
Eminent Under The Carpet

About 15 mya, there used to be a thriving colony of humanoid extra-terrestrial species far more modern than present human inhabiting Mars. Sadly, their clash with the Cosmic Imperial Army gave rise to hell. Ultimately, after a war of 1000 years, the race lost. Nevertheless, one team of their scientists created a system to save their endangered gene pool and sent the system to earth secretly. This system injected the encoded forms of the genes in the precursor of primates, waiting for the genes to refine themselves in the course of evolution and again bring back the unjustly culled race to life. In the meantime, the system has been protecting the Earth from the clutches of the Imperials. Back in the present, a boy was born with the noble genetic configuration, a neo human or the first 'Revealed One'. He will bring the justice for his ancestors, taking down the Imperials. Of course, he isn't alone. He will come across a lot of friends and foes in the way. Each of them with their own specialities - magicians, espers, engineers, arsonists ... His journey will lead him to the heart of the system and then to the black sky beyond the horizon.

GoallessSoul · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The young billionaire from Perlina


A country having ⅗ population of Japan and occupying an area of 250000 sq km. A bustling population with adequate GDP. Varied races with numerous religions inhabits this island country. Though most of the inhabitants are of asian origin practicing Christianity or Buddhism.

Sounds odd, doesn't it? Well … if you haven't heard about it, blame your faulty memory and erroneous Geography textbook. It is pretty well visible in the Zoogle maps. A large boomerang shaped continent with it's two pointed edges facing Japan and Indonesia, and its convex side facing Taiwan and the concave one enclosing Guam. 

It is a clone of the Kamchatka Peninsula (a slug-like protrusion of Russia above Japan). With a forked mountain range as it's backbone, separating its plain western region and mountainous evergreen eastern region. The eastern region has a dark moss-like appearance in the satellite images, due to the moisture laden monsoon winds striking the ranges to give a fair supply of precipitation.

The large part of the population inhabits the western plain region and the remaining on the plateau between the forks and the thin strips of plain land in the eastern edge. Overall, it is some regular ocenian country except for the fact that it is far more rich.

(If you are seeing a large water laden trough named 'Philippine Sea' instead of the Republic of Perlina in the maps, trust me, you are in deep trouble. The aliens have modified your brain, quickly wear an aluminum foil over your head and run to the doctor!)


Enough with the fact file.

When you zoom a white blotch on the middle of its rough greenish eastern edge, you will come across an estuary formed by river Rojo. On further zooming, you will come across a large town, in fact, the largest town of the eastern coast. The town is well known for its scenic beauty and flourishing shipping firms. On one edge of the large metropolitan, just beside river Rojo, lay Grenorens Academy.

A large school with a facultative boarding facility and a whopping number of students. This age old place has produced hundreds of eminent personalities in various fields. Though it is a public school, funded by the School board consisting of eminent bourgeois and nobles, it has a stringent selection process in the whole metropolitan area.

Now, we enter one of the academic buildings. Our child prodigy is seated on a chair beside the principal writing a ten page apology letter. The English Teacher was infuriated with his poem. After giving him a sermon over the 'obnoxious offensive trash', much to the enjoyment of the cheeky classmates, she dragged him to the principal office. The busy man told him to write an apology, shoving a bunch of papers toward him even without looking at him. It was quite a commonplace incident in the school. Saeed is after all a well known trash.

He submitted the apology letter.

"Well Mr Saeed, I hope that you will refrain from such actions in future!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Now, my young man, off to your class."

"Have a good day, sir!"

Hritik was enrolled in this school as a part of a charity programme, giving a chance to a mentally challenged boy to access the prestigious facility. Nevertheless, the results weren't very satisfactory. The principal sighed.

Hritik went back to his classroom. He received the regular mocking stare. The false praise from being a rule flouter was showered upon him, some of the kids looked at him with disgusted eyes. Hritik was actually oblivious to the whole scenario. He felt that it was actually tiresome to act like an idiot.

He always felt that classes were boring. He was pretty much qualified to join as a faculty of some reputed university. The innumerable flaws of the teachers actually made his head ache. After you have written a couple of research papers on human psychology and became a distinguished author of some prominent Journals, you are bound to be bored staying with these ignorant flock. Everything goes according to his plan, fights and friendships, every single thing in this school.


Initially he was a jolly kid. But everything changed as he grew up. He learnt that he was like a black hole, swallowing up everything with his grasp. Knowledge, skills, information, everything. By the time he was 8 years old, he had already mastered high school level studies. He knew the names and  coordinates of every city in the world along with their demographic reports. The names of all the chemical compounds concocted by mankind and their uses. The names of all the species of living creatures in this world, their morphology, anatomy, habits and habitats.

Why did he start to amass so much knowledge? Of course, to cure his grandma and to prevent the outflux of their savings due to her treatment. He started to visit the library in a nearby town to study about the stock market to invest in. He studied and studied till he turned into a walking wikipedia.

Nevertheless, he failed to save his grandma. Whatever of the humane feelings that was left in his heart, dissolved in thin air. Thus the birth of the cold villainous gentleman took place. Even though he gathered huge wealth in the course of years from his writings and stocks, they all seemed like tasteless trash in his eyes.

