
Emerald Ocean

{Announcement} Got a notification about being put in some kinda promising books event or whatever which I guess could be considered feedback so I'ma get to work on this book again... Gotta finish that there last arc... My little Gieco Lizard deserves death!!! --- Inside a garden full of towering trees untold years old that sadly have inferiority complexes caused by the never ending giant tower that supports the sky that the garden sits in front. Upon the branch of one of the smallest trees in the garden, the last of it's kind of the tallest it's breed of tree was ever been able to grow as well as the oldest, sits a beautiful fairy who seems but the size of a squirrel emotionless sipping tea watching the leaves fall off the leaves of the tree as if having already given up on life when suddenly a wind passes by the eternally still garden and everything gently quakes as the infinite number of lines along the towers base lights up gently with a blazing emerald flame that is bordering on black. As if struck by a earth quake the woman falls out of her chair unbearably shaking as her eyes lock upon a thing far away in the infinitely large garden not a plant, not a tree, but the ground itself. A crazy and hopeful fire begins to burn deep within the beautiful fairies eyes as reaches out her hand and with a determined look shatters the very core of her soul sending a piece of herself out into the earth and herself tumbling listlessly into a deep sleep alone on the branch. Hope still burning in her eyes even as they slowly close and a twisted smile upon her lips. Like a bolt of lightning the core of her soul that was a part of her soul but not at the same time takes flight towards the sky circling around the crown of the small tree twice before gently bumping into the already sleeping woman as if in sorrow before flashing away faster then the eye could see reaching a distance so far you wouldn't be able to walk it in a million years even if you could travel at the speed of light and diving into the soil of a solitary mound of dirty diving deeper and deeper it eventually stops and flashes so bright it can even be suttly seen from the garden above as the deep blue light like the ocean fuses into the very core of an single solitary atom inside the soil as if slipping through a crack. Across a vast and unending expanse of sky a brilliant flash of blue light up the very core of a universe before zooming away in the exact instant it appeared as if nothing their ever mattered not the massive throne, the unending number of people fighting for it, nor the ghastly little hut that's door has never opened in all of its existence and that space has warped the top of that no eyes made of flesh has ever seen and no man has ever hoped to enter. One, Ten, A Hundred, A thousand, A Million, A Billion, an untold number more stars pass by as they begin to trail together before the light finally find a crack. Not in space, not in time, not in anything but itself simply existing like it's always existed. The space between filled with nothing. Diving into the crack without even slowly down the blue light seems to fade from existence as if it was never there. Slowly but surely as the blue light fades so does the crack before with it's last peek a suttle flash of Emerald escapes being vanishing from sight. The gentle beam of light flew out never stopping till it struck a nearby planet. As the light was absorbed by that planets inhabitants something... Awoke.

Jocom · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
122 Chs

Ch. 75 Rebelion of the Heart

After unilaterally making a decision where I have to do all the work Ellie's smiles seeing as neither me nor Addie opposed it while she puffs up chest proudly. Ok she's getting a big head already... Seeing she agreed Anna's pale face gets a little bit more color as she nods. "Ok so we don't have to storm the fort or anything we just need to find out where my father will go hunting at and prevent the ambush. Then get him back to the fort." Ellie nodded happily while I was internally frowning heavily. Luckily one of my companions has some common sense. "Why would that solve the problem? Isn't he unsafe at the fort to?" Anna shook her head "No many of my fathers personal guards are bought out by my uncle but not all the guards in the entire territory as he had to do it under my father eyes so it would be impossible to buy them all out." Even more concerned I wait for Addie to chime in again. "What's that go to do with it? He could just have the guards swap positions with the regular guards then kill your father on sight." Frowning Anna finally realized the issue her father couldn't possibly rally support amongst his men to stop the rebellion if he dies before he gets there... With a inward sigh I write a message to Ellie. Ellie immediately smiles wide "We can investigate and cause problems in the fort and also make it easier to track and find the lord." Both Anna and Addie immediately turning toward Ellie with a curious expression as Ellie's smile falls slightly as she points at me "That's what he said." with a chuckle Addie chimes in "Then it's perfectly fine I had doubts when it was your idea." Ellie immediately looked at her with scorn before brushing it off and looking at Anna. "All you have to do is take the healed bodyguard of yours and follow the trail of green in the sky to find your dad. Don't worry about the escort going with him to hunt Addie will go with you and the little guy can attack with his claws to distract them. Looking towards the masked girl with a surprised and angry look Anna opens her mouth but closes it clearly choosing not to say what she was thinking. Cool less dialogue.

