
Embodiment of Haki

Ryan found himself In the world of One Piece. Without any cheats or golden fingers, follow Ryan as he embarks on a journey to become the strongest. No romance, No Devil fruit, Only Haki. Timeline- chapter 1 is Rogers Execution. I am a new author, so please bear with me. Constructive criticism is welcome.

CrispyBerry · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

One Piece World.

'So this is the One piece world?'

On a small island in East Blue, Ryan contemplated how he had arrived in the world of One piece.

Normally in fanfictions, the mc dies and ROB reincarnates them into a world of their choice with cheats, however this wasn't the case for our mc.

Ryan was just on his way to university, as he did most days of the week, when suddenly, after he blinked, he found himself on a beach. No ROB and no cheats.

1st POV~

'WTF!, where am I!' I thought, genuinely panicked as I randomly found myself on a beach instead of behind the wheel, driving to uni.

'Am I having a fever dream?' I don't smoke, do drugs or drink alcohol, so I find it hard to believe I am having a hallucination.

Kneeling on the ground, rubbing my hand across the course sand,

'It feels so real!'

'OUCH!' Pinching myself hard to make sure I wasn't in a lucid dream, made me realise that this is real!

Standing up and looking around my surroundings I find myself wondering what to do now.

'First, I need to find a water source, then I need shelter and finally I should make a plan on what I should do next.'

With a very makeshift plan in mind, I started to wander around the beach to see if I can find any sort of water source.

Nearing the edge of the beach, there is a large plane of grass with small animals like rabbits scurrying around nibbling on the grass.

'If there are rabbits here, then there is definitely water nearby.'

Wandering into the opening, carefully checking my surroundings every couple of seconds, I try to locate any lake or stream from where the rabbits get their water from.

As I approach the edge of the plane, towering trees appear before me, reaching further into the sky than the tallest trees I have seen in my life.


'What's that noise?'

Causiously inching my way into the forest, I listen to the sound of splashing water.

'Mission 1 - find a water source- completed!'

As I approached the sound, I see a large river meandering it's way through the trees.

'Wow!' The picturesque view was stunning to my eyes.

Standing at the edge of the river I see just how large it is.

'It must be at least 15 meters wide and..' picking up a large stick, around 2m long I found nearby, I poked it into the water. As I did so the stick completely submerged and the pressure from the fat flowing river ripped the stick out of my hands.

'Well, more than 2m deep'.

Bending down and cupping my hands, I scooped up the water to quench my thirst.

'Ahhh, that's better! I didn't realise how thirsty I was until then.'

Standing back up and again, checking my surroundings, I walk further into the forest, following the river.

'With mission 1 complete, now for mission 2. Finding shelter.'

With that in mind, I look for caves nearby the river. Luckily, after only 15 minutes of searching along the river, I found a relatively enclosed cave.

'This will do for now. I'm getting tired walking for so long.' (around 1 hour 30 mins since he first started walking)

As I neared the edge of the cave, I rememberd that there could already be a resident.

Slowly walking backwards, I picked up a rock nearby and went to the edge of the tree.

'Maybe if I climb the tree and throw something in the cave, I will know if something is living there.'

Wrapping my arms around the tree, I slowly shimmy my way up to the first branch.

'Huff huff! Wow, I need more excercise but this tree is huge!'

I'm only sitting on the first branch but I am at least 12m in the air.

Readying the rock in my hand, I aim at the opening of the cave. Steadying my breath, I pull back, aim and throw the rock at the opening.



Waiting half a minute to make sure, I breathed a sigh of relief that my cave is uninhabited.

Slowly climbing my way down, I walk into the cave.

The cave is quite small being around 20m2, but it protects me from the elements which is the whole point.

'This will do! It's quite cozy and it's only a 2 minute walk from the river. Mission 2 - find shelter- complete.'

'Now I need to find out what is happening, where I am and if I am stuck on this island.'

*caw caw*

Looking out from the entrance of my cave, I see a bird with a sack on its back and a hat on its head.

'What in the anime is that'

Looking closer, I see it is being attacked by a large eagle. Although panicked, the dressed bird easily managed to manoeuvre itself out of the way of the eagles sharp talons, however the sack it was carrying wasn't so lucky.

The eagles claws ripped the sack into shreds and something in the sack fell from the sky in front of me.

Looking at its shredded sack, the dressed bird looked annoyed at the eagle, before quickly flying off into the distance.

'WTF have I just witnessed?' I thought to myself before my ways were drawn to what fell in front of me.

'A newspaper?'

Bending down to pick it up I read the headlines on the front page.

'Pirate King Gold Roger Executed'

Widening my eyes in disbelief, I think of what has happened since I got here. First I blink and I am on an island, then I see trees easily towering the trees on earth, then I see a bird wearing a hat and sack, which I now realise is a news coo and finally, Gol D Roger is excecuted.

'So this is the One Piece world?'


Hi everyone. I am a newbie author so if you have any advice it will be welcome.

As you can see from the first chapter, I am not very good at writing yet but I hope later chapters will be better.

Thanks for taking your time to read.