
Emerald Ocean

{Announcement} Got a notification about being put in some kinda promising books event or whatever which I guess could be considered feedback so I'ma get to work on this book again... Gotta finish that there last arc... My little Gieco Lizard deserves death!!! --- Inside a garden full of towering trees untold years old that sadly have inferiority complexes caused by the never ending giant tower that supports the sky that the garden sits in front. Upon the branch of one of the smallest trees in the garden, the last of it's kind of the tallest it's breed of tree was ever been able to grow as well as the oldest, sits a beautiful fairy who seems but the size of a squirrel emotionless sipping tea watching the leaves fall off the leaves of the tree as if having already given up on life when suddenly a wind passes by the eternally still garden and everything gently quakes as the infinite number of lines along the towers base lights up gently with a blazing emerald flame that is bordering on black. As if struck by a earth quake the woman falls out of her chair unbearably shaking as her eyes lock upon a thing far away in the infinitely large garden not a plant, not a tree, but the ground itself. A crazy and hopeful fire begins to burn deep within the beautiful fairies eyes as reaches out her hand and with a determined look shatters the very core of her soul sending a piece of herself out into the earth and herself tumbling listlessly into a deep sleep alone on the branch. Hope still burning in her eyes even as they slowly close and a twisted smile upon her lips. Like a bolt of lightning the core of her soul that was a part of her soul but not at the same time takes flight towards the sky circling around the crown of the small tree twice before gently bumping into the already sleeping woman as if in sorrow before flashing away faster then the eye could see reaching a distance so far you wouldn't be able to walk it in a million years even if you could travel at the speed of light and diving into the soil of a solitary mound of dirty diving deeper and deeper it eventually stops and flashes so bright it can even be suttly seen from the garden above as the deep blue light like the ocean fuses into the very core of an single solitary atom inside the soil as if slipping through a crack. Across a vast and unending expanse of sky a brilliant flash of blue light up the very core of a universe before zooming away in the exact instant it appeared as if nothing their ever mattered not the massive throne, the unending number of people fighting for it, nor the ghastly little hut that's door has never opened in all of its existence and that space has warped the top of that no eyes made of flesh has ever seen and no man has ever hoped to enter. One, Ten, A Hundred, A thousand, A Million, A Billion, an untold number more stars pass by as they begin to trail together before the light finally find a crack. Not in space, not in time, not in anything but itself simply existing like it's always existed. The space between filled with nothing. Diving into the crack without even slowly down the blue light seems to fade from existence as if it was never there. Slowly but surely as the blue light fades so does the crack before with it's last peek a suttle flash of Emerald escapes being vanishing from sight. The gentle beam of light flew out never stopping till it struck a nearby planet. As the light was absorbed by that planets inhabitants something... Awoke.

Jocom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
122 Chs

Ch. 94 Questions

Awoke to the familar tinging sensation and itch in my chest I realized that the pervert was at it again... Unwilling to get hurt again I simply laid still the pulling sensation getting faster as heavy breathing was heard above me peeking out through my still closed eyelids I noticed the lack of Addie. She must have woke awhile ago and is outside. Closing my eyes again I waited for the pervert to finish up with her own creepiness after her body stiffened and then fell still I heard her begin to snore again as her hand laxed up... Wow... What a cliche is she an old married man? Falling asleep right after ha... Standing up and crawling out of the sleeping bag I notice Addie sitting beside the sleeping bag. Looking over to me with a cheeky smile she spoke "Did you enjoy yourself?" ah... so Ellie isn't actually sleeping right now... Turning around I crawl into the sleeping bag and force my claw into her open mouth before she could respond pinching her tongue before pulling it back out quickly as she yelped in pain. Ha.

An awkward hour later we have moved on as Addie changed the topic. "So you gonna explain what's up with the town? Why is it so quiet? I didn't see anyone out there." Frowning Ellie looked at Addie. "We are in the outskirts of town isn't that normal?" Shaking her head at Ellie, Addie responded "Not with the scent of blood in the air and a familar green color stretching out throughout the sky." Both turned to stare at me. With a inward sigh I wrote text upon the air as Ellie began to translate by reading it aloud. "The invitation last night was from a ghost who asked me to kill the whole town. I refused. I killed the whole town not for her but for me."

Confused and horrified both Addie and Ellie looked at me like a monster "WHY!!!" Shaking my head gently I began to narrate what I saw as I flew over the city last night. Hearing the whole story the girls still shook their heads in unison. "That's still not enough to merit the murder of the whole town maybe there was good people out their as well you might have hurt a lot of innocent people." Hearing Addies comment I frowned at their naiveness if the whole town erupts in chaos of murder rape and human trafficking as people take whatever they can... how could anyone innocent stay in such a city? Let alone the fact it was filled with the dead. With a shrug I began to tell a story that wasn't mine.

Telling a story of the little traveler from afar who was tricked by a dragon then abandoned in the human territory before being taken in bye orphange staff who were transporting children by then the orphanage stopping in this town. I removed the details I was aware of that would just scar the girls and simply ended the tail with no one survived. "The little traveler from afar used what little strength she had to curse the people who hurt them and thus a drought spred across the land turning a lucious valley into a arid place. This little traveler waited and was imprisoned by a exercist who came but was unwilling to kill the young spirit after seeing the evil between the town their heart was torn so they decided to trust me to choose. For reasons I don't know." After hearing the whole story their face became conflicted... Ellie choked up before reading the last line. "The little traveler went home this morning."

Seeing the confused faces and the sad face of Ellie I wondered if it had something to do with the loss of her own parents that she agreed. Ellie grabbed me and began to pet me. I am unsure if it's for her or for me that she is doing it but I doubt it's me she's trying to comfort. Addies conflicted face didn't pass for a good hour before she stood up. "We shouldn't dwell on this. We need to leave this place before we get in trouble for the massacre. I'm sure someone would love to blame us." With a blank expression Ellie stood up and tied the sleeping bag back into a backpack before wearing it and absent mindedly holding me as she followed Addie out of the town. Addie seemed to struggle internally seeing the many corpses on the street but Ellie is still lost in her own world I'm sure thinking of the home she lost. Leaving the walls of the village we spot the water outsided the old rickety bridges that hadn't been used for years shaking slightly but holding up against the river that finally came again to this once dry place. The once dessert of a city now becoming slightly flooded as it had turned into an island at the center of a river. Seeing the waters trickling past as the dried cracked dirt that once surrounded them has become mud the girls smiled lightly for the first time in awhile knowing this place will be beautiful sometime in the future but their smiles faded thinking of the town behind them... Will people be willing to live in such a place though?

The feet of the girls began to walk across the bridges as they continued on towards the capital. Alex status, please.

"Unnamed Race- MCloudWhelp

Level: 33/36 Status: Bound

Exp: 4560/7000

Evolution: 3

Hp: 1820/1823

Mp: 1034/2734

Skills: [Mist Art] [Soul Art] [Light-1/10] [Healthy-3/10] [Sight-3/10] [Detect-3/10][Regeneration-3/10] [Weakest-3/10] [Binding- 2/10]"

Hmm that's a lot of Exp to level... Maybe I should evolve at forty again? Or wait till sixty like I had planned before? Hmm... I'ma do sixty... Seems like a waste to evolve again at my previous evolutions level. Health is progressing nicely mana is likely gonna stay over my health but that's still only like twenty seven seconds of time casting my highest costing skill and a few minutes of cloud path... At three thousand it'll probably be five whole minutes on cloud path not factoring in regeneration of course.