
Emerald Moon

Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. But then he is introduced to the shimmering Christmas ornament that is Luna Lovegood at Slughorn's Christmas Party, and he becomes intrigued...

Mel_Arx · Book&Literature
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20 Chs

Chapter 14 - A New Hogwarts

Blaise couldn't remember how or when he had heard that the Death Eaters had taken over the Ministry. Frankly, he didn't really care. He had known it would happen sooner than later. The whole wizarding world had simply waited for it to happen.

What he did remember, were the next torturous hours of pure panic. Two letters had brought him into that state. The first from Luna, telling him about her summer plans and her invitation to Ginny Weasley's brother's wedding.

The brother being Bill Weasley who he had seen slashed open by Fenrir Greyback. The bride, Fleur Delacour, the part Veela Triwizard Champion. Apparently the Weasley's had a knack of attracting the weirdest and most special witches and wizards possible. And so of course Luna and her father had been invited too. They were the neighbours after all.

The second letter, this time from Nott, had contained a flippant throw away line about the event, which had it been any other Pureblood family would have resulted in an elaborate celebration. Possibly one where all the Death Eaters were in attendance. Blaise hadn't thought anything of it, until he heard about the Ministry. Scrimgeour had fled - read died- and Thicknesses would now be Prime Minister. A wonderful puppet for You-Know-Who. They now held all the power, could do anything they wanted. And somewhere in his subconscious, Blaise had made the connection and knew that the wedding was in trouble, as were all the guests, including Luna.

Blaise, who had never prayed before in his life, had simply sunk down on his knees and prayed to anything he could think of, to make sure Luna was safe. Perhaps she hadn't gone to the wedding after all. Or had left early. Or had defended herself and eliminated a few Death Eaters herself. He wouldn't mind seeing her edgy and more in tune with her nearly nonexistent darker side.

But nothing calmed him down and as day went into night and back into morning without any word from her, he had expected the worst. Knowing that her death along with so many others everyday, would not be reported on, he found no comfort in the Prophet the next morning.

The paper had only added to his anxiety because large on the front page were new education decrees that the Ministry had 'long deliberated on', which was that attendance to Hogwarts would be mandatory to any young Pureblood or proven Halfblood witch or wizard. After Dumbledore's death many children from muggleborn or halfblood family had already taken it upon themselves to leave. But now their fears had truly been realised. Even for the Purebloods such as Blaise himself, who was not part of the Death Eater circles, couldn't escape anymore either. Had it not been so frighteningly real, Blaise could have praised the terror strategies. This way they could keep everyone under their thumb.

Even Magdalena understood that this was bad as she snuggled next to him on the living room couch.

"So, I will have to go now?" She asked quietly and it broke Blaise's heart to hear so much doubt in her voice. Only months ago, the mere mention of Hogwarts had made she excited beyond believe. But now it was different. Everything was different. He held her close.

"Don't worry Maggie. Hogwarts still remains the best place to study magic and I know you'll love it. I'll be there to protect you."

Their uncle had then come in and told them all about his time at Hogwarts, which Blaise knew was greatly embellished to cheer up his little niece. Just as he started to launch into an hilarious tale about Peeves the Poltergeist, an owl arrived through an open window. Blaise instantly recognised the bird and flew off the couch to meet it. A small single piece of parchment, rolled up neatly was presented to him. He had a hard time focusing on the words on the page, and forced himself to take deep breath's. He ignored the curious questions from his uncle and sister.

Shaken but fine and safe. There was too much excitement. See you aboard.

⁃ L

At the bottom of the page there was a symbol that looked like an eye and Blaise thought he understand. She was being watched. No more contact for now until back on the Hogwarts Express. But the most important part was that she was alive and safe. And shaken…? Shaken. They had hurt her. He had to resist crumbling the note up and flinging something across the room. Nott had given warning. He had known something would happen. And currently Blaise wasn't sure he was grateful for the warning or strangle his friend the first moment he got.

"Blaise? Are you okay? Who is the note from?" Magdalena's voice brought him back as he found her beside him, her large black eyes gazing up at him, full of concern.

"I am fine Maggie. Just some news from a friend. Good news. I needed that."

This earned him a relieved smile from his sister. He chose to ignore the sceptical stare from his uncle. That would be a conversation for another time.

"Do you have everything for Hogwarts?" He asked later during lunch. Magdalena bite her lip thoughtfully, exchanging looks with Vincenzo and Kamil.

"We got everything before the summer, everything except for a wand…"

"Ah yes… of course…"

"We had hoped perhaps Ollivander would have returned… but no sign of him yet…"

"Well, then we must go and get you another wand." Blaise stated simply.

"You can't mean Jimmy Kiddell?" His uncle exclaimed in outrage. "Then she might as well not have a wand."

