
Emblem of the Veil

The collision of realms—an event that had forever altered the course of history. Earth, once the sole domain of humanity, had become intertwined with another world, one ruled by a fearsome species known as the Daemones. These creatures, hailing from a realm far different from Earth, had found their way into human territory, just as humans had discovered a means to enter theirs. Elijah and his little sister, already tormented and bullied after their parents' deaths, found their lives spiraling into darkness as their parents' enemies targeted them. The torment reached its peak when Elijah was left crippled, seemingly doomed to a life of misery. But fate had other plans. One day, a tattoo seared itself onto Elijah's hand, igniting a power within him, he embarks on a journey of vengeance, rising from his despair and unraveling the terrifying truth behind his world. ---------- Despite numerous attempts to eradicate the Daemones from Earth, the nests kept reappearing, fueled by the relentless efforts of the Fiends to maintain their presence on Earth. Humanity's best strategy had been to contain these areas, guarding them with military forces while trying to control the spread. Powerful Bellators could potentially reclaim weaker districts, but doing so would leave higher-ranked districts vulnerable to attack. The Fiends were always watching, waiting for an opportunity to strike whenever a strong Bellator left their post. The older generation of warriors was stretched thin, relying on the new recruits to hold the line.

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18 Chs

An eye for an eye (1)

Elijah stood in his new apartment, gazing out the window at the busy street below. A week had passed since his last hunt in the other world—a week on Earth, meaning three weeks in the other realm. He glanced at the calendar on his wall, noting the passage of time with a sigh.

Returning from his thoughts, he noticed a notification on his phone. It was a message from his school. Opening it, he read the formal, professional wording:


Subject: Monthly Hunter Event Notification

Dear Elijah Blade,

This is a reminder that the monthly Hunter Event is scheduled for [Date]. Attendance is mandatory for all enrolled Bellatores. As you are aware, this event serves as an important assessment of your progress and capabilities. You will be scored based on your performance, which will contribute to your overall standing within the Academy.

Please ensure you are fully prepared for the event. The combat test will be held in the A2 district, and it is crucial that you bring all necessary equipment. Should you have any questions or require further information, do not hesitate to contact the administration.

Best regards, 

Marcus Delacroix

Instructor, West Region Highschool


Elijah sighed deeply, his shoulders slumping slightly. He wasn't particularly thrilled about the event, but he knew it was unavoidable. He got dressed, donning his thin, flexible armor beneath his regular clothes. The lightweight material provided adequate protection without hindering his movements. With his weapon securely stored in his ring, he left his apartment and headed to school.


The atmosphere at the School was buzzing with excitement as students prepared for the event. Elijah arrived in the classroom just in time to hear Marcus, the teacher-in-charge, addressing the students.

"There are 20 places available to go to the A2 district for the combat test this time, and all the Apprentices in our class can join," Marcus announced from the podium.

The class consisted of exactly 20 Bellatores, so there was no need to compete for spots. A sense of anticipation filled the room as the students exchanged glances, eager for the upcoming challenge.

"Before we proceed, we have a new student joining us," Marcus continued, looking directly at Elijah. "Elijah, would you like to introduce yourself?"

Elijah nodded, stepping forward with a calm demeanor. "I'm Elijah Blade," he said simply. "Just changed my major. Nice to meet you all."

A few students responded politely with greetings, while others eyed him curiously. The atmosphere shifted slightly when a sneering voice broke through the murmurs.

"I know you," a tall, well-built student said with disdain. "You're the crippled idiot who lost all his parents' inheritance."

A wave of recognition passed through the class as students whispered among themselves.

"That's him?" 

"I knew I recognized him from somewhere..."

Elijah's expression darkened, but he kept his voice steady. "Who I am is none of your business," he replied coldly. "And do I look like a cripple to you, you fucking moron?"

The insulted student, Klein, narrowed his eyes, his sneer deepening. "Hah! I don't know what trick you pulled, but you're still the school's idiot."

Elijah's fists clenched at his sides, his teeth grinding in frustration. Memories of his past losses surged through him, fueling his anger. He hated feeling helpless, and he hated Klein even more for reminding him of it.

Klein, sensing Elijah's rising fury, stood up, towering over him. "You want to try?" he challenged, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Elijah didn't hesitate. "Sure," he scoffed, his eyes blazing with determination. He had no intention of backing down. Klein needed to be put in his place.

"You guys…" Marcus started, but the situation had already escalated. Klein and Elijah were heading toward the arena in the gym, attracting the attention of their classmates.

"Elijah, don't fight with him, he's already a High 1st realm Apprentice!" a voice called out from behind. It was a plump student who was one of the few who hadn't looked at Elijah with disdain after knowing who he was.

"Don't worry, I've wanted to beat him up for a very long time already," Elijah replied with a smirk, appreciating his concern but feeling resolute in his decision.

The class had gathered around the arena, whispering among themselves.

"Quick, look. That loser is actually asking for a fight," one student remarked after knowing who he was.

The gym, usually filled with the sounds of training, fell silent as more students crowded around, eager to witness the confrontation between Elijah and Klein. The tension was palpable, with eyes locked on the two as they squared off in the center of the arena.


The arena lights flickered on, casting a harsh glow on the two combatants. Klein cracked his knuckles, grinning with confidence, while Elijah took a deep breath, shaking his head.

"I'm going to kill you!".

Name: Elijah

Status: Awakened

Physical Condition: Crippled

Realm: 1st realm of the Apprentice stage

Ability: Avatar (Level 1)

Soulshards: Black Jackal's Stealth (Basic) | Bumble Bee's Sting (Basic) | Agility of the Wolf (Basic) | Predator's Intent (Basic) | Energy Strike (Basic)

Soul Level: 96.29% (+80.6)

Strength: 32 (+16)

Agility: 29 (+16)

Endurance: 30 (+16)