
Emotionally bound

Rosetta Ross is a lazy 24 year old who prefers to spend her time sleeping than actually doing something useful Her greedy parents have enough of her and are more than delighted to marry her off to a rich man Their first mistake was not finding out about the man took who their daughter was going to stay with with This man, Ambrose Ren, happened to be the most dangerous living thing on earth He hated anything that wasn't perfect and unfortunately, he was going to be with the definition of imperfect **** This is my first book so I will try my best to make it at least good for you guys Thanks for giving it a chance

Novelist_Therese · Fantasy
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6 Chs


*At Mr and Mrs Ross's place

"Honey, have you gotten any means of reaching her?" Mrs Ross asked her husband from her room

"No I haven't, everything I touch seems to be disappearing" Mr Ross said

"That's exactly what's happening over here" Mrs Ross replied him

"Honey, I think we just made a very big mistake" Mr Ross told his wife, who was coming out of the room

"What do you mean by 'think'? of course we have" She replied

"Well, what do we do now?" Mr. Ross asked his wife

"I have absolutely no idea, I just hope that Rosetta is alright" She replied him

*Back at Ambrose's place

Rosetta could not stop looking at everything she passed by as she walked round her room, she was amazed at what she was seeing, she never got the opportunity to see those kind of things at her house, since her parents were very fraudulent people who loved money more than their own daughter

"Madam?" Someone knocked on her door

When she opened it, she saw a man holding a tray of food and instantly, her mouth began to water and then she realised how hungry she actually was

"Um.. Madam?, Prince Ambrose told me to bring this to you" The man said

"M-Me? Oh why thanks" She said

She almost wanted to grab it, but she held back from doing so and collected it, then she closed the door

Immediately she did that, she started to eat her food like a hungry dog

The food tasted really great, better than any she had ever had in her life and she loved it


Wow, I think I need to consider myself lucky to have married a prince! I could never even dream of this ever happening to me, but here I am

Earlier today I had asked Lucas, the man who brought me to this room, if Ambrose being a prince and new being his wife, meant that I was a princess and he had confirmed that it was true

I felt so overwhelmed with joy, well at least it's a win - win, my parents got the huge amount of money they wanted and I got to be a princess, I really am very lucky

"Excuse me madam?" Someone knocked on the door again, which jolted Rosetta to reality

She opened the door to see the same man standing outside the room,

"Madam, Prince Ambrose instructed me to inform you that he would not be around for a week as he has business to attend to, he requests for you not to leave your room for any reason, if you need anything, you can dial my number and I'll come, my number is saved there, on the telephone, call me through that" The man said

"Why am I not allowed to leave my room?" Rosetta asked him

"The prince told me to only tell you that, I'm not permitted to say more" He said

"Are you like, his personal assistant or something?" Rosetta asked

"Yes I am, but for now, I'll be your personal assistant" The man said, bowing his head

"Oh oh no, no, that gesture is not necessary" Rosetta said, waving her hands as a way of telling him to stop

"Can you at least tell me your name?" Rosetta asked him

"My name is Elias ma'am" Elias said

"Alright Elias, I'll call you if I need you, that will be all for now " Rosetta said and closed the door when Elias left

'Why doesn't he wants me to leave the room?' Rosetta thought to herself, but she brushed it aside


As Ambrose got out of the house, he looked at his watch, it was almost 2:00am, he didn't bother waking Elias, as he wasn't his assistant for that period of time

He didn't bother booking a taxi, as he could fly to his destination, which was also beneficial to him as he would feel the cool morning breeze as he flew

He had made a vow to himself that he wouldn't let this 'stupid' arranged marriage, interfere with his businesses, as he had some unfinished ones to attend to and he certainly wasn't going to let this stop him from finishing them

Ambrose didn't bother looking at the time when he arrived because he already knew he wasn't late, judging from the short trip he had, he was sure he had made it there in record time

Standing in front of a building taller than his mansion, Ambrose looked up, it's not like he hadn't been there before, the atmosphere felt different

He went inside and noticed something, it was quiet, too quiet, he walked in deeper, it was dark, but he could still see due to his night vision

Then suddenly, men from different parts of the place he was, lunged at him in full force, not holding back

Although it was completely unexpected, Ambrose fought back with no stress and in no time, all the men were on the floor defeated

As Ambrose stared at them with no emotion in his eyes, he heard someone slow clapping and he looked up to see a man coming towards him with a smirk on his face

"Lexus" Ambrose said with disgust

"Oh forgive my manners, I hope you don't mind me welcoming you with a little fight" Lexus said

"Humans? Really?" Ambrose said, folding his arms

"Don't speak like you're not one yourself, the only thing that makes you different from them is that you're half vampire, all thanks to your father" Lexus, said and clicked his tongue

"Are we back to that again?" Ambrose asked, rolling his eyes

"Certainly not" Lexus said and continued

"I suppose you're here for the fulfillment of our traditions before you become king?" He asked

"I'm not here for anything like that and I certainly do not want to become king" Ambrose said firmly

"It's not like we approve of it either, but you happen to be the king's son, which meat, when he passes away, you are going to take over his position" Lexus said

"I'm not going to" Ambrose said again

"Then why the heck are you here!?" Lexus asked, getting annoyed

"I'm here for a different reason, but I'll have to see your master for this" Ambrose said and Lexus's eyes widened.