"Ollivander disappeared last summer. There will be some kids then that had to get their wands some place else. And this year all of the first years had to do without Ollivander's too. She'll manage. Who knew maybe Kiddell finally found a way to get rid op competition?"

"You can't be serious to go to Diagon Alley now. You've read the news! Your mother told you to keep your head down."

"Yes but also to appear as unfazed by this as anyone in our station. And mother would want Magdalena to be as prepared as she can be. I am surprised you kept this off for so long."

His uncle didn't join them for their trip, that Blaise tried to keep as short as possible. Thankful that he had passed his Apparition exams, he brought Magdalena to the practically abandoned Leaky Cauldron, before leading her quickly through the cobbled streets as she nearly ran beside him to keep up. But Magdalena knew now was not the time to linger and complain. She silently and determinedly followed him, her chin high in the air as their mother had taught her. Confidence and haughtiness would safe your life.

While Jimmy Kiddell and his shop had never looked this good, obviously helped by the recent increase in sales, he appeared to be just as anxious as Blaise felt. Nor were Blaise's comments to his uncle correct. Kiddell was devastated by Ollivander's disappearance. He did take good take of Magdalena in finding a wand for her. And when she finally held a maple wood wand with unicorn hair core, she beamed and Blaise was happy to see the initial excitement back on her face.

The look of excitement was still there when she stood on the Platform 9 3/4 and hugged her uncle, aunt and cousin goodbye and they gave their best wishes. Blaise hugged them too and spoken quietly with his uncle as Magdalena's coat was stuffed with some more treats for on the way.

"Let me know whatever you can."

"I will Blaise, you too. Keep safe and protect Magdalena."

"Of course I will."

"I know, I just… you know the signal. Don't hesitate to use it. We'll figure something out."

"You three keep safe too. If they come, give them whatever they want. I don't need an inheritance." That made his uncle laugh.

"You're a Zabini, of course you'd want your inheritance. But I think there will be enough to give to… charity."

"I'd rather it went to real charity."

The amber eyes of his uncle's eyes pierced him now, seemingly seeing anything.

"I know bambino. I'll see what I can do." He told Blaise finally and with a final hug, Blaise took his sister's hand and boarded the scarlet train.

Finding a compartment had never been this easy. The train practically felt deserted. Blaise led them along the corridor.

"It's not that I don't want to sit with you Maggie but I think it's good for you to start making some friends on the train. You might become house mates after all." Magdalena gave a nervous giggle.

"I am sure I'll make friends sharing the cannoli Aunty has given me." Blaise grinned at her.

"Cannoli is the best bribery."

Then he spotted Nott in the hallway, who looked genuinely happy to see him.

"Zabini! There you are. I was looking for you."

"I was trying to find Maggie a nice compartment." At this Magdalena gave a little wave and Nott smiled in recognition.

"But of course, first year! Always very exciting. I have a cousin also starting this year. There might be space for you. Ah there they are."

And arrived at a compartment with three young girls, all obviously first years. Some Blaise recognised from their siblings. All respectable Pureblood daughters. Not necessarily his first choice but possibly the best introduction Magdalena would need to keep safe. Looking at his sister, he saw a flash of uncertainty cross her face before her little pointed chin was tipped up, and with a goodbye to him, she glided into the compartment and introduced herself. She would be fine. And so he secured her truck for her and left with Nott towards their usual compartment.

Blaise couldn't help himself from side eyeing every other compartment in the hopes to see a flash of her. His anxiety rose as they passed so many of them, all without Luna. What is something had happened? What if she had never made it on the train in the first place?

Then, just before they reached their usual seats, he saw her. She was sitting with her friends, or at least those that were present, namely Neville Longbottom and Ginny Weasley. There was no sight of Potter, Granger and Weasley. Interesting…

He looked her up and down, his heart rate going into a confusing rollercoaster of relief to find her looking fine, as well as increasing because, Merlin, she looked fine -. The summer sun had paled her hair further while also streaking it with gold. Her pale skin had gotten a pretty flush which made her blue eyes stand out even more. She wore a turquoise dress with a cardigan decorated with a large sunflower pattern. Overal she gave the impression the sun was in their midst, and it took all his self control not to gather her in his arms right then and there. Especially when her eyes found his and she gave an inconspicuous wink. He bit back a grin but was unable to disguise the hunger in his gaze.

The compartment door rattled as Nott opened it, bringing Blaise back to Earth, and he quickly followed his friend. The space was full with other 6 and 7th year Slytherin's. But unlike other years when there was enough joking and laughter, there now was an eerie silence of anticipation. No one truly knew what to expect this year, yet it was the unspoken rule in the House not to show weakness, even if you were terrified.

