
Planet Nasrine

Agrippina Sector, Nasrine

The Planet Nasrine was a well-developed planet when compared to the millions of other planets in the Imperium. For an empire ravaged by war, foul heretics, and vicious xenos, it was a relative paradise.

"Is this what life in the future looks like?"

Spire murmured to himself as he surveyed the surroundings around him through the windows of the high-speed craft.

The emperor of mankind had sought to create a better future for all humanity. But the signs of over-construction, innumerable people in tattered clothes and the foul-colored air only implied otherwise. The more he saw, the more he felt a sense of gloom wash over him.

"Is there something I can assist you with, Admiral Spire?"

Next to Spire in the craft was the Planetary governor, the buttons on his clothes struggling to contain his bulging belly as he bowed himself slightly.

"The conditions of the civilians seem pretty horrible." 

After pausing for a moment, he decided to simply speak his mind as see how the governor would react.

"Hmph. Those civilians should be glad that they were even allowed to set foot on the planet. With the fall of Cadia, refugees have been flooding over from the Cadian System." the governor lifted his chin and spoke dismissively, "Rather than that, I would like to invite you to attend a banquet tomorrow."

"Why the occasion?"

"It's of course to welcome the Savior of the Gothic Sector, Admiral Spire!" The governor's eyes lit up. "There's no one in the imperium who has not heard of your deeds during the Gothic War."

"It's all because of the Emperor's Grace." he casually responded, although it felt a little weird to be praising himself.

He did not inherit the memories of Spire so he did not know much about what happened. 

But that didn't mean he was completely inactive. He had read up on some of the history and had a rough idea of what the previous owner of this body had accomplished.

"All the nobles on Nasrine will be in attendance at the banquet. Have you considered marriage? Marquis Charles's daughter is particularly beautiful and untouched. There have already been requests from several exalted houses to set up dates with you. If any of them catch your eye, please let me know."

The governor gave another bow, and an attendant to his side passed a book over before they departed.

'Ridiculous …'

Spire walked down the well-decorated main path, lined by numerous beautiful female attendants who greeted him.

Cadia had fallen, and there wasn't the slightest concern shown by the planet's governor towards the war effort there or a sense of worry. 


Inside a room with the statue of the God-Emperor, a female figure knelt in front of him piously, her hands clasped together in reverential prayer.

"I come to set straight that which is twisted; to cleanse that which is unclean to judge he who is guilty; to punish he who has sinned. 

"These things I do in the name of the most holy God-Emperor of Mankind, and I do them gladly."

Natalie closed the book in front of her, ensuring the holy scriptures were clipped to her waist as she stood up.

"Lord Inquisitor, the governor is ready to meet you."

A voice came from beyond the golden-decorated doors of the chapel.

She opened the door, greeted by one of the governor's attendants.

"Lead the way."

The attendant nodded, her figure betraying the fear within her.

It was natural after all, as she was serving a member of the Inquisition. They were members who served as the secret police and intelligence agents of the imperium; whose authority was only second to the emperor himself.

As proof of that, some inquisitors had ordered Exterminatus of entire planets over even the slightest heresy discovered …

… in short, taking lives for them was as easy as breathing. 

And Natalie was a believer in that the only way to combat the enemies of the imperium, was to blast, burn, and scour wherever they may be found. 

Heretics deserved death and only that!

Her beautiful face burned with righteous anger at the thought of foul corrupt psykers that ran amok in the emperor's dominion. Death was too easy a punishment for them. 

"Welcome, Lord Inquisitor! W-what brings your honored self to my humble domain?"

The governor bowed, sweat dripping from his brow.

"At ease, governor. The faithful have no cause for fear." Natalie folded her arms. "The inquisition has strong evidence that a Zeta rogue psyker dwells among the elite noble houses here in Nasrine, you are to implement a full-scale lockdown of the upper city. No one is permitted to leave until I give the order."

"B-but this will cause …" the governor swallowed his words. "As you command, Lord Inquisitor. The Emperor Protects."

"The Emperor Protects," Natalie responded, a sense of reverential awe rising again as she once again imagined the towering figure that watched over them all.

She was the Emperor's Hammer, the edge of His Sword, the tip of His Spear, the mail about His Fist, and the flight of His Arrows.

And the heretics shall feel His Wrath!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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