conventional means. A Librarian may use this psychic power in two different ways, choosing its application before he manifests it. The first application of this power is to gain an immediate tactical edge in combat and is most useful when facing immediate battlefield threats, revealing the position of all enemies within range that have hostile intentions toward the Librarian. This does not track the movements of these enemies or their actions, but simply informs the Librarian of their presence, direction, and distance from his current location. The second use of this power is to gain a broad strategic overview of an area and information on how better to complete a mission, or overcome a foe.

Truth Seeker:

Truth Seeker allows a Librarian to find details and clues that he might have otherwise missed, drawing his attention to areas or objects of interest. While this power is active, the Librarian is more aware of minor, often inconsequential details. In addition, if he is unsure of which direction to proceed in an investigation or where to find an object or person he can gain a clue.

Warp Whispers:

The Librarian can listen to the babblings of the Warp and perceive the secrets of its denizens, sifting through the noise and maddening chatter to find grains of truth. It is a practise not without peril, however, and many Librarians dare not even attempt such follies, though those of the Blood Ravens know that true knowledge can never be gained without a degree of danger. When the Librarian activates this power, he learns a number of "secrets" equal to his Psy Rating. These are minor things, fragments of knowledge and nonsense that he must then carefully consider for their worth. He can then use these "secrets" to gain insight into his immediate future. Warp Whispers is not without its dangers and may cause Perils of the Warp.


Red Scorpions:

Bone Breaker:

Description: The Red Scorpions Librarian focuses his might and will into the blows he rains down on his enemies, filling his arm with righteous vigour. Even blows which would otherwise cause no damage send shockwaves through his enemy's body, pulping flesh and breaking bones.

Tormented Flesh:

The Librarian focuses on his foe's flawed physiology and corrupted spirit turning it against them. The enemy's flesh will literally rebel against its owner as it twists, oozes, and bursts, fleeing the taint which saturates it. This power is only effective on foes which either are corrupted, have a mutation or have a daemonic gift. If the Librarian's target fails to use this power they get struck with damage equal to the most pervasive effect on the target.

Word of the Codex Astartes:

The Librarian calls to the common bond between Battle-Brothers as laid down by the Codex Astartes and reminds Space Marines of their sacred duty and powerful heritage. This power infuses nearby Space Marines with new purpose and devotion, boosting their morale and banishing any doubt.


Marines Errant:

Darkness Gate:

Summoning up the potent energies of the Warp, the Librarian folds space between points within the void and brings them closer together for an instant allowing Space Marines to pass between them. Darkness Gate has effects similar to a teleportarium, allowing objects from one point to be transferred to another in a rapid instance via the conduit of the Warp. It only works for a small group of individuals and only across an airless space like the void, but it can be effective for staging hit-and-run attacks. The Librarian picks a point in space which he can observe, such as a distant ship. Provided there are no obstacles or atmosphere between the point he can see and the point he is standing, a momentary gate will open allowing him and his companions to step through. Perils of the Warp can be particularly dangerous when using this power.

Shadows in the Stars:

The Librarian can look out into the inky black of the void and see things mere sensors cannot, reading the ebb and flow of the darkness and the Warp which lies beneath it. The Librarian can perceive any objects in space within range of this power, including celestial phenomena and vessels or ordnance. Even if they fail the Librarian as a general idea of hazards though not their exact location. If this power is used in conjunction with a vessel's bridge crew it will augment their ship's sensors and help them avoid hazards and ordinance.

Void Hammer:

Summoning up a brutal burst of energy, the Librarian smashes objects and batters structures with raw psychic power. Against individuals, this power can knock them down and break their bones, but against inanimate objects, it can rend apart walls and buckle bulkheads. The Librarian picks a point within range and line of sight as the impact point of the Void Hammer. Any individuals within 3m of this point will be hit by the concussive blast. Objects such as walls, supports, and doors are far more badly affected and can be used to punch holes in objects, destroy them or bring down buildings by destroying supports. This ability can also be used effectively against vehicles, damaging them just as it would a bulkhead or blast door.


Flesh Tearers:

Depths of Rage:

Librarians of the Flesh Tearers Chapter are well versed in the use of psychic powers while struggling with the Black Rage and Red Thirst. Many have even developed powers which tap into the rage deep within them and use it to fuel their powers or enhance their abilities. The Librarian can use this power to send himself and it's allies into a frenzy.


Flesh Tearers often live up to their name when engaged in combat, skinning their foes with well-practised blows from their blades and chain weapons. Librarians of the Chapter are no exception and the Flensing power has been developed with such hideous injuries in mind. When the Librarian uses this power he can choose multiple targets to strip their skin and muscle away. Targets slain by Flensing are reduced to a collection of bloody bones and meat and are completely unrecognisable, though their armour and equipment remains intact (if soaked in blood).

