
Elysium Soul Reckoning

In "Elysium Soul Reckoning," Zephyrion is devastated after losing his parents, best friends Kai and Kate, and his girlfriend Layla. Overwhelmed by his grief, Zephyrion decides to take his own life, only to find himself awakening in a new fantasy world with the system interface of a failed game, Elysium Soul. As he explores this new world, Zephyrion is determined to find a way to be reunited with his loved ones. He must navigate the challenges of this new world, confront the trauma of his past, and ultimately find the courage to move forward. "Elysium Soul Reckoning" is a story of hope, despair, anger, happiness, all kind of emotions and second chances, where redemption and the possibility of reuniting with loved ones is always within reach.

Greay · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 9 A New Beginning

As Zephyrion opened his eyes, he found himself in a dark room. Slowly looking around, he saw his parents, best friends Kate and Kai, and his girlfriend Layla, all standing before him, shining with a white light. They looked disappointed, and Zephyrion knew why. He had just ended his own life, without even trying to live it fully after their deaths. But it didn't matter to him, as he was just happy to see them again.

As he wanted to walk over to them, he noticed that he couldn't move forward no matter how much he tried.

"Guys, wait! Don't leave me here! I'm sorry!" Zephyrion shouted, desperately trying to move closer to them.

But his efforts were in vain, he remained stuck in place as his loved ones slowly faded away into the darkness.

"Please, I don't want to be alone," Zephyrion pleaded, tears streaming down his face. "I miss you all so much. I just wanted to be with you again."

Suddenly, an enigmatic voice echoed around Zephyrion, resonating through the darkness.

[The user Zephyrion has ceased to exist.]

He strained to comprehend the words, but they seemed to be spoken in a language that was unfamiliar to him, yet somehow familiar.

[Commencing synchronization with the Elysium Soul system for the user Zephyrion's transference to the world of Elysium.]




Zephyrion felt a sense of helplessness wash over him as he remained frozen in place. What was happening? Why couldn't he reach his loved ones?

[100%. Synchronicity with the system is complete.]

Suddenly, Zephyrion felt himself being pulled in a direction that he could not see. he saw his parents' lips moving upwards, smiling at him one last time, before everything was engulfed in blinding white light, blinding him. He wasn't sure if the smiles of his parents were real, but he had other worries to take care of now. 

Zephyrion tried to open his eyes, but the bright light made it difficult. He heard a baby crying next to him, which annoyed him greatly.

'Why is there a baby crying right next to me? Am I in a hospital? Why would they put me next to a crying baby? So annoying!' 

He opened and closed his eyes repeatedly to try and focus his vision. After some time, his sight began to clear up, and he saw that the baby was indeed lying right next to him.

'What's wrong with these people? Do they think it's okay to lay a baby right next to an alcoholic!?'

As he tried to stand up and give his mind to the people responsible, he realized that he couldn't move as he wanted. When he looked down at his hands, he was shocked to see that they were tiny, just like that of a child. In fact, they looked exactly like a child's hands.

Zephyrion couldn't believe what was happening. He started to panic, wondering if he was really dead and if this was some sort of afterlife. The crying baby next to him made him feel even more disoriented.

After the baby seemed to stop crying and finally fell asleep, Zephyrion tried to move his body, only to realize that he couldn't control it properly. When he looked down, he saw that he had the body of a small child. He couldn't wrap his head around what was going on.

Just as he was starting to come to terms with the situation, a blue screen suddenly appeared in front of him. It was the same screen he had seen when he started the beta phase of Elysium Soul, the same day his two friends Kate and Kai tragically died in front of him. Zephyrion's heart raced as he read the message on the screen.

[Welcome to the World of Elysium, User Zephyrion.]

Zephyrion felt a surge of anger and frustration rising within him as he read the message on the screen. He couldn't believe that he had actually died and been reincarnated in a new world. All he wanted was to see his loved ones again, not to start over in some fantasy world.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down, realizing that getting angry at the situation wasn't going to change anything.

So he looked again to be sure it was the same screen.  

'Is that the same screen of the beta phase of Elysium Soul?' As if the screen could hear him it responded, with a new message saying, 

[Confirmed. User Zephyrion has passed away. However, the system has reincarnated the user in the world of Elysium, granting access to the System from the 'Beta phase'.]

