

In a dystopian world of alpha-omega dynamics, Kieran is the most reigning ruthless alpha but when Lyla, a fiercely independent omega enters his world, they are drawn to each other despite the power struggle as she reveals Kieran's past. They navigate their relationship between social expectations and the threat of rebellion. Their love is tested through alliances and exchanges of betrayal and they must decide, whether they should eat their own fate or succumb to the darkness that surrounds them.

Haneul_Myun · Fantasy
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126 Chs


Was the man an idiot? Beyond caring, she threw up her arms. "I don't know! If I knew what you had done to the room, I would fix it myself."

"Do you want me to leave?" This was not normal. Kieran needed her normal. "To retrieve your meal at once?"

"Yes." She spun around, changing her mind, "No. You have to stay. This is your fault. You don't get to leave until you fix whatever you did."

Kieran stood taller, commanding, "On the bookshelf, top far right, is a book with a white cover. Bring it to me."

Lyla huffed, shuffling her bare feet over to do what he demanded. She grabbed the only white book and threw it right at the man. It bounced off his chest, landing on the concrete with a thud.

The alpha growled—it was not the guttural call to mate, it was a warning, a threat, and something that would have sent grown men white as a sheet. Lyla ignored it, choosing instead to wring her hands and pace.