
Emerald Ocean

{Announcement} Got a notification about being put in some kinda promising books event or whatever which I guess could be considered feedback so I'ma get to work on this book again... Gotta finish that there last arc... My little Gieco Lizard deserves death!!! --- Inside a garden full of towering trees untold years old that sadly have inferiority complexes caused by the never ending giant tower that supports the sky that the garden sits in front. Upon the branch of one of the smallest trees in the garden, the last of it's kind of the tallest it's breed of tree was ever been able to grow as well as the oldest, sits a beautiful fairy who seems but the size of a squirrel emotionless sipping tea watching the leaves fall off the leaves of the tree as if having already given up on life when suddenly a wind passes by the eternally still garden and everything gently quakes as the infinite number of lines along the towers base lights up gently with a blazing emerald flame that is bordering on black. As if struck by a earth quake the woman falls out of her chair unbearably shaking as her eyes lock upon a thing far away in the infinitely large garden not a plant, not a tree, but the ground itself. A crazy and hopeful fire begins to burn deep within the beautiful fairies eyes as reaches out her hand and with a determined look shatters the very core of her soul sending a piece of herself out into the earth and herself tumbling listlessly into a deep sleep alone on the branch. Hope still burning in her eyes even as they slowly close and a twisted smile upon her lips. Like a bolt of lightning the core of her soul that was a part of her soul but not at the same time takes flight towards the sky circling around the crown of the small tree twice before gently bumping into the already sleeping woman as if in sorrow before flashing away faster then the eye could see reaching a distance so far you wouldn't be able to walk it in a million years even if you could travel at the speed of light and diving into the soil of a solitary mound of dirty diving deeper and deeper it eventually stops and flashes so bright it can even be suttly seen from the garden above as the deep blue light like the ocean fuses into the very core of an single solitary atom inside the soil as if slipping through a crack. Across a vast and unending expanse of sky a brilliant flash of blue light up the very core of a universe before zooming away in the exact instant it appeared as if nothing their ever mattered not the massive throne, the unending number of people fighting for it, nor the ghastly little hut that's door has never opened in all of its existence and that space has warped the top of that no eyes made of flesh has ever seen and no man has ever hoped to enter. One, Ten, A Hundred, A thousand, A Million, A Billion, an untold number more stars pass by as they begin to trail together before the light finally find a crack. Not in space, not in time, not in anything but itself simply existing like it's always existed. The space between filled with nothing. Diving into the crack without even slowly down the blue light seems to fade from existence as if it was never there. Slowly but surely as the blue light fades so does the crack before with it's last peek a suttle flash of Emerald escapes being vanishing from sight. The gentle beam of light flew out never stopping till it struck a nearby planet. As the light was absorbed by that planets inhabitants something... Awoke.

Jocom · Fantasy
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122 Chs

Ch. 72 Ploughing Terra

<--- This is a disclaimer for you perverts... I have no character named terra it's clearly a pun on a common saying that will later be made clear in this chapter. So don't get too excited. --->

