
Emperor Martial God

Above the sky an explosive sound echoed everywhere, a thousand cultivators in the realm of saint emperor realm and myhtical realm attacked a cultivator in the emperor realm, and not only that he was still standing firm. The black-robed figure stood proudly and looked down upon the world even though his condition was already sad, that is the hallmark of a true emperor. The figure in a black robe mocked. "Hahahaha, just so much cultivator in the lord realm that can not capture the realm level of emperor f * cking" Among the attackers with a cloaked figure of warlord spit and say "cuih, long xiang you just rely on your divine artifacts but see your divine artifacts are damaged and you your dantian is badly damaged !!" "Hahahah, you lou you f * cking" said long xiang "Dare you, long xiang" said the man who cloaked the commander who you are lou "Cuiih, What I do not fear you only in mythical realm can not destroy me" long xiang spit while saying Brreekk, a torn voice echoing in the sky a figure out of a spatial gap and as soon as it was in front of long xiang. "Divine palm" said the figure in the presence of long xiang "Xuanwu Shield" Long xiang is shocked to raise his hand to resist the attack. and he was directly hit and sec "Bbbaaammm" "Arghhhhhhhhhh" long xiang screams are heard in the air and fall as fast as the meteor down. Yesterday I was an emperor of low nature, who had rocked the lord and I knew that in the lord world I was a clay ant where. But my pride is that I can mess up in the lord even if it's only a year with the cultivation level of the emperor .. "Ah, where is this very dark if this is called hell"

ElxBluess · Fantasy
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14 Chs


After the tense affair finished they went back to the palace hall. +

But only Long xiang and Ziyi return to the hall, long xing back again to his enclosed training.

"kak smells you fragrant" said long yi who lived in a sling Ziyi while sniffing his body odor, let alone he sniffed his scent to coincide with the twin mountain.

Ziyi flushed at the long xiang talk, which was like an adult.

He does not know where his words come from, is not he a child.

If long xiang knows what in his mind he will laugh until his saliva runs out, he's like an old monster.

"do not talk nonsense prince, you just fly how", said Ziyi angrily and embarrassed,

"Oh do not sister Ziyi, I enjoy this feeling."

"But do not be like that you know, if you've grown up okay okay" said Ziyi begged,

"The bastard is not ashamed, he's so small he's so much less grown up" Ziyi grumbled in his head

»In the Hall,

Emperor Long Jia is annoyed with his son disappearing so suddenly, his face is already red like a volcano would erupt. Her dominating aura disappears the image of her emperor also vanishes, she is like a father who lost her son.

Marquis Nie and xie lei are still looking all over the capital and around the imperial palace, even Guard's Phantom was looking but nobody found it already 3 hours more Long xiang disappeared. 3000 soldiers were looking outside the capital of the empire.

But how did they know that the prince had gone to the hall where the emperor had gathered,

Long xiang and Ziyi arrived at the entrance hall, the soldiers who saw it immediately reported to the emperor.

The guests also saw phantom warriors stepping toward the emperor, "may he find the prince." Thought in the heads of all the guests.

Seeing his Phantom Warriors step here the emperor frowned, said angrily.

"Did not I tell you not to come back before finding a small prince"

seeing the enraged Emperor Phantom warriors spear his heart to speak.

"The majesty report of this subordinate emperor saw the prince and a woman coming here." Said Phantom Warriors.