They found a seat close to the door, by the window. Parkinson was sitting with the other girls and looked rather pale and upset. As Blaise had expected, Draco Malfoy's absence was deafening. The train started to move out of the station and soon they were cruising through the green countryside. Although less than in the city, some areas held far too much mist for the summer months. Obviously the work of Dementors.

"So, have a good summer?" Nott asked finally and Blaise wouldn't resist rolling his eyes at the question, before levelling a hard stare at him.

"Yeah, brilliant. Yours?"

Nott tried to shrug nonchalantly but a blush rising from his neck ruined the effect.

"Alright, managed to get a short internship at Gringotts."

"Sounds great, how was it?"

"Very interesting. Pretty sure I'll be able to get into after this year."

Blaise had to bit back a snarky reply. Because, yeah, if daddy won the war, of course he would get a place. If there still would be enough people to fill Gringotts, was another question. But one look at Nott and Blaise realised his friend was truly excited by the prospect. He couldn't stop his father from choosing a side and had to live with that too. And so he took pity on him, hoping deep down, Nott could prove to be an ally in the end.

"It's what you were hoping for. You must be excited?"

And he listened as Nott launched into his tale about his summer's adventures. Meanwhile the landscape changed as they travelled north and passed the Scottish border.

Suddenly there was a massive jolt and a loud screeching sound as the driver braked the train. There were several screams as they were all pushed into their seats. Finally, they stood still. There was a deadly silence followed by sounds of doors being opened and shut repeatedly.

Blaise pushed himself from his chair and turned to the door, opening it to look out. In the hallway other brave students had started to look out to see what as happening, as was Luna with Weasley and Longbottom. He found her gaze, instantly calmed by the serenity in them. He looked out and saw Death Eaters stride through the hallway, obviously looking in every nook and cranny. No one had to ask for who. Longbottom apparently had seen quite enough and when to stand fully into the narrow space, blocking Blaise's view.

"Hey, losers!" His confident voice carried throughout the silent train. An effective way to get attention and sure enough, the two Death Eaters in charge abandoned their search to assess Neville.

"He isn't here." Longbottom told them sharply. There was no explanation necessary.

For a moment, Blaise thought they would attack him. Apparently Luna and Weasley thought the same when he saw their hands linger by their wands. But then they probably remembered Longbottom's pristine blood status, and despite his family allegiance, that still seemed to count for something. And so they simply push him aside and searched his compartment extra thoroughly, much to the girl's amused, as Blaise caught their prideful smiles.

As quick as they arrived, the Death Eaters departed again and the train started to move again.

"Good job Neville. Come on, let's finish our game." Ginny said and gave Neville a congratulatory pat on the back. The red head looked back at Luna, who still lingered outside. "You coming Luna?" Then a glare was sent Blaise's way.

"Yes soon. I think I'll go change." And with a bag under her arm, Luna slipped away.

Nott now stood behind Blaise.

"You coming back in too?"

"I am just going to check on Magdalena. Can you get me a Butterbeer when the trolley passes? I'll be over in a second." Blaise told him, rather pleased how confident he sounded before he too strode purposely through the hallway.

To make sure no lingering eyes remained, he did quickly look in with Magdalena, who apart from shocked was fine. Then he quickly slipped into one of the changing compartments, hoping he picked the right one. Small hands clenched themselves around his cashmere jumper, bending him down and he couldn't stop a smirk before she captured his mouth with hers for a searing kiss.

All his fear and anxiety seemed to melt away and he could only focus on one thing, her. One hand found her waist, while the other tangled into her hair, bringing her as close as possible in the tight space. Her back leaned against the wall and he arched her neck softly in order to deep the kiss. He became lost in the pleasure of it all. He finally felt alive again after three months of dullness. She brought colour back to his life. A herd of Hippogriffs would have thundered past them and he wouldn't have stopped.

Finally, they came back up for air. He leaned against her forehead, amused they were out if breath.

"I missed you." His voice sounded hoarse.

"I missed you too. I've wanted to do that for a while." He grinned at her.

"I did too but you beat me to it, little minx."

She giggled, and even in the dark interior, he could see her blush. He took that moment to look her up and down.

"Are you alright?" He whispered. She nodded.

"Yeah, I am fine."

"Did they… did they hurt you?"

"A bit, but nothing too terrible. They were harsher on Ginny's and Tonks' family."

"I am sorry…"

"It wasn't your fault Blaise. I guess it was bound to happen."

"Please Lovegood… Luna… please promise me you won't put yourself in harms way. I don't know what Hogwarts is going to be like this year, but I want to make sure you and Magdalena will be okay."

She lay a hand on his cheek.