Walking over to the girls who have stretched out the sleeping bad and are sitting on it side by side I hear a meaningless conversation about sweets and tune them out. After about five minutes of talking I feel a hand on my back as I look up I see Addie staring at me with those same greedy eyes from when she was about to be reborn. "Hey little guy can I eat more of your mist? It seems like it'd be tasty." Nodding beside her Ellie speaks up. "It's not that bad taste wise." Shuddering at their change of conversation I form a cloud quickly and write out the reason that makes me super uncomfortable. After reading it in her head Ellies entire fire goes red as she looks away. As Ellie is clearly embarrassed and I was paying attention to her I didn't notice Addie swallowing the letters on my message to Ellie... Looking at her weirdly I debate pulling it back out but sigh and give up control allowing it to go along with her digestive tract as I try to ignore the feeling of sliding down her throat and slowly being digested as pieces of the clouds disconnect from me. Feel my emotions through the link and thinking about what I had just told her Ellie seems to be mad for a second as she suddenly eats the rest of the clouds I had condensed. Welp... whatever. It's simply a creepy feeling it's not bad or painful for me. After Addie had tasted the cloud she nodded. "I've had better but it's not bad on a empty stomach." Ellie frowned slightly then leaned over to Addie and whispered into her ear. "Ah!!!" Addie immediately jumped up and hid in the corner hiding her face occasionally peeking at me from time to time. Well... It is a bit awkward in that it is her intentionally placing a man inside her... I may not be a part of me still but it was a part of me and I can feel through it. Nodding assuming the issue is over with I suddenly twitch and wrap my wings in clouds before flying up to the top of the sails and looking into the distance. Seeing me fly off Ellie drops her smug face and looks over curiously. After I had come back down she didn't wait long to ask. "Hey what was that about? Is there something nearby show us." Hearing her Addie turns around curiously without coming back over waiting to see what I saw but when I condense my clouds before I can begin condensing them she yelps and hides her face again while Ellie stifles a laugh. Rolling my eyes I form the clouds into a beach. Seeing it Ellie smiles. "Finally!!! Addie we are gonna get to dry land again!" Hearing that Addie refusing to look at the cloud even in her excitement looks over the edge of the ship looking for the land but seeing nothing she frowns then avoiding looking at me and the cloud desperately she walks down and climbs to ladder leading to the watch tower. However she will find nothing as it's not in anyway in sight I only found land recently with my mist that I sent out days ago. Granted it's not that far away. Sailing is much faster then rowing we are making pretty good time without the need for wind.

After coming back down Addie with a red face looks at the cloud but from the obvious lack of disgust I know she's fine. The beach still present. Seeing it Addie nods before turning to Ellie. "Has he always done this? This kinda visual capabilities is quite impressive." Ellie nods "Yeah he's done this since he hatched I don't understand it to much either but Blumest are known for their ability to hide and scout so it's not that weird. It's just the thicker mist that is unusual." Addie frowned then looked at me. "Blumest? Aren't those blue? Both in body and mist?" I've wondered this myself to be honest why am i green? Looking over to the resident expert both me and Addie wait with baited breath for more info. "Uh... well he's not blue but yes blumest were known for blue mist. I just assumed he had a unique mutation path but blumest don't usually mutate let alone mutate before they are born. The only thing that seems entirely out of the realm of understanding is the green light."

Hearing the term green light Addie looked at me... "I don't see any light." Ellie laughed gently then looked at me with a do it face... I am not a dancing monkey lady. Feeling my anger her smug face turned sad then she immediately dropped to her knees in front of me grabbing my claw both me and Ellie started at her in shock... This lady might actually be might pet huh... Weird.. Addie immediately spoke up. "Hey I believe you, you don't need to act like that just to prove that he can glow." Glow you say? Well that gives me a good reason to blind this little girl not respecting the power of my light skill. Feeling my anger at the word glow Ellie immediately jumps to side like a bomb is about to go off covering her eyes. I was a second to late for that one but the other didn't make it in time as my emerald light light up the slowly darkening sky spreading through the light green mist and clouds as everything becomes deep dark emerald colored. After turning it off I see Ellie still hiding her eyes just encase as Addie has backed away and is walking around confused clearly actually blinded... whoops... Well she deserved it. As Ellie cautiously got up she noticed Addie slowly walking towards the railing about to fall in the sea and immediately runs over to stop her. Hearing Ellies voice and feeling her hands Addie's first response isn't appreciation as her eyes clear up and she sees again nor anger towards me but towards Ellie. "Why didn't you warn me you clearly saw it coming." Frowning Ellie looked at Addie the victim and said righteously "I can't protect you from yourself if you expect me to prevent you from jumping face forward into a fire then clearly you expect to much of me." With a frown Addie opens her mouth but then closes it... clearly helpless to find a proper response as she is right. Then she sighed and looked at me with a vengeful glare. Hey you asked for it lady.

<--- Plough is a common synonym for Hoe. While Terra is a common name implying earth or land. So Land Hoe = Ploughing Terra. This was the pun name. If you didn't get it and are only getting it now... You have failed me and I am very disappointed in you. --->