
Emerald Moon

Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. But then he is introduced to the shimmering Christmas ornament that is Luna Lovegood at Slughorn's Christmas Party, and he becomes intrigued...

Mel_Arx · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 13 - Bill and Fleur's Wedding

"Luna, my dear, lunch is ready!"

At the sound of her father's voice, Luna carefully stepped down from the ladder, assessing her painting process on her ceiling.

"Coming dad!" She called back and pushed a strand of hair out of her face as she looked at the faces of her friends, all smiling down at her.

She was very happy with the result. For the past two days she had been busy putting on the final touches and writing the word 'friends' over and over in a fine chain of golden paint. She hoped that she would able to invite them over and show them. But if Ginny's letters were anything to go by, she doubted she would see Harry, Ron and Hermione for a while.

Over the past year both she and Ginny had developed a cryptic way of relating news. That way, if a letter was intercepted, they wouldn't understand what was being said. Ginny had told her about the mission to get Harry to the Burrow and that he nor Ron and Hermione would be attending Hogwarts next year. This did sadden Luna. It would be a very strange school year without them.

But it would be a strange year regardless. The small amount of news Luna could piece together from the Daily Prophet, the Quibbler, Blaise and of course the Order, it wouldn't be long now until the Death Eaters took over the Ministry. She tried to keep as positive as she could about the situation and help wherever she could. Ginny's letter last night had told her Dumbledore had wanted to give Harry the Sword of Gryffindor, which would obviously aid him on his mission, but this had been prevented by Rufus Scrimgeour. It would become their mission then to ensure Harry received it, one way or another.

Before she descended the spiral staircase from her bedroom, she looked back at the easel in the corner of the room and smiled. Even from a distance she was happy with a composition. She was sure Blaise would like it. Just thinking about his make butterflies explode in her stomach. Despite the multitude of letters that had passed between, she couldn't deny that she missed him.

With Dumbledore's death, the school year had ended early June instead of the end. And while she enjoyed the extra weeks with her dad, both June and July had crept by. At least she had been able to keep busy painting her bedroom ceiling. But she longed to be back in Blaise's strong and warm embrace. She had never imagined this is what being in love could feel like. Ginny's feeling to Harry had given some idea and her father had always been very open and poetics about his love for Pandora, her late mother. But she had never been able to truly understand how someone's presence could have such an impact, both physically and mentally. And now she could better understand her father's of loss. She missed Blaise now, after such a short time of knowing him, with love perhaps being too strong a word yet, and she would most likely see him in a month. Losing someone you had loved for so long and deeply would be devastating.

She landed on the kitchen floor, the air filled with the comforting smell of stew and bread as well as her father own brew of tea. Her father had set the table in a dining nook, nestled into one of the rounded windows of the circular house. What might seem odd to others had always felt homely and comforting to her. It had thrilled her to see that the Ravenclaw Tower and dormitory had the same round space and had felt just as great.

She greeted her father and they started their lunch. He had been out in the gardens today and told her all about the different newts he had found.

"We should get ready after lunch. The wedding will start soon. Is your dress ready?"

"Yes all laid out. I will pick a sunflower for decoration."

Her father nodded encouragingly.

"Yes, good. Good idea, my Luna. It's good luck to wear yellow and bright colours for a wedding. We need more happiness." Luna laid a hand on her father's.

"I am sure Bill and Fleur will appreciate it. I'm excited for you to meet my friends."

"Me too dear. Although I've became quite familiar with their faces." And he winked playfully.

And so Luna spend the next hour washing the paint from her hair and hands. She had made a bright coloured yellow dress of a light flowing fabric that would twirl well on a dance floor. She gathered part of her hair together with some sparkly pins and choose the biggest and most beautiful sunflower to weave into her hair. She thought she looked very nice.

Her father wore robes of a similar colour that he accessorised with a tassel cap and Death Hallows necklace. His own white blonde hair was rather untameable but added to the bright and happy theme they were going for. As they left the house, Luna took his arm and they apparated to the Burrow.

It was already busy when they arrived with a large white marquee erected on the Burrow ground. A stream of visitors stood outside waiting. Luna looked around eagerly. This was exactly how she imagined Ron's and Ginny's home to look like. Rustic, perhaps rough around the edges yet incredibly welcoming. The house and grounds were rather like the Weasley's, once you got into their sphere, you became part of the family, and she felt instantly at home here. She saw the beautiful garden at the side of the house even with several garden gnomes trying to take their little claws to it. She glanced quickly at the waiting line for the wedding tent.

Her father caught her stare and gave her a little nod.

"Go ahead dear, I am sure it will be a little while. I'll tell your friends where you are, say hello to the gnomes for me."

She gave him a beaming smile before moving along the colourful wild borders brimming with butterflies and bees. Several gnomes were hastily buzzing around, knowing if they were spotted they would be flung away.

She passed a pink rose bush, which gave off the most amazing scent. As she bent down to smell the blooms, the gnomes popped up right in front of her, making a snarling sound. But due to its small size, it sounded rather more cute than frightening.