After a few hours of waiting and pointless conversations were Ellie asked Anna all about this kingdom the knight walks into the room with his heavy armor and sword back on. He glances at me squints but does nothing more as he walks over to Anna. "Anna what exactly is the plan? Where do we go?" Hearing him Anna stops mid sentence with Ellie before turning towards Nathon in surprise. "You are already healed?" Nodding Nathon continued "Where is the boat going by the way?" Ellie chimed in "Taking us closer towards Anna's family fort." Hearing this Nathon frowned and immediately went to draw his sword but is stop by a cloud claw that moved before his face. "Why would you take us back there we are being hunted we need to go anywhere but there." Anna finally answered his question rather then asking her own. "We are gonna stop my uncle." Hearing this Nathon looked at Anna like an idiot. However seeing her stern face and determined eyes he lowered his head. "What do you need me to do?" With a cheeky smile Anna respond "Protect me when I go hunting of course."

After reaching the shore again Addie disembarks with a cloud of mist of mine in a jar she found in the ship along with the idiot and Anna. While Ellie turns towards me and smiles before grabbing me and putting me in her shirt with a flirtatious smile... Ok that's more forward then usual but K. Curling up comfortably between the twin mounds with my head pointed up out the collar I begin to wrap Ellie in mist as she disembarks and heads towards the fort rather then to the nearby large hill that the others went to. Ellie pulls her hood up tight as I fill it with mist and create a cloud path beneath her. After about two hours of travel turning the cloud path on and off to conserve mana but get to the fort as fast as possible.

Walking up to a gateway a guard stops Ellie and pulls out a clipboard. "Name, class, affiliation and reason for visiting." Hearing this Ellie nods with a smile as she remembers what she decided on before. "Ellie, CloudWarrior, Lone, and I have come because I am chasing a cloud beast that is coming this direction. It produces a lot of mist so the weather maybe getting cloudy soon." Hearing her reply the guard frowned. "Slayer?" Shaking her head Ellie responded "No like I said I'm lone I am hunting the cloud beast to bring it home." With a heavy sigh the guard nodded "Good it's never good when the slayers try to hunt inside the populated areas. I'll report that the weather may change due to the beast. Is it dangerous?" shaking her head Ellie responds immediately. "Even if someone sees or catches the beast it's about as weak as a cat in body and the mist itself won't do anything to the body but do try not to do anything to bad they are gentle creatures and can control and perceive through the mist and may punish a vile person by forming attacks through the mist." Nodding the guard quickly wrote it all down and let Ellie in. "We may seek to contact you again so where ever you stay at please inform the owner of the establishment that we may look for you." Nodding Ellie walks by while wondering how they'd know where she was staying. However before Ellie managed to walk far the guard ran up "Hey sorry I forgot to give you this." The guard took out a small talisman with a green light shining in it. "This is a pass to stay in the fort when the light goes out you need to go to a guard station." As Ellie took it and placed it in her bag I realized the answer to her question. Then Ellie walked away leaving a subtle trail of green mist following her is a cloud of mist that startles the guard as he spots a massive mist wall flying towards the fortress and begins to panic but remembers that it wasn't harmful so he tells another guard to watch for other visitors and ran off to make the report to prevent panic.