Razor Blades:

A Flesh Tearers Librarian, like other Space Marines of his Chapter, understands and appreciates the virtues of a good sharp blade. By focusing his psychic powers the Librarian can make edges keener and steel sharper so that it might more easily bite into flesh and bone.


Grey Knights:

Dark Excommunication:

The Psyker weakens foes by severing their link to their gods, nullifying any daemonic enhancement they may have.


The Psyker focuses the rage within his mind which bolsters his strength further, allowing him to tear apart adamantine plates with even his bare hands.

Might of Titan:

The Psyker draws his strength from legends past, increasing the might of himself and others.


The Psyker is able to talk to the Grey Knights subconsciousness, enhancing the speed of their attacks.


Chanting words of binding, the psyker creates an area of psychic pressure around him and his allies that hinders the foes assault.

The Shrouding:

The Psyker clouds the minds of his foes by creating a ghostly shadow only they can see, causing their aim to sway true.


Bolts of lightning shoots from his hand heading towards the unlucky foe, electrifying them with a volley of lethal psychic energy.

The Summoning:

The psyker can lessen the distance from one place to another by creating a bridge through the warp.

Vortex of Doom:

A hole is torn between real and warp space, consuming any unlucky foe (or friend) caught in its path.

Warp Rift:

The Psyker rips the edges of the warp and the material plane, sending those in his path to eternal damnation.

Astral Aim:

The squad is able gaze upon their foe through many obstacles, mysteriously guiding their shots to the chosen target.

Purgation Squad

Cleansing Flamer:

The Squad can send forth the burning hatred in their souls to consume the foe.

Purifier Squad


The Rhino activates its psycho-reactive armour plating, reducing the effects of incoming attacks.

Dreadnought, Land Raider, Razorback, Rhino, Stormraven Gunship

Heroic Sacrifice:

When fallen in battle, the brotherhood-champion can reanimate his broken body to enact his vengeance upon his slayer.

Brotherhood Champion, Crowe


The squad can concentrate their power, causing a ball of white-hot flame to incinerate their foes.

Paladin Squad

Psychic Barrage:

Combining their might into one powerful attack, the Sanctioned Psykers can penetrate even the thickest plasteel.

Sanctioned Psyker

Psychic Communion:

The commander is able to contact the minds of those under his command, guiding them onto the battlefield when needed most.

Grand Master, Brother Captain


The Techmarine can look into the warp signature of machinery, seeing clearly which rites to perform that will heal the machine spirit.


Sanctified Flame:

Draigo unleashes his psychic might onto any within his path, reducing foes to cinders and sending daemons to the warp.

Kaldor Draigo

Warp Quake:

The squad can bend the space of the immaterial and material plane, causing locater beacons, teleporters and the like to malfunction.

Interceptor Squad, Strike Squad

Zone of Banishment:

Stern can concentrate his psychic might, sending foes (and friends) not strong enough to repel the attack into the warp.



Chaos Undivided:


Bolts made of raw chaos energy are launched by the sorcerer against his enemies. Made from the dark energy of the coalesced spite and loathing of the sorcerer.

Gift of Chaos:

A whirling flash of Chaos energy is unleashed by the sorcerer, enveloping his target and rapidly mutating them. Those who survive the distortion of flesh and bone become a Chaos Spawn.

Mass Mutation:

This spell may be cast on any other Chaos Space Marines. A conduit is opened to the warp and daemons temporarily possess the bodies of the Chaos marines, mutating them and giving them increased strength and resilience.


The sorcerer alters the flow of time around himself, allowing for attacks with supernatural precision.

Wind of Chaos:

The sorcerer calls forth the corruption from within his soul, unleashing waves of energy that are subtly different for each sorcerer: a sheet of iridescent warp fire for the followers of Tzeentch, a golden cloud of rapturous agony or a rain of hypnotic light for the worshipers of Slaanesh, a stream of bilious filth for those devoted to Nurgle.





Augment — The Warlock acts as a conduit to extend the range of others' psychic powers.

Conceal — The air around the Warlock forms into a type of fog or darkness, making it difficult to see and accurately differentiate between the enemy and the terrain.

Destructor — A huge blast of raw psychic power is unleashed by the Warlock to engulf her enemy.

Embolden — The Warlock projects images of mighty Eldar victories and heroes into her companions' minds, inspiring them to greater feats of heroism.

Enhance — This power has the effect of increasing the already impressive speed and agility of the targeted Eldar warriors.

Executioner — The Warlock creates a monstrous, glowing psychic projection of herself, which engages the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.



Battle Fate — Examining the strands of time, the Farseer choose the course of action that will best ensure success for a friendly unit.

