

In a dystopian world of alpha-omega dynamics, Kieran is the most reigning ruthless alpha but when Lyla, a fiercely independent omega enters his world, they are drawn to each other despite the power struggle as she reveals Kieran's past. They navigate their relationship between social expectations and the threat of rebellion. Their love is tested through alliances and exchanges of betrayal and they must decide, whether they should eat their own fate or succumb to the darkness that surrounds them.

Haneul_Myun · Fantasy
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126 Chs


They had never openly discussed it, or even furtively shared whispers after the sham meetings they pantomimed week after week for Kieran's surveillance team. Both Moros John and Master Luke had played their parts, openly quarreling at the old location, hosting meetings where nothing of value was accomplished. It was all a performance, but the continuous suffering of their people was very real.

The old resistance was dying. Their friends were dying—not just from violence, but from crushed hope. In the eyes of the Dome, Moros John and Master Luke were two great failures.

The title did not disturb either of them. Both clung to what really mattered: survival.

Not their survival, both of them could see the writing on the wall. They needed their people to live. They needed to give Leslie Suarez and her growing band of rebels a chance.

At least that's what they told themselves.

More people died, more disappeared.