
Elysium Soul Reckoning

In "Elysium Soul Reckoning," Zephyrion is devastated after losing his parents, best friends Kai and Kate, and his girlfriend Layla. Overwhelmed by his grief, Zephyrion decides to take his own life, only to find himself awakening in a new fantasy world with the system interface of a failed game, Elysium Soul. As he explores this new world, Zephyrion is determined to find a way to be reunited with his loved ones. He must navigate the challenges of this new world, confront the trauma of his past, and ultimately find the courage to move forward. "Elysium Soul Reckoning" is a story of hope, despair, anger, happiness, all kind of emotions and second chances, where redemption and the possibility of reuniting with loved ones is always within reach.

Greay · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 8 Everything Has An End

Before we begin the next chapter, I feel it's important to offer a word of caution. This upcoming chapter contains some emotionally intense material that may be difficult for some readers. Please take some time to prepare yourself mentally before continuing, as it may be a little heartbreaking to read. I want to give fair warning that this chapter may cause tears, so please understand that I am not responsible for any emotional response you may have while reading.

Despite the emotional intensity of the upcoming chapter, I hope you will still find it enjoyable to read. It's worth noting that this chapter will be the final one in the prologue, which means that once it's finished, the story's main plot will begin. I encourage you to keep reading, as the heart-wrenching material will lead you to the start of an incredible journey that you won't want to miss.


As Zephyrion and Layla chased after Kai, who was chasing after Kate, they couldn't help but fear the worst. After running for a while, Kate slowed down and stopped, standing still on the train tracks. Their hearts raced as they saw her standing there, seemingly aware of the approaching train. As they got closer, they could see the look of sadness in her eyes, and their own hearts sank.

The sound of the train grew louder and more menacing, and they could feel the vibrations under their feet. Kate remained still, like a deer caught in headlights, as the train drew closer and closer. They knew they had to act fast.

Kai, who was in the lead, pushed his body to its limits and ran as fast as he could. But the distance between him and the train seemed to grow smaller and smaller with each passing second.

Finally, with just seconds to spare, Kai reached Kate and embraced her tightly, shielding her body with his own. It was a heroic act, but at the same time, they knew it could be the end of their best friend. The realization left Zephyrion and Layla without air to breath.


The train roared by, a deafening sound filled the surrounding, the impact of the collision caused Kai's both legs to be torn off, and his left eye deeply injured. The force of the impact threw them both off the tracks and into a nearby field.

As Kate lay there, still alive but confused, she looked over to where Kai's body lay. She knew he had hugged her just moments before, but as she saw him, tears streamed down her face at the extent of his injuries and she slowly crawled over to where Kai lay with every ounce of energy she had left.

She reached him and holded his hands, "Kai, please wake up," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Please don't leave me."

Kai slowly opened his eyes, feeling her soft hand which were shaking, his life slowly slipping away. He mustered the Strength to move his head to her direction, smiling and whispered with a weak voice to Kate, "I love you... I'm sorry for how I've been... please could you forgive me one last time?" 

Tears streamed even more down Kate's face as she held Kai's hand, "I love you too... I will forgive you... so please, please don't leave me, okey?"

Kai smiled kindly, "I won't leave you, I'll always be with you... in your heart..."

As his breathing slowed, Kai's grip on her hand loosened and his eyes slowly closed, "Kai...? Wait... Please... I beg you... !" Kate cried out in deep pain, knowing that she had lost him forever.

Kate held onto Kai's lifeless hands and realized that her own life was slipping away. She knew that the impact of the train had caused too much damage to her organs and that she wouldn't make it. A sad kind of creepy smile crossed her lips as she mumbled to Kai, "It seems like we won't be parted, Kai, hehe." Summoning the last of her strength, Kate managed to rise up slightly and leaned in to give Kai a final kiss on his lips, leaving traces of blood on both of them.

As she took her last breath, Kate whispered to herself that she wished she had told Kai how much she loved him sooner. She regretted not cherishing the time they had together and letting their arguments and disagreements get in the way. Kai's last words echoed in her mind, and she knew that he loved her till his last breath.

Layla and Zephyrion arrived on the scene moments later, but it was already too late. The sight in front of them was devastating, and their hearts shattered into a million pieces. Layla's eyes opened wide, and streams of tears dripped down her face, while Zephyrion struggled to hold back his emotions.

They could see Kai's legs missing, and his left eye deeply injured. Kate was lying beside him, motionless. After a while, the sound of sirens in the distance signaled the arrival of emergency services, but it was too late. The two lovers were gone, forever.

Layla and Zephyrion were still standing there in shock, unable to process what had happened. The loss of their friends was too much to bear. They wished they could turn back time and do something to prevent this tragedy. 

The scene was too heartbreaking to watch, and Layla and Zephyrion turned their heads away. Tears kept flowing down their cheeks, and they felt numb with pain. The memories of Kai and Kate were all they had left, but it was not enough. The two lovers hugged each other, finding solace in each other's arms.

The sound of the ambulance getting louder and louder as it approached the scene only serving to magnify the sadness that Layla and Zephyrion felt. Their friends were gone forever, and nothing could change that.


Weeks had passed, and the time had come for the burial of their best friends. Layla and Zephyrion remained stoic, their eyes betraying no emotion. The loss was simply too great for them to bear. To lose both of their best friends in one day was a crushing blow, and they cried together for weeks. Even after the high school ceremony ended, they remained numb, unable to feel even the slightest flicker of emotion.

Kai's parents were no better off. They struggled to remain strong, but the pain of losing their child was almost too much to bear. Yet, despite their own suffering, they allowed Layla to live with them, alongside Zephyrion, until they could move into their university dorms.

