
Elysium Mist

"What's this blue crystal? How does it work? It doesn't look electrical. Maybe I should try to touc-" BOOOOM! "Never Mind" --- Noah, an average student goes about his daily life until one day society overturns. The familiar world he lived and spent his entire life in suddenly becomes unfamiliar to him. People start awakening strange powers and chaos ensues while everyone tries their best to survive. Witness his journey through predicaments and dangers where he grows to become a hegemony among worlds. Aliens, Monsters, Abominations, Deities, and Fantastical Creatures !! This World is starting to go more and more Crazy. --- It's my first novel. Also, English is not my native language. I would really appreciate it if you would give it try. I will also try to improve my writing along the way. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/DnyF6kPFBr Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=37046888 I do not own the cover. All credits go to creator.

UnendingStruggle · Fantasy
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46 Chs

An Unexpected Meeting

Looking around, Noah found no end to the scenery. At first, he thought it was just a dream and he was sleeping. Then the pain made him realize it was not.

Being in the middle of this doomsday-like place with volcanic ash and rocks hurling towards him, he was paralyzed with fear. Putting his hands up in a meager attempt to protect himself was all he could do in the face of his doom. He closed his eyes not being able to witness the scene.


Suddenly the rumbling thunderous sounds came to a standstill and the expected impact didn't come. Waiting for a few seconds before slowly opening his eyes, a shocking phenomenon unfolded before his eyes like magic.

He saw the rocks and ash stopped with a meter from him. Surveying his surroundings, he confirmed it was not just limited to himself but the entire area. However, before he could take a step to analyze the reason behind it, the entirety of his surroundings quaked with the rocks and volcanic ash starting to move away from him.

Upon a closer look, he realized that time was reversing back or at least it seemed to be. The successive events occurring were tampering with his psyche and he failed to distinguish if it was a dream or not. His logical side told him it couldn't be anything but a dream but his instinct felt it was too real.

Too real in fact to be based in reality. He doesn't know if it made any sense but he could feel that he was not perceiving the world through his five senses but some other unknown sense.

This unknown 'sixth' sense was way powerful as he could perceive the entirety of his surroundings for long distances. He could even make out the texture and layout of the inside of volcanoes as well the eruption receding inside the volcano.

Ultimately, the world became calm. The entire experience was too surreal for Noah and he felt that someone or something was behind all of it. He thought to try to look around and see if he can find any clues.

The wasteland was dry and arid with mountains at regular distances. Moving around the expansive landscape, nothing seemed to stand out. Walking for several kilometers, he was eventually exhausted and sat down to rest. Just when he did that, there was a movement in the sky, the clouds churned into an indistinct form resembling a face and the next moment there was a loud and deep voice coming from the figure.

"Lad, so it's you who will inherit my lineage. Still, it doesn't seem to be ignited yet and it's quite shallow. Anyways, there's someone who can inherit my lineage, that's enough good news. We can sort other issues later on. Now, tell me your name."

Hearing the sonorous and majestic voice, Noah was scared out of his wits. He couldn't muster up the courage to reply to the titan's face and was speechless.

"Come on, speak up. I don't have all day just so you know." The face urged but seeing no indication of Noah replying to the question, he spoke in disappointment.

"Seriously, this alone scares you. I was expecting more from my inheritor. You are making things tedious for both of us. At least have the courage to speak up."

Seeing the gaze from the giant face locked onto him, Noah tried to reply upon seeing he had no other choice or he could be in danger.

"My n-name is Noah. Who a-re you? No, what are you exactly?"

Noah could see a grin forming on the face as he was speaking. He was quite puzzled as to what this figure wanted from him. He had no recollection of any extraordinary or supernatural event occurring in his life so quite possibly it was related to today's phenomenon. Still, he wasn't sure of it with certainty.

"Well, what am I, huh. Let's just say for now that I am akin to a cosmic being, as saying anymore is restricted for me. Maybe later on when you grow enough, we can think about it."

Listening to its speech, Noah was befuddled.

'What's with this entity. Beating around the bush while in reality, it didn't disclose any information about itself.'

Noah didn't need to think twice to see this was not a good situation for him but he couldn't find a way out of this predicament. He had no choice but to drag this on till he finds some breakthrough.

"What do you want from me. I don't have anything noteworthy on me. Could you please send me back?" Noah tried to keep the scared facade to lower its guard against him.

"I don't wan-" The face interrupted him before he could continue.

"Lad, don't think of me as a mortal. Your mental fluctuations are not helping you at all. Your thoughts may as well be written on your face."

Noah's face became pale upon the realization that his thoughts were read and was fearing that it would be angry.

"I have no reason to harm a mortal with no power. I am not so free to be indulging in such activities. Besides, you could do nothing even if I wanted to harm you. I am just here to offer a contract."

It said in a nonchalant manner.

"Contract?" Noah was quick to catch on to the keyword. He knew nothing and the only source of information was the smirking face hanging in the sky.

"Yes, Contract. It's the same contract you know just a bit more fantastical in a sense. Right, you should know how people signed contracts with devils & in case you are misunderstanding I am not a devil. I repeat, I AM NOT A DEVIL! Gosh- never would I have thought I would stumble upon a coward as my inheritor."

It said in an exasperated tone. Noah's face became so pale upon mention of devils that he could've passed off as a true vampire.

"How can I trust you with your monstrous features? You look and sound like a demon."

Hearing its words, Noah replied without thinking before regretting his words. He should have done it politely. He didn't know its temper.

"This is why I hate dealing with kids. Listen, kid, I am compromising this time just because you are the sole match found yet. Just don't freak out and don't act stupid next."

Finishing its speech, the clouds rumbled and the face collapsed with a ball of bluish light emerging out of it. The ball started moving towards him and eventually landed in front of Noah. Slowly the curtain of light dissolved from the top unfolding the figure inside.

"You-u are this-"

Seeing the figure inside, Noah was in disbelief.

"You acted no different than I was expecting from you."

A pleasant voice came in reply. The voice came from the woman emerging out of the light ball. She looked like she was in her late 20s with a mature figure and was wearing strange cyberpunk clothes. She had a wheat-ish or tanned skin tone but the surprising thing was her height. She was freaking 12 ft tall. A literal titan standing in front of me. Though not being a beauty that could topple kingdoms, she would be nonetheless considered extremely beautiful. There was even a faint metaphysical aura emanating from her making her look otherworldly.

The most striking feature was her eyes. They were mesmerizing. The sclera and iris formed a mystical black-red combination while the pupil was glittering with starlight in both her eyes.

"Now, are you ready to talk?" The titan woman said seriously.

"Yes, yes. But before moving forward, can I ask if I can decline the contract?" Noah was prepared to face every sort of monstrosity but what came out was her, but like who would expect a titan woman after facing that demon-like face.

"What do you think?" the woman said narrowing her eyes. The starlight in her eyes increased by a notch.

'Gulp'. Noah could feel the threat on his life. She could probably obliterate him with no effort. He had no choice other than to follow her orders.

"Besides this is for your own good. As you are right now, there is a very real possibility of you dying in a year or two." She said knowingly.