Crystal Seer — Calling upon the assistance of those Seers within the Infinity Circuit, the Farseer is able to enhance her abilities many-fold.

Doom — The Farseer finds the thread of destiny that leads to the enemies' destruction and guides events toward that end.

Eldritch Storm — This power manifests as a vast psychic storm above the target area, firing bolts of psychic energy at the ground in devastating bursts which can even destroy tanks.

Force of Asuryan — The Farseer increasing the fighting abilities of friendly Eldar.

Fortune — The Farseer looks into the immediate future for an instant, allowing Eldar warriors a chance to dodge incoming fire which would have killed them.

Guide — This power allows the Farseer to reach into the future, determine where the enemy will be, and use this information to guide friendly Eldars' fire to the maximum effect.

Mind War — The Farseer battles the enemy's mind directly, typically resulting in the foe's brain exploding. It can also render them slow and dumb, or nullify any psychic powers they may have attempted.

Phoenix Spirit — Influencing the Wraithbone within a fallen Eldar's Spirit Stone, the Farseer briefly reanimates them.

Spirit Seer — The Farseer influences the Wraithbone cores of all friendly Wraithguards, invigorating them to heroic actions.

Temporal Weave — This power allows the Farseer to target the enemy and remove them from time itself, essentially freezing them in place.





The Weirdboy loses control of the energies raging through him, causing his head and the heads of those around him to explode.

Ere We Go:

In a storm of green light, the Weirdboy and any surrounding Orks are teleported across the battlefield.


Arcs of crackling energy are unleashed which reduces enemies to shriveled husks.

Gork'll get 'em!:

The Wyrdboy's belief in Gork and Mork is so complete that it causes a manifestation of their power. This takes the form of a large green fist or foot descending from above upon the enemy.

Psychic Vomit:

Wyrdboyz discharges energy in the form of a wave of energy erupting from its mouth much like vomiting fire because it can no longer contain the ork energies. The psychogenic energy is vented powerfully in great green streams. The Wyrdboy feels a lot better after this.


The Weirdboy unleashes a terrible battlecry that infuses his comrades with primal power.


The Weirdboy releases his energy in a controlled manner into the surrounding Orks, dramatically increasing their combat abilities.


A beam of incandescent energy is unleashed and strikes the enemy with the force of a thunderbolt.




Species: Tervigon


A psychic power projected by Tervigons to flood the systems of lesser Tyranid creatures under its command, pushing them with unnatural vitality to ignore the most grievous wounds.


A psychic power that channels and amplifies the Synaptic will of the Hive Mind through a Tervigon to bring a greater number of lesser Tyranid organisms under its control.


A psychic power that allows a Tervigon to seize control of the Bio-weapon symbiotes carried by its minions, guiding their fire whilst also relentlessly forcing the minions forward without being distracted by having to aim their weapons.


Species: Broodlord

Hypnotic Gaze:

This power reduces its victim to a helpless wreck by subverting their willpower and smothering their conscious mind.


Species: Hive Tyrants


Some Hive Tyrants can triggers every nerve and pain receptor in a target's body, debilitating the victim by overwhelming their senses with pure agony.

Psychic Scream:

A piercing shriek of psychic energy directed at the minds of the weak-willed, which distracts, scares or even possibly drives insane all but the strongest foes.

Leech Essence:

Some Hive Tyrants can feed upon the life force of their enemies and put it to a better use: regenerating their own flesh.


Species: Hive Tyrants, Zoanthropes

Warp Blast:

A powerful psychic attack used by Zoanthropes, or sometimes Hive Tyrants, focuses the energy of the Hive Mind until it arcs out as a blast of pure Warp energy.

The Horror:

Some Hive Tyrants, and sometimes Zoanthropes, emit a psychic aura that invades the minds of their enemies with a terrifying sentience so alien that all they can do is panic with fear.


Species: Zoeanthrope

Warp Field:

An invisible psychic shield constantly projected around a Zoanthrope to protect itself from enemy attacks. The field is usually invisible except for a slight shimmer when it activates to absorb or deflect incoming fire.

Warp Lance:

A psychic attack consisting of the Hive Mind's energy channelled through a Zoanthrope into a focused stream of Warp energy with enough power to punch through fortress walls or vapourise a battle tank.



Generic Psychic Powers:

Level 1

Aura of Resistance:

A basic version of an aura that protect the psyker from harm, a powerful emanation that provides a physical barrier akin to force-field. Vulnerable to force weapons.

Cure Injury:

A limited healing done to an ally or oneself, only improving small wounds. Provides no relief to serious injuries.


Channel raw psychic energy throughout the psyker's body. Turning them into a powerful hand-to-hand combatant.