Zephyrion was grateful beyond words for their kindness. He knew how much it must hurt them to see two young people still alive, when their own child had died.

The funeral was a somber affair, the air filled with the sounds of mournful weeping. Kai's and Kate's friends and schoolmates, as well as their families, and even some people who had only known them briefly, came to pay their respects. The pain of their loss was palpable, and the grief-stricken atmosphere was almost suffocating.


Years passed by since the funeral, and Layla and Zephyrion both enrolled in universities with the help of Kai's parents, who took them under their wings. The two found new happiness in their university life, but they could never forget their best friends.

Every year, on the anniversary of the accident, they would gather together with Kai's parents to remember the good times they had shared with Kai and Kate. They would reminisce about their adventures, share stories, and shed tears for their lost friends.

Whenever Layla and Zephyrion were faced with tough decisions or challenges in life, they would think back to the lessons they learned with Kai and Kate, and the memories they shared. Their tragic loss had taught them the value of cherishing the present moment and the importance of never taking loved ones for granted.

Even though Kai and Kate were no longer with them, Layla and Zephyrion felt their presence in their lives in every way, and they knew that their memory would live on forever. Little did Zephyrion know that this wouldn't be the last nightmare he would have to endure.


Despite the tragedy of losing their friends, he and Layla found solace in each other and built a life together. They shared a small apartment and had eagerly been awaiting the arrival of their first child.

But on this day, Zephyrion was filled with worry as he waited for a call from Layla. She had gone for a job interview earlier that day and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. As the hours passed with no word from her, his anxiety grew. He paced back and forth in the kitchen, checking his phone obsessively.

"Why isn't she answering?" he muttered to himself, the sound of the sizzling pan on the stove the only other noise in the room.

Finally, he gave up on cooking and slumped down on the couch. He turned on the TV to distract himself, but the news only added to his distress. He watched as a truck crashed into a shop, killing several people. He shook his head at the senseless tragedy and said to himself, "Is it really that hard to drive a truck without hitting someone?" 

The reporter on the scene spoke up to the camera. "We are here at the tragic site where so many lives were lost," she said solemnly. "We mourn for all those who have passed away, and we ask for a moment of silence in their honor."

Zephyrion closed his eyes and joined in the moment of silence.

The reporter continued, "We have just received all the photos of the deceased from this accident. I apologize to anyone who may recognize a familiar face among them."

As the image of the accident played on the news, Zephyrion's breath slowed down drastically. His hands trembled as he tried to dial Layla's phone number, but all he heard was the ringing tone. Panic consumed him as he tried again and again, each attempt yielding the same result.

Zephyrion collapsed onto the sofa, his mind racing with disbelief and despair. How could this be happening? 

He stared at the TV screen in a daze, unable to process the reality of the situation. The news anchor's voice echoed in the background, detailing the tragic accident that had claimed multiple lives, including that of Zephyrion's beloved Layla. The weight of his grief was suffocating, and he felt as though his world had crumbled around him.

Tears streamed down his face as he realized that he would never see her smile again, never feel her embrace, eating together with her or hear her wonderful laugh.

Zephyrion's will to life died on that day, lost in a void which consumed his whole soul. 


Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months, but Zephyrion's pain remained unyielding. 

Zephyrion started to become an alcoholic after the tragic loss of his girlfriend Layla. He felt like he had lost everything and couldn't cope with the pain. He started drinking to become numb, he got more aggressive and started to curse on every single thing, but the pain never vanished.


Weeks turned into Months, and months turned into a year, but Zephyrion's addiction only grew stronger. He struggled to come to terms with the fact that his best friends and girlfriend were gone forever, leaving him alone in a world that suddenly felt cold and empty. Zephyrion would often spend his days and nights at the bar, drowning his sorrows in alcohol. 

Which brings us back at the present. 

Zephyrion sat alone on the bridge, his empty bottle of alcohol beside him. He looked up to the sky and spoke softly to himself, his voice choked with emotion.

"Mom, Dad, Kai, Kate, and finally Layla... Why did you guys leave me? How can I live alone without you?" He let out a deep sob, tears streaming uncontrollably down his cheeks.

Memories of his loved ones flooded his mind, each one a painful reminder of what he had lost. He clutched his chest, as if trying to hold onto the memories that were slipping away.

"I miss you all so much," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "I don't know how to go on without you. Please, come back to me."

But there was no answer, only the sound of the wind and the rushing water beneath him. Zephyrion knew that his loved ones were gone forever, and he was left with nothing but his grief and the emptiness that filled his heart.

With tears still streaming down his face, Zephyrion let out a final, desperate plea to his loved ones. "No one will answer me anyway, so I'll find my answers myself," he cried. He kicked the empty bottle away and approached the edge of the bridge, looking down at the dark, foreboding waters below.

Zephyrion's heart raced as he took a deep breath, his mind clouded with grief and despair. He steadied himself on the fence and looked up at the sky for a moment, his eyes closing as he prepared to take the plunge.

"We'll see each other soon," he whispered, his voice barely audible over the sound of rushing water. He took one last breath and stepped off the edge, his body plunging into the icy river below.

As he hit the water, Zephyrion felt a rush of coldness envelop him, his senses immediately overwhelmed by the frigid temperatures. But he didn't struggle, didn't try to resurface and taking a breath. He simply let himself sink, deeper and deeper, until consciousness left him and he finally slipped away from life.

The river continued to flow, the world continued to turn, but Zephyrion was gone. The weight of his unbearable grief had proven too much to bear, and he had chosen to end his own life rather than face it alone.

Zephyrion died. 

If you think Layla's death was rushed, don't worry, it was intentional. Her death will be further explained in the future.

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