Zephyrion stared at the screen with a blank expression, hoping that this was some sort of twisted prank. He had not taken his own life just to be reincarnated into a new world. All he wanted was to be reunited with his loved ones in the afterlife.

'System, why did you reincarnate me? I wanted to be with my loved ones,' Zephyrion asked, feeling frustrated.

The system responded,

[If the User is referring to people who took the same beta phase as him, then it's possible to see them again. All users who took the 'Beta phase' are reincarnated into this world the moment they died.]

Zephyrion's eyes widened in shock and hope. He thought he would never be able to see them again, but the system's response gave him a glimmer of hope. He quickly asked the system, 'how can I find them? Where should I start looking?' 

[The System cannot help User Zephyrion to locate his loved ones, or provide any direction on where to start looking.]

Zephyrion's excitement slowly dissipated as he realized that it wouldn't be easy to reunite with his loved ones again, but at least he now knew that they were also in this world and he had a chance to see them again, even if they looked different after being reincarnated.

'At least they're alive,' he thought to himself.

Then he remembered that he had the system, and wondered if his status was also available. He thought of the word "status," and suddenly a new screen appeared in front of him


Name: [Zephyrion Thunderheart] 

Race: [Human] 

Class: [None] 

Title: [Off-spring of a Hero], [Reincarnated], [System User] [Cursed Chains of ???] 

Level: [1]

Next lv: [0%]


Hp: [5/5]

Sta: [1.25/1.25] 

Mana: [10/10]

Atk: [+0.5] M-Atk : [+2] 

Def: [+0.25] M-Def : [+0.25]

Spd: [+0%] Sense : [+2.5%]

Str: [0.25]

Agi: [0]

Dex: [0.5]

Int: [1]

Vit: [0.25]

End: [0.25]

Wis: [0]

Stat points: [0]

Skill points: [0] 

Aktiv skills: [0]

Passiv skills: [1]



Zephyrion looked at his status and was confused as to why he already had so many titles. He decided to check each one of them, starting with the first title, 'Offspring of a Hero.' When he clicked on it, a new screen appeared.

[Off-spring of a Hero:

The user is a descendant of a legendary hero. Those who hold this title are considered to have great potential and are expected to become powerful figures in their own right. It grants them a sense of purpose and an unyielding determination to live up to the expectations that come with it.

In practical terms, this title also means that the user has access to certain resources and opportunities that are not available to others. People may be more inclined to help them or offer them aid, believing that they have the potential to be the next hero. However, this also means that the user will face higher expectations and scrutiny from others, especially from those who knew the original hero.

Title effect: Allows the user to gain three times the benefit from any activity that affects their stats. For example, if the user were to train his body, he would gain three times the usual amount of experience from the training session. This effect applies to any activity that affects the user's stats, whether it is physical training or studying magic.]

'Ah, so that means I can increase my stats by doing things related to the specific stats. Okay, let's check the next one,' Zephyrion thought to himself as he clicked on the next title.


As a reincarnated individual, the user gains insight from his past life and is able to grow at an accelerated rate. This allows him to adapt to new situations and challenges with ease, quickly acquiring new skills and abilities.

The previous life experiences have also given him a perspective that others may lack, allowing him to see things in ways others cannot. With this incredible power, the user becomes an invaluable member of any team, able to provide unconventional and innovative solutions to even the most difficult of problems.

Title effect: The User are granted the boon of receiving 5 free stat points upon leveling up, instead of the usual 3 stat poimts, giving him an edge in his adventures.]

'Nice, this will definitely give me an advantage over normal people in this world. Okay, what's the next one?'

[System User:

The user has access to a powerful game-like interface that grants unique abilities. This interface allows the user to add stat points as desired and acquire unique skills faster. Additionally, the user gains the ability to understand the language of the world they are in. This title represents the user's connection to a higher power that grants them the power to shape their own destiny.

Title effect:

Access to a game-like interface.

Allows the user to add stat points as desired. Creating unique skills at a faster rate. Understanding the language of the world they are currently in.]

'Hmm, yes, I expected as much from the name [System User], now let's check the last one,' thought Zephyrion as he clicked on the last title [Cursed Chains of ???].

Zephyrion's face turned from curiosity to horror and despair as he read the effect of the last title. "You've got to be kidding me," he thought to himself. The words on the screen seemed to mock him, taunting him with their cruelty.