
The Emperor ... Returns?

Holy Terra

The most sacred homeworld of the Imperium of Man, where the ruler of the galaxy, the emperor of mankind resided. 

He was the master of mankind by the will of all other gods, and all that opposed it were heretics worthy of only being burnt by holy fire.

Atop the golden throne where the inviolable being resided, a shining light radiated from him and the throne. The decaying body which appeared lifeless now shone with a divine radiance that stirred a sense of deep reverence and awe from the custodes that stood around him.

For the past 10,000 years, the Adeptus Custodes have stood eternal vigil over their master's body, a penance that would never end. 

The light in the room got brighter and brighter. 

And then the emperor vanished.


Somewhere else in the galaxy.

"We're out! Praise the Emperor, but I can see the stars again!"

"According to the timestamps … we've been lost in the wrap for over 800 years!"

A single Lunar Class Battleship, the Righteous Protector, emerged from the warp. It's presence barely discernible amidst the endless stars.

"Receiving distress signals … admiral. Cadia has fallen! Admiral!"

As the ship's commodore hastily blurted information line one another after another to the uniformed man that sat on the command seat. The man showed no reaction, but his mind was in a mess.

Just moments ago, he found himself inside a weird ass room that looked like an intricately decorated crypt with golden warriors standing not too far from him. In that instant, he felt memories flooding into him.

Upon absorbing them, Shin realized that he had assumed the identity of a being called the Emperor of Mankind. But before he could even utter a word, he saw the whole area illuminated with light and felt his head hurt.

The next moment, he was in a different body … except … he didn't know who this person was! 

The memories of this body were not being assimilated with him!


But judging from the frantic cries of admiral admiral admiral even an idiot could make out his identity.

It would seem that he had become the emperor of mankind, but was residing now in a different being that was an admiral.

And to add to that, his psychic powers had seemed to increase by innumerable folds. From the memories he inherited, one of the duties of the emperor was to power the Astronomican through the golden throne.

He was easily tapping into it and powering the device that was many many worlds away from him on Holy Terra. When the emperor was alive, he could power the Astronomican off world even without the device at the height of prowess. 

And now that he had been reborn with his psychic powers amplified so many times, this was a piece of cake.

This was a very important duty, without it, the imperium would not be able to survive as an interstellar society. It was also necessary for him to channel his powers through the golden throne to keep the psychic wards in the palace from being breached by beings of the immaterium.

"Well … Thanks R.O.B" he quietly uttered. 

To sum it up, Shin was just an ordinary japanese highschooler who got KO-ED by a delivery truck driver.

He then met some being who called himself a god and told Shin he would be taking over as the a certain being of a world to try and save mankind there. He would give him powers that were multiplied manifold of the original person.

"Did you say something. What should we do?" The commodore asked in a panicked voice. 'Admiral? Admiral! Admiral Spire!!"

"Set course for the nearest friendly system. Let us dock first before proceeding."

"As you command, Lord Admiral." The commodore replied, relieved that the man had finally responded to him, before pressing a few switches and relaying some instructions, followed by a look of shock on his face.

"Is there a problem?" Shin asked.

"The Astronomican's light … Praise the Emperor! Our navigators report that the light from Astronomican's Beacon has increased in its strength minutes ago! That has never happened before since the Horus Heresy! It must be that the Emperor is watching and guiding us!"

Spire smirked to himself and nodded. "Indeed. Praise the Emperor!"

Naturally, no one would know that He was the Emperor. If he revealed even a hint of his golden power, everyone on the ship would be licking his feet and that would be end of his peaceful days.

Not that the setting of the universe was anything but peaceful.

But he didn't want to be a bird in a golden age. He would help the imperium from its shadow if he felt like it …


Holy Terra

Every single being that was permitted knowledge of the Emperor's disappearance had been thrown into the greatest panic mode since the founding of the Imperium. 

The Adeptus Custodes, whose sole mission was to serve and protect the emperor, had gone into a hyper-frenzied mode, utilizing every means to search for their beloved master while trying to keep his disappearance under wraps.

Inside the empty throne room, two beings stood before it.

"Incredible … It must be the work of the Emperor!" a tech priest marveled as he surveyed the resplendent golden throne that was still emitting a radiant light despite the absence of it's master.

The tech priest continued to study the empty throne with deep reverence, conscious even an action that conveyed the slightest miniscule of disrespect would result in his body being skewered in two by a guardian spear.

No one would their question the loyalty and devotion of the Adeptus Custodes towards the Master of Mankind, not less their leader, the Captain-General.

"Praise the Emperor. Speak plainly, What have you found, Archmagos?" Beside him, a warrior clad in golden custodian armor spoke.

"The Emperor is alive and well. And he is powering the golden throne remotely. This is a feat we never knew the Golden Throne was capable of. Even the range of the Astromican's Beam has more than doubled!"

"Are you able to locate where he is?" The captain general hurried asked.

"That is impossible, the golden throne is made of technology from the Dark Ages which has been long lost and impossible to decipher."

"The Emperor's Wisdom is truly immeasurable, and he watches over us! But alas, this must be our punishment." The Captain-Guardian spoke, every word mixed with awe and great sadness, "Because of our failures, he has hidden himself from us. We must prove our faith, perhaps in his mercy he will reveal himself to us once more … or perhaps this is a test for us to seek him …"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

blade555creators' thoughts