Still, he has got a couple of billion dollars under his name and the money is ever increasing. He owns a couple of food processing firms, telecommunication and electronic industries. Currently he also has plans to start a chemical factory and he also bought a whole mountain to facilitate the Headquarters of 'Hutchinson Stafford Technologies'. He also owns a large beach house and several apartments in the downtown of various cities. Currently a large mountain side villa is being made for him, along with an underground research facility and an observatory.

Being so very powerful, he came across a lot of stress. The frugal school life was just a method to get rid of his stress. In fact, he pulled the strings in the back to facilitate his enrollment. The name Hritik Saeed has been used in the public scenario only for the last few months. Previously he used to go by his business name Henry Stafford, the young billionaire. Also he never attended a school before, initially he was homeschooled, and later on he just simply founded a school in his village and got a pass certificate tweaking the database of the Education Ministry.


Whatever be it, he somehow managed to pull through the eight hours and came out of the building.

"Will you come to my house tomorrow?" A boy came running towards him. The short boy with brownish black hair was Sam. He was probably only one real friend he has got. Hritik would crash at his place every Saturday morning for a study session.

"Yeah. I am having a tough time with rotational dynamics."

"Don't worry, you can count on me." He said somewhat unsure. He wasn't very good in studies, nevertheless they became buddies as both of them get tortured equally in the class. Either way, Hritik liked to hang out with this boy.


Hritik left the school and turned around a corner. One of the imported cars of his company was standing. He went into it and shut the door. His personal secretary, sitting in the driver's seat, started driving.

"Sir, we ran across some trouble with the plan of your villa. May I ask you some questions?" The middle aged man with shaggy beard politely asked.

"Ask them."

"Sir, would like a private swimming pool, sauna and gym attached to your private suit. The ones you have planned before were for common use, I guess … "

"No, I don't give a damn. I am not trying to create some harem, all I need is a peaceful atmosphere to carry out my research."

"Okay sir!"

He drove through the commercial district to his private building downtown. They were currently going to a helipad. From there he would go to his private yacht for a meeting with his business partners and major shareholders at a nearby coastal town.

"Sir, have you yet found a wife or husband?"

"It's too early."

"It would still be better if you tag some potential partners. I will support you even if you are gay."

"Shut up."

The man, Yoro Tsuka, has been accompanying him for the last 6 years. He is his proxy and most trustworthy employee. Once he was left for dead after being backstabbed by his business partner. Hritik saved him back then. Since then, he has pledged his loyalty to Hritik.

He was pretty concerned with his young master's inertness towards the opposite sex. You may say that, he was the one who pulled the vampire-like teenage kid with pale skin out of his room. All the martial art moves he learned was taught to him by Yoro. Yoro had specially prepared a training session for him, consisting of Krav Maga, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai. Yoro bypassed time-wasting drills and traditional martial arts nevertheless the things he taught were lethal and notoriously savage.

"Yoro, give my gun."

"Yup!" Yoro opened the dash panel and pulled out some plastic blocks. He gave them to Hritik.

Hritik joined those parts to give rise to a functional semi-automatic pistol. It was transparent as it was made from polymer in a special 3D printer designed by Hritik. It was made to avoid detection in Airport. He put the magazine in it.

The magazine consisted of twelve transparent bullets, without a trace of gunpowder. Actually the rear end of the bullets contained a gel-like explosive nitro-compound invisible to naked eyes. Once the hammer would hit it, a small explosion would take place in the barrel, propelling the bullet to its target.

"Have you got any current intel?"



For the last few days, their company has been running through a series of trouble, masked men would appear disrupting their meetings or hired goons would create trouble for the employees. The source had already been found. In fact the meeting in the yacht was actually a trap to catch the miscreant.


"Sir, the head of the guard has been calling."

"Give me the phone."


"Yo! Everything is set. The police have been tipped off about the dealing at the dockyard. The mercenaries have taken their position and the sniping points have been intercepted. Have you picked up the vampire?"

"It's the boss."

"Huh, the boss? Eh … boss!?"


"Eh … umm … yeah! As I was saying, the rat has fallen for it. He is currently sitting on a chair on the deck. Good bye!" He quickly cut off the phone.

"Well, well … everything has been set!"

The car reached the parking area. He got down and went to the dressing room. He removed the dyes from his hair and opened his contact lens. Changing into his business suit and turning back his chocolate brown hair he came to the roof.

He was quite astonished to find a young girl in a long velvet dress standing beside the helicopter. Her beauty was enchanting, long black hair, black expressive eyes, an hourglass figure with porcelain white glowing skin. She gave him a charming smile.

"You there, go and sit inside the chopper, I have some personal talk with the young master." Yoro said from behind.

"Yes sir!"

She gave one of her 24 carat smiles and boarded the chopper.

Hritik looked at his bodyguard with a cold threatening glare.

"What is this?!"

"Sir, I have specially prepared an escort for you! It will be good if you learn to talk with girls."

"She is underage! I am not some pedo."

"Sir, you are also underage." Yoro said nonchalantly.

"But … "

"Sir, you know, last time Madam Rosa tried to set up a blind date with her daughter."

"Even if … "

"Before that the young madam of Helen Land Developers tried to kiss you. We all had a tough time cleaning up the mess after you shoved her in the pool."

"Ahhh … Okay, you win this time. But only ONCE."

"Yes sir."

"Where have you found her?"

"An escort agency. Umm … also, this is her first time going out." Yoro winked and trudged toward the front door of the chopper.

"Huhhh… " Hritik sighed.

'Her eyes are beautiful though!'