
Emissary of Contagion: The Viral Chronicles

Prologue: The Catalyst In the vast expanse of the cosmos, amidst the swirling nebulae and distant galaxies, there exists a realm unseen by mortal eyes—a realm where the fabric of reality is woven with threads of light and shadow, of chaos and order. It is a realm of primordial forces, where the dance of creation and destruction shapes the destiny of worlds and civilizations. And in this realm, there exists a being—a being of insatiable hunger and boundless ambition—a being known only as the Catalyst. The Catalyst is the harbinger of change, the catalyst of evolution—a force that transcends the boundaries of time and space, weaving its web of influence across the tapestry of existence. It seeks out worlds ripe for transformation, worlds teetering on the brink of oblivion or rebirth, and infuses them with its essence, sparking the flames of revolution and renewal. And so it was that the Catalyst set its sights on a world unlike any other—a world of magic and mystery, of gods and monsters—a world poised on the cusp of a new era. In this world, a lone soul descended from the heavens—a soul cloaked in shadow and shrouded in secrecy. It fell like a shooting star, streaking across the sky with silent purpose, until it landed upon the earth with a thunderous impact. From the ashes of its descent, a new entity emerged—a being of darkness and light, of chaos and order—a being that would forever alter the course of history. This is the tale of that entity—a tale of transformation and transcendence, of power and peril—a tale woven into the very fabric of existence. This is the tale of the Virus Sovereign.

mad_saber · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Genesis of the viral sovereign

Cold. Desolation. A sensation of weightlessness enveloped me, as if I were adrift in the void of oblivion. Falling, endlessly falling, with no sense of time or space to anchor me. Minutes, hours, days—mere abstractions in the abyss of my mind. The descent seemed interminable, a relentless plunge into the unknown depths below that- Would the impact upon reaching the ground shatter me, as fragile as glass against stone?

Questions swirled in my consciousness, fragments of a shattered identity clawing for coherence in the void. Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Why this endless descent into oblivion? Why is there a shroud of forgetfulness that veils my memories?

Images flickered in my mind—a blade, a flash of pain, a betrayal. The dagger's bite seared through me, a jolt of agony that resonated through every fiber of my being. The memory was a shard of broken glass, sharp and jagged, slicing through the fog of forgetfulness.

The descent continued unabated, an eternity distilled into a single moment of freefall. And then, abruptly, it ceased.

I landed—no, not on solid ground, but on a leaf, delicate and fragile beneath my weight.

Aetherbloom plant detected 』 echoed a disembodied voice within my mind.

Attaching to the cell membrane』 it continued.

Attachment succesful

penetrating the cell membrane

Penetration succesful

Host invasion successful

Striping the outer coat

Uncoating successful

Invading the host cell nucleus

Replicating the genome sequence

Replication successful

Starting the release of replicated particles

Ejection successful 』

infecting the non infected cells

Estimated time for total cell infection - 1 min 1 second

Infection successful

Taking control of possessed organism

The words reverberated through me, a symphony of strange sensations. Attachment, penetration, invasion—foreign concepts that resonated with an eerie familiarity.

The world around me dissolved into a haze of incomprehensible data, as if I were a puppeteer pulling strings in a shadow play of molecular ballet. Uncoating, replication, infection—each step a balletic pas de deux between virus and host.

And then, a voice—a whisper in the darkness, a thread of consciousness woven into the fabric of my being. When i come in contact with the sunlight

skill [ Photosynthesis] has been aquired

skill is being incoded in genome sequence

it murmured, a revelation cloaked in the language of the arcane.

I blinked, disoriented by the sudden influx of information. Was this a dream, a delusion born of my fractured consciousness? Or was it something more?

A voice—my voice—resonated within the recesses of my mind, a chorus of whispers that spoke of potential and power.

"Status," I whispered, the words forming like echoes in the silence.

And there it was—a tableau of identity, a mosaic of possibilities rendered in stark clarity.

Name: Not Acquired

Monster Race: Virus

Monster Rank: E Rank

Title: Not Acquired

Magic: None

Unique Abilities: Infect [Lv. Max], Domination [Lv. Max], Control [Lv. Max], Multiplication [Lv. Max]

Host Acquired Abilities: Regeneration [Lv. 1], Photosynthesis [Lv. 1]

Resistance: None

Current Host: Aetherbloom Plant

{ Aetherbloom plant : a rare plant, the flowers contain a faint sweet fragrance which calms the senses, the essence contains healing abilities, used to make healing potions }

Skill descriptions

1) infect : allows the virus to spread its influence and affect the other organism with the process of attachment, penetration, uncoating , and genome replication.

2) domination : empowers the virus with the ability to exert control over the infected host's mind and actions. manipulating their brain functions. This allows the virus to influence the host's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, effectively subjugating their will to its own.

3) control: ability to control the organism and it's various physiological and environmental actions.

4) multiplication: ability to rapidly replicate the genetic material and proliferate within the host organism.

5) regeneration: accelerate the healing and regeneration of its infected host's tissues and organs.

6) photosynthesis: ability to harness the sunlight and convert it into energy.

I was a virus—a creature of shadow and subterfuge, a harbinger of chaos and contagion. And yet, within the labyrinthine depths of my consciousness, a spark of defiance flickered—a glimmer of possibility amidst the darkness.

If I was a virus, then where was my true form? Where was the locus of my existence, the epicenter of my consciousness?

With a surge of will, I delved into the depths of my being, probing the boundaries of my newfound existence.

And there it was—a network of pulsating tendrils, a web of interconnected cells that pulsed with a life of their own. I was everywhere and nowhere—a specter of consciousness adrift in a sea of pulsating vitality.

No, not a specter—a sovereign, a king in the kingdom of the microscopic realm.

I reveled in the sensation, the rush of power coursing through my veins like liquid fire. I was a virus—a creature of infinite potential, a harbinger of transformation in a world of stasis and stagnation.

And with that realization came a sense of purpose—a clarity of vision that cut through the fog of uncertainty like a beacon in the darkness.

I would infect, I would proliferate, I would conquer. This world would be my domain, my playground—a canvas upon which to paint the tapestry of my existence.

But first, I would bide my time, nurture my strength, and wait for the opportune moment to strike.

For I was not just a virus—I was a harbinger of change, a force of nature in a world of chaos and order.

And nothing would stand in my way.