Immunity from Poison:

Transmutation of poisons and other harmful chemicals into harmless ones. Provides complete immunity to all poisons, venoms, choking chemicals, halucinogens, fear inducers, debilitations, toxins and viral vectors, web toxin, needler shots, frenzon and other stimulants. The effects last for a day.

Mental Blow:

A direct attack on the mind of the target, dealing damage analogous to missile fire but ignoring armour.

Steal Mind:

Reach towards the mind of an enemy to temporarily disconnect all higher functions of their brain. Victims are left a slavering idiot, aware of the surroundings but unable to act beyond gibber and dribble.


A lesser version of a power to move objects by pure will. Allows to have them stuck mid-hover. Limited to a kilogram of mass. Most hand held equipment, grenades included, fall into that category. Alternatively, operating any machinery with manual interface like buttons or levers is also possible.


Establish a momentary one-way contact between the psyker and a target.


A lesser version of a power to instantaneously relocate oneself, limited by not being able to transport through solid objects.

Wind Blast:

A sudden and powerful disturbance of the atmosphere in a burst of psychic energy, creating an area of effect. The effect may last as long as the psyker is focused, and knocks down all exposed targets.


Level 2

Aura of Protection:

A greater version of the aura of resistance

Ectoplasmic Mist:

Draw psychic energy into a dense grey and cloudy fog. Troops caught in the mist are blinded and move at a half-rate, while those left outside still are unable to see past the area of effect.


Interfere with mechanical, electric, hydraulic or similar mechanisms. Able to jam mechanisms, including doors and weapons, or fudge the controls of vehicles. Conversely, can be used to undo a similarly damaged system.

Mental Bolt:

A greater version of the mental blow.


Form a brief telepathic link with the minds of the psyker's allies, banishing fear and panic of the routing troops. Limited in scope to a one unit of troops.

Sense Presence:

Sense the presence and location of living creatures. Can be used to locate hidden targets.


Utilise raw psychic energy to destroy material objects on touch, such as doors or walls. Does not work on living tissue.


An improved ability to move one or more unsecured objects, less than 10 kilos in total mass. Allows to have them stuck mid-hover and to utilise them as a missile attack.


An improved ability, increasing in distance, and ability to pass through obstacles if they are less than a meter thick.


Level 3

Animate Weapon:

Pass a little of the psyker's power unto an inanimate object, such as a projectile weapon. Those objects can act independently of either the psyker or their operator, floating in the air with no material means of propulsion.

Aura of Recalcitrance:

An even greater version of the aura of resistance.

Cause Confusion:

Open up the target's mind to a barrage of confusing, conflicting and thought-destroying data.

Cause Fear:

Induce fear into a unit of troops, making them apprehensive of every encounter.

Destroy Aura:

Dispel either the aura of resistance or the aura of protection.

Mental Blitz:

An even greater version of the mental blow.


Forms a brief telepathic link with a target unit, instilling a sense of unreasoning fear and panic.

Transfer Aura:

Transfer the existing aura onto another character.


Even more improved ability to move one or more unsecured objects, less than an estimate of a small vehicle in total mass. Allows to have them stopped mid-movement, stuck mid-hover and utilise them as a missile attack.


Establish a two-way contact between the psyker and the target, lasting as long as both parties are willing to maintain it.


Level 4

Aura of Invulnerability:

The most powerful version of the aura of resistance

Change Allegiance:

Tamper with the fundamental personality of the target, changing their motivations and loyalties. With the effect lasting for a day.

Cure Wounds:

Heal an ally or the psyker, limited only with an inability to heal a lethal blow.


Disassemble the physical part of the psyker, turning into a phantasm. Absorbed into the warp, unable to act in or even perceive the material universe. Able to rematerialise anywhere within the universe, alternatively remaining adrift upon the psychic winds as long as he chooses. Ultimately, the ability weakens the psyker.

Mental Blast:

The most powerful version of the mental blow.


Alter the laws of time and space, temporarily creating a stasis field, comparable to the stasis grenade. The effect lasts for a day.

Strength of Mind:

Channel psychic energy into the mind of the psyker, increasing one of his personal characteristic. Unable to apply the effect twice, which will last till the next day.


The most improved ability to move one or more unsecured objects, less than an estimate of a large vehicle in total mass. Allows to have them stopped mid-movement, stuck mid-hover and utilise them as a missile attack.


Establish a two-way contact between the psyker and any or all individuals made aware to them, lasting as long as all parties are willing to maintain it.

Temporal Distort:

Create a disturbance in the fabric of space, causing repetitions and negations of the time stream, allowing to manipulate those to the psyker's advantage. Multiplying the instances of the psyker's side successes, and removing those on the enemy's side.