"That's very kind of you Blaise, but I can't promise you that. Be there for Magdalena, she's your sister. I can handle myself…"

"No… listen. I know you're a very capable fighter but…"

"Blaise, please don't fight me on this. How many Death Eaters have you fought?"

"I… that's not the point…"

"I know this is going to be hard, and Magdalena and all the other younger students will need our help and protection, no matter what house of status."

"You know I can't…"

"I know, and I am not asking you too. Just keep your sister safe."

He leaned closer to her, breathing in her scent.

"I want to keep you safe too."

"Can you keep me heart safe for now instead?" The question shocked him and he pulled back slightly to look at her fully. Her serenity was her confidence.

"Of course… if you're sure?" She smiled at him.

"I am."

"Alright… I will." And he kissed her again.

This kiss was shorter and sweet and did nothing to stifle his hunger. But their time was up for now. Before they left, he flicked his wand over them, just to make sure everything was neat and tidy. He took her hand and softly kissed her knuckles.

"Before I go, when will I see you again?"

"Same spot?"

"If we can sure, but what if we can't?"

"The Room of Requirement then. Just think of the clearing in the forest and you'll be able to find me."

He grinned at her.

"You're brilliant." She smiled back with obvious glee.

"Thank you."

"Bye Luna."

"Bye Blaise."

And with one final kiss they parted. Blaise made sure to pass by Magdalena once more to be safe, already feeling bad how he was using his sister's presence to hide away. But he could repent for that later. Thankfully, Nott had become very much engrossed in a game of exploding snap to realise how long he had been gone for. And Blaise found he was rather able to enjoy the rest of the train ride to the castle.

After arriving at Hogsmeade Station however, that happiness disappeared. Gloom draped over the village and castle and they were immediately met by the Carrow siblings. Both were Death Eaters and had been part of the group that attacked the castle last term. They roughly lined everyone up, separating girls from boys and viciously stabbing their wands into their robes to see if they could find anything 'Forbidden.'

Anything 'forbidden' turned out to be mostly Weasley Wizard Wheezes product, for which a student was given a lash on the wrist. Soon more than more student could be heard sobbing from shock and pain.

"What's this then?"

"A magazine. It's called the Quibbler. My dad's three Editor."

"Your father is mad, that's what he is!"

"I don't agree."

Her usually dreamy voice had changed into a calm yet icy cold tone, and Blaise couldn't help but arch himself up to be able to see, noticing that many did the same. He saw Ginny Weasley had already been checked, a red mark on her wrist, and was glaring daggers into the back of the Carrow sister's head. Luna however stood firmly in front of the angry witch, whose face had started to turn violet.

"I don't care if you agree or not! This," and she waved the Quibbler violently, "is forbidden!"

"That's alright, you can take it, I've already read it. You might find it interesting."

It was nearly amusing to watch as the witch nearly recoiled at the possibility of simply glancing at the offending paper. She hurled it into the air and made it catch fire. As the magazine quickly turned to ash, Blaise could hear several exclaims of unfairness around him. Merely months ago, the Quibbler had been seen as a laughing stock, but during the summer, it had proven to be the only accurate source of information, and now appeared invaluable.

"That's a pity. You ruined the crossword." Luna stated simply and several around him snickered. Blaise now only felt the anxiety return into his stomach. This was exactly what he had been afraid but. No one could break Luna Lovegood's spirit, and she knew that too.

"You'll pity that you've come back here with such insolence!" The witch nearly screamed and the sound of two quick lashes, seemed to quiet everyone. Luna didn't even flinch.

"Is that all?" She asked, nearly coyly.

"Yes, go! Out of my sight!" Carrow sneered and Luna glided away to Ginny, who linked her arm with hers and they both walked towards the Thestral pulled carriages, where Neville stood waiting for them, a grim and determined look on his face. There was no way they would remain silent this year. Two Gryffindor's had adopted a Ravenclaw, and now all hell would break loose. At least he would be able to protect Magdalena in the Slytherin Common Rooms.

While it had been announced over the summer, it was still a surprise to see Professor Snape, now promoted to Headmaster, sitting in Dumbledore's old chair. All the returning students still looked rather uncomfortable at the new situation, and therefore avoided looking at the new Headmaster all together, even when he gave his clipped and precise welcoming speech, before the sorting went on its way.

Without the muggleborn children, the group of first years seemed extremely small. At least it meant he could see Magdalena clearly and give her encouraging thumbs up. He saw she looked nervous and yet excited. Of course with the last name Zabini, she had to wait until the end. Finally, she gracefully went up the stairs and let Professor McGonagall place the sorting hat on her dark curls. Seconds passed, which turned into a full two minutes, after which Blaise wasn't sure if his heart could cope any longer.

He met Luna's gaze the exact moment the hat finally made its decision.
