
Emperor Martial God

Above the sky an explosive sound echoed everywhere, a thousand cultivators in the realm of saint emperor realm and myhtical realm attacked a cultivator in the emperor realm, and not only that he was still standing firm. The black-robed figure stood proudly and looked down upon the world even though his condition was already sad, that is the hallmark of a true emperor. The figure in a black robe mocked. "Hahahaha, just so much cultivator in the lord realm that can not capture the realm level of emperor f * cking" Among the attackers with a cloaked figure of warlord spit and say "cuih, long xiang you just rely on your divine artifacts but see your divine artifacts are damaged and you your dantian is badly damaged !!" "Hahahah, you lou you f * cking" said long xiang "Dare you, long xiang" said the man who cloaked the commander who you are lou "Cuiih, What I do not fear you only in mythical realm can not destroy me" long xiang spit while saying Brreekk, a torn voice echoing in the sky a figure out of a spatial gap and as soon as it was in front of long xiang. "Divine palm" said the figure in the presence of long xiang "Xuanwu Shield" Long xiang is shocked to raise his hand to resist the attack. and he was directly hit and sec "Bbbaaammm" "Arghhhhhhhhhh" long xiang screams are heard in the air and fall as fast as the meteor down. Yesterday I was an emperor of low nature, who had rocked the lord and I knew that in the lord world I was a clay ant where. But my pride is that I can mess up in the lord even if it's only a year with the cultivation level of the emperor .. "Ah, where is this very dark if this is called hell"

ElxBluess · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Guests watched a woman carrying, a small child, headed toward the emperor.

"Sister Ziyi why she's holding a child," Ziling whispered to Ziyun.

"He's a little prince, do not you see his fancy clothes so" Ziyun replied.

Zining's master sect only frowned at his pupil holding a small prince, he saw the little prince so handsome even though he saw faintly vaguely because the little prince looked so scared in Ziyi's arms.

Yes long xiang fear of women in the hall, she is afraid the woman in the hall will look at her as before, so she just hide in Ziyi's chest and feel her soft chest.

Mesum base, Ziyi slander in his heart. Because felt the movement in his chest.

Who happens to be again Ziyi wearing his veil again otherwise, everyone will know the beautiful face is flushed.

The master's disciple of ji sect, Xue Qi he is not happy with the little boy who was carried by Ziyi. He felt jealous with the little boy in his heart.

The women's guests began to whisper again.

"It's so good to hold a small prince, hey young lady give me" said a 30-year-old woman, she is fairly beautiful.

The men have started somewhat frustrated again, if there is a talk like that first the other certainly not going to lose.

Ziyi did not care about the woman, she stepped quietly under the gaze of the tigress. He was in front of the emperor.

In saluting and releasing the little prince to the emperor.

Long xiang immediately runs away at her mother's fast and is already in her mother's arms, the feng yi who sees her son stepping in quick light at her opens her arms for a hug.

Feng yi is also a stage 7 realm king cultivator, so he is not so surprised to see the child running towards him.

The guests were upset to see the little prince running so fast, when he was a year old. And still can not be a cultivator.

It shocked everyone who was there, let alone the big sect master was there they were all experienced. So they know the little prince ran that fast using his Qi.

Senior wu looked intently at the little prince in his mother's arms he kept staring.

He feels that Qi in the little prince is in the Realm Gold stage, whether he's senile or something.

I'm crazy, wu senior thought.

Long xiang felt someone staring at him sharply, he scanned with his sense of divine to find out who was watching him.

He sees a blue-robed taoist there staring at him with interest, he now knows what causes him to activate his Qi concealment technique.

His concealment technique Qi is famous before he died in his previous life, even in the low lord nature no one knows. Even in lord nature someone who knows the long xiang cultivation base should use divine treasures to find out his cultivation base.

"What is missing, he is not a cultivator.I am really crazy" thought senior wu who felt qi in long xiang body disappeared.

Master Ji and Master Ning feel the change of wu's senior face like a daze,

Master Ji attentively asked,

"why are you senior wu what's wrong"

Master ning was staring at senior wu with faces asking like master ji. He is like asking with the word master ji it is written on his face.

Senior wu realized he was noticed by the two other sect masters, "no nothing" said senior wu calmly.

The Emperor on his throne gazed gently at the ziyi, and said,

"Hm, who are you young lady"

Ziyi respectfully said,

"I am a ziyi student vermilion bird sect, disciple master sect ning"

"Oh you're a vermilion bird student, where is your teacher"

"Answer the noble, he is here with the servant"

"Oh, continue where you find the little prince" inquire long xing

"Answer the noble, the slave, get lost and find him in the garden of heavens flower, the little prince along with the noble old emperor" answered ziyi telling all his, he was in command to answer like that to the emperor long xing.

Long xing was surprised to hear his answer, he sighed. "So he who brought long xiang"

"Yes that is noble"

"Hm, all right."

Then, long xiang looked around and said with dominance. "Now the Celebration is in progress. Phantom guard you are looking for masquis nie to stop the search"

"The good of the noble" phantom guard replied and went straight away.find out who was watching him.

He sees a blue-robed taoist there staring at him with interest, he now knows what causes him to activate his Qi concealment technique.

His concealment technique Qi is famous before he died in his previous life, even in the low lord nature no one knows. Even in lord nature someone who knows the long xiang cultivation base should use divine treasures to find out his cultivation base.

"What is missing, he is not a cultivator.I am really crazy" thought senior wu who felt qi in long xiang body disappeared.

Master Ji and Master Ning feel the change of wu's senior face like a daze,

Master Ji attentively asked,

"why are you senior wu what's wrong"

Master ning was staring at senior wu with faces asking like master ji. He is like asking with the word master ji it is written on his face.

Senior wu realized he was noticed by the two other sect masters, "no nothing" said senior wu calmly.

The Emperor on his throne gazed gently at the ziyi, and said,

"Hm, who are you young lady"

Ziyi respectfully said,

"I am a ziyi student vermilion bird sect, disciple master sect ning"

"Oh you're a vermilion bird student, where is your teacher"

"Answer the noble, he is here with the servant"

"Oh, continue where you find the little prince" inquire long xing

"Answer the noble, the slave, get lost and find him in the garden of heavens flower, the little prince along with the noble old emperor" answered ziyi telling all his, he was in command to answer like that to the emperor long xing.

Long xing was surprised to hear his answer, he sighed. "So he who brought long xiang"

"Yes that is noble"

"Hm, all right."

Then, long xiang looked around and said with dominance. "Now the Celebration is in progress. Phantom guard you are looking for masquis nie to stop the search"

"The good of the noble" phantom guard replied and went straight away.