
Elysse: Love is Love

"Just what is love?" "It is ethereal." A robot resembling a human down to the feeling of flesh and warmth tries to search for the so-called emotions such as love. "It's better to have clothes on, right?" "My name? I think it's called 'Elysse' or something" "I will be your servant from now on"

Daoist_Little_Yun · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Enrollment and Examination

Theresa soon found Nelson before having him carry the shopping bags. Nelson lamented the fact that he didn't have enough hands at this point in his life.

Elysse naturally felt guilty as those things are meant for her and she's having her master carry it all. Elysse couldn't do anything about it though as Theresa said that it was fine.

Elysse admires Theresa's sense of fashion today. She's practically a pro in this field. She even did Elysse's make up personally just before the photo booth.

Nelson had his tongue tied as he looked at Elysse's beautiful figure. He couldn't help but remember the night before. Nelson quickly shook his head to get rid of his demonic thoughts.

"Let me have her shopping bags at my dorm. Then you should take her to go enroll"

Theresa suggested to go back to her dorm before Nelson would bring Elysse to the Academy Registration Office. This way Elysse can just take her stuff after she got her room allocated.


Theresa is holding a roll of paper as she stood in the middle of her room with a wide grin. Theresa unrolled the paper before taping it on the wall.

Shockingly, in front of Theresa is a big life-size poster of Elysse. The Elysse in this poster is really cute as she did a pose with all the things Theresa bought for her. Theresa didn't mind paying for all of that after she got this reward.

Even Nelson felt that todays Theresa is weird. He just doesn't dare ask the devil. He is 100% sure that he'll be ripped off if he does that.


At the Academy Registration Office, Nelson led Elysse towards the counter.

"Your ID?"

Elysse looked at her master foolishly. She didn't understand.

"Hey, your ID number?"

"Oh, 164920-1174629-31083-EARTH"

Elysse finally understood as she spoke out the ID number that came into her mind.

Nelson then relayed the ID number to the staff before waiting patiently. Nelson then handed the staff a black card before getting it back. In just a few minutes the staff handed a entrance test permit.

"Let's go and take your exam"

Elysse followed her master to a building adjacent to the Academy Registration Office. There are a crowd bustling inside, most of them wearing a visitor tag.

Some of the observant ones noticed that Nelson and Elysse didn't have any visitor tag before respectfully calling out.

"Hi, Seniors"

"Greetings, Seniors"

"I aspire to be like you, Seniors"

The crowd inside the building buzzed more as they realized that a senior have entered the room. Everyone is respectful as they believe that the longer you stay in this academy the more formidable you are. This is in view that you have absorbed more knowledge than others.

Nelson replied with a nod before walking towards the reception. Elysse smiled to the crowd as she felt that it is proper manners.

"My servant Elysse will take the entrance exam. Can you please take care of it?"

The staff behind the reception nodded respectfully before pointing to the left.

"Take the left, Sir. You just have to show me the test results later and then I'll immediately give you a student ID when she passes"


Nelson followed her directions before stopping outside of a classroom. Inside the classroom are the examinees scribbling with pencils.

Usually the exams will be taken in a portable tablet. The problem with tablets is that there was a case where an examinee hacked the database of the Academy Examinations Building. That examinee later became a professor dealing with advanced cyber security.

The academy felt ashamed of the incident so they opt out the tablets. The academy even once boasted the security of their exam. They really hit the bullet that time.

Elysse took a test paper from the proctor before sitting in a inconspicuous corner. She only looked at the paper once before she started answering.

The academy's exams are laid out in various fields. There are 5 items per field. The core of the questions and problems at a much deeper level than what it usually is. Thus, the academy can sift out potential students with relative ease.

The proctor noticed this young girl juggling with her answers. The proctor couldn't help but lament at how bad youths are getting today.

After a while, Elysse finally finished answering. She passed the paper to the proctor before the proctor checked it manually behind a screen.

The proctor was just about to stamp a big F in the paper before stopping in his tracks. The proctor found that most of the answers are correct.

The proctor did a thorough check before concluding that she got a perfect score. How ridiculous is that? Usually it will be good if you can get 3 correct answers for each field.

There are 10 fields in this paper with 5 questions or problems each. Some broad, some direct. The passing score is usually 60%, 70% for Clever, 80% for Smart, 90% for Genius, and 100% for Prodigy.

The proctor sneered before coming out of the screen cover. The proctor pointed his finger at Elysse before shouting.


All of the examinees were stunned as they looked at the proctor. It can't be right? There are no one in the civilization willing to cheat in the Berdan Academy as most influential figures come from Berdan Academy. It's the same as looking down on those figures when you cheat.

The examinees scanned Elysse from head to toe as they can't really see a visage of a cheater in front of them. She looks more like a cute princess.


The proctor looked anxious as he hurriedly proved his point. His words shocking the examinees in the room.

Nelson noticed the commotion before entering the room. He has his doubts as he can't really imagine Elysse doing so well in such a short time span.

"Did you cheat?"

Nelson suppressed the fury inside him as he looked at this servant of his. She didn't know what's good for her and actually dared to cheat the exams!

"I... Master.."

"What more do you have to say?"

Elysse looked wronged as she looked at Nelson with wet eyes. Her eyes about to flood.

"I really didn't... the test was just too easy..."

Nelson looked at Elysse in shock before realizing that she's really being honest here.

"Proctor, give her the exam scheduled for the next batch"


The proctors in the Academy Examinations Building respect students who have passed the exam as they know that it is worthy of them to do so. The proctor handed a test paper to Elysse before having her seat in front of the room. The proctor stared at Elysse with rapt eyes. Not missing any detail so much as her breathing rhythm.

Elysse scanned the paper before writing her answers. After a few minutes, Elysse placed her pencil to the side.

The proctor grabbed the test paper before going behind the screen cover and checking the paper. The proctor was so shocked by what he saw. It's another perfect. It can't be? The proctor thought.

The proctor handed another test paper. This paper is designated for the 2nd batch of examinees after this batch.

Needless to say Elysse finished the exam the same as before. This time the proctor didn't doubt her anymore before bowing deeply.

"I'm really sorry, Miss Prodigy! I couldn't recognize your greatness"

At first the examinees watching just glanced at the scene before continuing on their exams. They didn't really care that much.

After a while some noticed the proctor handing another test paper to her which aroused their curiosity. The examinees put down their pencils before watching Elysse intently.

Elysse finished the exam faster this time. She even looked comfortable answering the test. The examinees couldn't help but look at each other.

What shocked the examinees most is that the proctor came back and actually bowed to her and called her miss prodigy.

Nelson was also shocked by this development as he rubbed his eyes. What would the proctor and the examinees say if I say that I found her outside naked? They would definitely not believe it even if my little sister tortures them.

The examinees stood up in unison before bowing. Their voice filled with respect as they bellowed.

"Greetings, Miss Prodigy!!"

The examinees looked excited as they couldn't help but want to boast this moment to their closest friend who would in turn be filled with jealousy.

Elysse felt embarrassed by all of this as she forced a smile on her face. She looked at everyone before rushing to her master and hugging him like a little child.

"Master, I did it!"


Nelson hugged Elysse with a wry smile. He can't really adapt to her changes. She's a scary prodigy at first then a little child a few moments later.

The crowd also couldn't adapt as they looked on with wide eyes.