
Emperor in the broken world

This world is doomed. Our hope and our light had gone astray. However, I refuse to accept it. I will create a new legend from the ashes. Every race and every beings will unite under my iron rule.

SaintKing · War
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269 Chs

Chapter 15 Friends

Cynthia's eyes shone brighter than ever. She immediately grabbed his arms and dragged him away from the hall.

The red haired girl looked at them with a funny expression because she thought they were dating.

" Please express your love in other place."

For first time in his life, Licht felt the girl's outrageous strength when he invited her. He couldn't move his muscles due to her impressive grips. She was like a hawk which got its prey.

Licht looked up to her face and found she was slightly drooling. Her hunger had gone through the roof considering her diet schedule.

" Lili, I know the best place in the fortress. That place has a ton of foods. It will be fun."

Licht shrugged his shoulders and followed her. He didn't think much in fact, he was also looking forward to seeing that restaurant.

30 minutes have passed since they had finished their exam. Cynthia and Licht were sitting in a small restaurant with cozy atmosphere. Everything was made of wood, and it didn't feel like an expensive restaurant from the fortress center. There were many customers in the hall, but Cynthia managed to get a table.

The service was nice, and they were chatting about themselves. Licht managed to know Cynthia's true identity. She was a really open-minded girl. She talked about her experiences and her stories. Likewise, she even talked about her embarrassing moments.

" So, tell me. Lili, have you ever defeated a monster? I heard there are many of them in your home."

Licht sighed and rubbed his temple with distress. He didn't like being called' Lili '. It almost sounded like a girl's name. No, it was a girl's name.

His eye were filled with fatigue due to Cynthia's shenanigans. He even suspected that Cynthia was sent from above to torment his helpless soul for hunting innocent animals.

" Cynthia, just call me Licht. As for your question, I did hunt monsters before, but it were just small fries like horned rabbits and lesser goblins. I haven't hunted stronger monsters yet because my father forbade me. You see, he is the strongest person whom I know."

Cynthia nodded with approval. She was indeed too casual and vulgar to call somebody. She expressed her apology and buried her head under a menu.

" Um, I am sorry. I was excited to have a new friend. Nobody ever liked me because I am a talkative person. Only my family loved me for being bright, but others think I talk too much and spill too much."

Licht sympathized with her. He understood her feelings of being lonely. He didn't have any friends except for his siblings. Teenagers around him were too dull and boring for him. Moreover, they feared his power, not his personality.

" You know what! I will buy you this set. Let's have a good meal and start our next exam. I know that we have passed the first round."

Cynthia smiled brightly. She closed her chair to the table so that she can talk more with Licht. It was the first time in her life that she found a person who can be called as a true friend. It was her gut feeling. Licht had reminded her brother who is the brightest young generation knight in the country.

Licht also changer his perception of her. He thought it wasn't that bad to be with her. Although she was talkative, she didn't say a single bad word about others. She seemed to care for others while being hurt by them. In other words, her heart was kind like warm light.

Unknowingly, they had spent almost an hour in this restaurant. They shared their past and their families.

" I admit that I had fun. Cynthia, let's be friends from now on."

Cynthia looked at his extended hand. She grabbed his hand and shook gently. Although it was rough and full of calculus from the training, she liked his hands. Compared to his devilish face, his hands told his past more to her.

" Un, take care of me too."

Licht smiled with satisfaction. He thought his friends would be all men, but it appears he was wrong. Life was full of surprises, after all. All things wouldn't go as he planned.