"Hello there, did I disturb you? Such a lovely rose isn't it?"

It blinked it's huge eyes, nestled deeply into a knobby head shaped rather like a potato. Perhaps it had never been addressed kindly. Seemingly frozen, Luna reached out a hand above him to caress a bloom close by. She probably should have realised that would be a mistake sooner but with her movement, the gnome moved into self defence. Quickly he jumped forward and sank its little teeth into her other hand before running away.

"Oww!" She inhaled sharply and pulled up her finger to examine the damage.

Thankfully there wasn't too much see. The puncture wounds weren't very deep with a tiny amount of blood trickling out. She was more shocked then anything. Which was probably a good strategy for the gnome.

She made her way to the wedding marquee seeing her father was being escorted by Ron and an unfamiliar red haired boy. But as she came closer she saw the expression on his freckled face and grinned. She could recognise that look anywhere.

"Hello, Harry!" The boy gave her a surprised look.

"Er - my name's Barny." He said flummoxed. She grinned

"Oh, have you changed that too?"

"How did you know…?"

"Oh just your expression."

Her father had been talking to an acquaintance, whom him bid farewell before turning to her and Harry. She held up her finger to her father.

"Daddy, look! One of the gnomes actually bit me!" Her father beamed and took her outstretched hand to examine the wound.

"How wonderful. Gnome saliva is enormously beneficial. Luna, my love, if you feel any burgeoning talent today, perhaps an unexpected urge to sing opera or to declaim in Mermish, do not repress it! You may have been gifted by the Gernumblies!"

Ron passed them at that moment and let out a loud snort.

"Ron can laugh," she told Harry serenely, as he led the to their seats "but my father had done a lot of research on Gernumbli magic."

"Really? Are you sure you don't want to put anything on that bite though?"

"Oh, it's fine," and she popped her finger in her mouth to stop the bleeding. Human saliva was beneficial too when it came to healing.

Meanwhile, she looked Harry up and down.

"You look smart. I told Daddy most people would probably wear dress robes, but he believes you ought to wear sun colours to a wedding, for luck, you know."

Harry gave her a kind smile and excused himself to help other guests to their seats.

Soon the marquee was full to bursting. As she chatted happily with her father, she spied Hermione in a lilac dress and gave a little wave. The little bag, dangling around her friend's wrist seemed to swing heavily. Obviously some sort of extension charm, which required quite a bit of work. Hermione of course was very bright and excellent with charms.

Not long after, the ceremony started as both Bill's parents and Fleur's mother entered the marquee, followed by Bill and Charlie, who Luna had only met once. She knew he worked with dragons in Romania, which she admired. Dragons were beautiful creatures.

Then Ginny and Fleur's little sister entered, both wearing beautiful gold dresses, and Luna thought her friend looked wonderful. With the arrival of the bride and her father, the music swelled. Wearing a simple yet elegant white dress, Fleur was absolutely radiant. Her Veela background, the usually annoyed Ginny and Hermione, now lightened up the space and made everything and everyone look more beautiful. Even Bill looked as if he hadn't been attacked by Fenrir Greyback.

"Very special Veela magic." Her father whispered as he clasped her hand tightly. She looked at him and saw he was staring at the bride and groom with a far away expression. She leaned her head on his shoulder and squeezed his hand.

"I know daddy, I know."

Among applause and music the ceremony ended and as they were instructed to rise, their tables and chairs vanished. As did the marquee canvas, to reveal a sunlit sky and a golden floor appeared as the dance floor.

A few tables reappeared and Luna calmly sat back down as her father went to give Bill and Fleur their present. She was soon joined by Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Alright if we join you?" Ron asked and she smiled, happy to see her friends again.

"Oh yes! Daddy's just gone to give Bill and Fleur our present."

"What is it? A lifetime's supply of Gurdyroots?"

Harry gave a yelp as if it pain, but Luna was too busy mulling over Ron's question.

"No, but that would have made a lovely gift. You know how useful they are."

Ron grinned at that.

"What did you give then?" He asked with more sincerity.

"Daddy made a music box and captured some of the ceremony music so they can always play it. He still has some from his wedding to my mum."

"That is a very lovely gift. I am sure they'll love it."

The band started to play. Bill and Fleur took to floor first, to great applause, after which more witches and wizards joined in to the lovely waltz like tune.

"I like this song." Luna said and got up to glide along the gold dance floor herself. Of course she had no one to waltz with, but she simply enjoyed the music as she closed her eyes and let the tune lead her. Weddings, she decided, were very nice.

A few songs later, Ginny joined her in the dance floor.

"I am so glad you could come."

"Me too! Thank you for inviting us. This is my first wedding."

"Mine too. Did you like it?"

"I did! It has been wonderful. Their love really brightened the ceremony. You make a lovely bridesmaid."

"Thank you Luna. If I ever marry… will you be my bridesmaid?"

Luna beamed at her best friend.

"Oh I would that!"

They danced and laughed as Ron and Hermione passed them, twirling along the dance floor together.

"About time…" Ginny muttered but Luna could see that she was happy for both her brother and her friend. And she was right. It had taken a very long time, but finally, they seemed to be dancing through life together in the same direction.

After a couple of dances, a blushing Hermione left the dance floor, back towards Harry, while Ron asked them if they wanted some Butterbeers. As he left to get them, there was a commotion and Luna turned to find Viktor Krum storming away from her father. Even from the other side of the dance floor, she could see there had been an argument.

However, before she even had time to contemplate what to do, something large and silvery fell from the canopy onto the dance floor. Luna recognised it immediately as a patronus. It was a lynx and Kingsley Shacklebolt's deep voice started to come from its mouth.

"The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming."

Luna felt her stomach drop as the news, she had been dreading for the past few months, had finally come. There was no time to despair now. She pulled her wand from her hair, once again looking for her father, assessing how fast she could get to him. Panic meanwhile slowly started to breakout, as guests started to scream, run and apparate away as fast as they could.

As the crowd drew apart, several masked figures appeared. Luna felt Ginny lean against her back.

"Ready for this Luna?"

"Always! Protego!" She shouted as Ginny, Remus and Tonks did the same beside them, blasting the figures back. She heard her father call out her name, but knew she couldn't leave without defending her friends. Deflecting another curse sent by a black clad Death Eater, she heard Ginny's panicked intake of breath. She turned to see Harry, Ron and Hermione disapparate away. This was it then. Their mission had started and her own mission for now was getting out of this wedding alive.

More guests followed this example until only their core group of Weasley's, Order Members and Luna and her father remained. Fleur had bid her parents farewell as they gathered Gabrielle and hastily left for safety as Fleur defended them from incoming attacks. Tonks too had been forced by Remus to leave. There has been a desperate, near crazed, look in his eyes that Luna had never seen before. No matter how much the rest of them defended themselves, more Death Eaters seemed to arrive until they finally found themselves captured.

With the help of multiple incarterous spells, she found herself tied up next to Ginny and Fred, defenceless as Death Eaters started their search. It was of course obvious who they were searching for. Harry Potter and any signs of Ron and Hermione. They searched the garden, the grounds and the house, but found only ghoul with Spattergoit which they thankfully thought was Ron, much to Ginny, Fred and George's glee and Mr and Mrs Weasley's relief.

Over the next few hours curses were directed their way to get them to talk. Luna became grateful for two things. Umbridge's horrible school year couldn't have prepared her better for the near torture interrogation session. And as frustrating as it had been, the trio's complete silence on their plans, now helped them overcome the questions about their whereabouts.

Finally, after several hours, the Death Eaters appeared to have enough, and left, leaving them to clear up the mess and destruction. Reunited in her father's arms, he at first was reluctant to stay a second longer than necessary.

"Daddy, I want to help clean up. I am good with those Charms."

Before her father could respond, Arthur Weasley stood beside them. He had a nasty gash in his face.

"I understand you completely Xenophilius. I can only thank you for your support and defence of us. Your Luna is a bright witch. You must be very proud."

"I always help those in need and I am proud, but I want to keep my daughter safe. She's all I have…" and she felt his hand tighten around hers protectively.

"I know." Arthur said kindly as Ginny joined them.

"I understand too, but daddy, please, just a little while? I can heal that wound for you Mr. Weasley." Before either man could object, she waved her wand at the wound. "Episkey!" And the loose skin started to stitch itself back together.

Ginny gave her a grin.

"Well done! That has really become a signature of yours. Very useful."

"So is your Bat Bogey Hex."

"True, but that's only useful against Death Eaters or idiots like Smith…"

"Yes, yes, we've seen enough examples of that spell to last me a lifetime. I still don't understand who taught you… It certainly wasn't me…" Arthur muttered.

"It was mum!" Ginny quipped happily before turning as Bill and Fleur approached too. "You both alright? Blast of a wedding…" they heard Fred laugh and Bill rolled his eyes.

"I should have expected that… but yes we're fine just a bit shaken up. We got word the Delacour's are fine."

"O' course they are. Those Death Eaters won't be when I find them. Zey ruined our wedding!" Fleur flicked her silvery blonde hair back. Despite the fighting she still looked immaculate.

Luna stepped forward and clasped her hands in hers, bewildering the new bride.

"I understand you're upset. But I thought your wedding was beautiful. And at least we'll never forget it."

This earned her a throaty chuckle.

"Zat is kind of you to say. Thank you dear Luna. I forgot to tell you zat sunflowers are my favourite flowers."

Giving her an embrace, Luna was quickly brought back to her father's side, and she caught Ginny rolling her eyes towards the sky.

"Luna, my love, let's go home."

"Alright daddy. Bye everyone. I'll see you on the train Ginny."

And with a few more waves, they apparated away.

After cleaning themselves up and getting ready for bed for some well deserved rest, her father gave her one final hug and kissed the crown of her head.

"I am not ashamed to admit how scared I was for you today. I know you have skills, but despite all your adventures, I have never had to see you in danger. You're my little girl, Luna, and I would do anything to keep you safe."

She hugged him close.

"I know daddy. I love you."

"I love you too, my darling."