
Elysium City: The Reborn Luna

At the age of forty-two, Summer Dawson met a brutal end; she was also forced to witness her son’s brutal murder. But fate has a twist in store for her. She is given a second chance in the form of Angel Salvino, America’s head Alpha. He brings Summer back to life but this time she is reborn as a younger and stunning lady. Summer is on a mission to annihilate those responsible for her tragedy and cleanse the city of Elysium of its power-hungry evildoer. In this electrifying tale, Summer joins forces with Angel Salvino to exact her revenge and battle the city's malevolent forces. Yet, as they delve deeper, Summer finds herself drawn to Angel, despite the mysteries he guards. Join Summer as she goes on a quest for revenge, and finds out the secrets Elysium city holds. How will her journey fare with the head Alpha backing her up and what is the truth behind his possessiveness over her? Will Summer be able to take her revenge, or fail miserably and fall at the hands of evil? Disclaimer: I do not own the cover illustration. Credit goes to the respected owner.

JulietRose · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Six

Angel's eyes remained on the dance floor, his gaze unwavering as he watched Lucien and Summer waltzing together. Lucien held her close, his hand on her waist, moving with perfect synchronization.

Angel's blood boiled at the thought of that disgusting vampire having to do anything with Summer, and he was about to pull her away from the mayor, but Bruno blocked his path.

That was enough to snap him out of his bloodlust, reminding him of his mission.

How could he be so weak? Angel thought, grinding his teeth. If he wanted their plan to work, he had to let Summer do her thing and stay away whenever she had Lucien around her.

"Head alpha, it is such a privilege to have you here," Bruno exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

Angel sipped his champagne, contemplating playing with the young Rascal.

"You're welcome young Hamilton," He smirked. "Tell me, Mr. Hamilton, what are your plans for the future?"

Bruno's face lit up and he beamed. "I plan to take over from my father and lead the business and the family to greater heights."

"That seems like a brilliant plan Mr. Hamilton, but do you think your father will leave the business to you?" Angel probed further.

"Of course." Bruno declared confidently.

Angel scrunched up his face, feigning confusion. "Well, then it seems that the word going around that your father is considering your brother as the heir is a baseless rumor."

Bruno's face darkened at Angel's word and the corner of Angel's mouth quirked up.


Angel was putting the seed of doubt in the young vampire's mind and from the look of things, it was working.

Bruno had a stepbrother named "Harry" whom he detested with a lot of passion, and it was no secret to the supernaturals in Elysium. Harry was an illegitimate child of Lucien, equally cunning and evil as his father but more competent than Lucien's legitimate son.

Bruno glanced at his father who was busy dancing with Bela, giggling and flirting then he looked back at the alpha and smiled.

"Well, whatever my father decides, I'll fully respect his decision."

"Angel looked at him with a disappointed expression.

"TSK. That's boring and sad, among all your siblings, you're the only one that caught my eye due to your competence and I think you should be the heir to your father's empire."

Bruno swallowed and his heart beat faster in excitement. The head alpha thought he was competent and was in agreement for him to be the heir. If only he could win the trust of the head alpha, it would be easy for his dad to give him his empire.

"Thank you, Head Alpha."

Angel's eyes sparkled mischievously as he studied Lucien. The boy seemed deeply lost in thought, likely plotting how to win Angel's trust and secure his aid in claiming the heir's position.

Yet, in that moment, Angel couldn't shake his cynical beliefs about Lucien's true intentions. He saw through the smoke and mirrors, understanding that Lucien had no intention of relinquishing power. Instead, he manipulated his children, offering them false hopes of ruling the empire while using them as pawns in his ruthless game.


"I have never met a woman as fascinating as you, Empress," Lucien marveled, his eyes fixed on Bela. "Your views on society, politics. Where have you been all my life?"

Summer though repulsed, forced a feigned interest in their conversation, she giggled.

"Well, I am finally here, and I will probably stick around for a while because Elysium is a lovely place, maybe longer if I'm satisfied…" She purred.

Lucien smiled at her, lust glazing in his eyes.

Despite her disdain, Summer knew the show must go on. Lucien leaned in for a kiss, but before their lips could meet, Summer turned her head to the left and his kiss landed on her cheeks. She felt eyes on her and glanced upward and caught Angel intensely.

Summer swallowed, she looked away, willing herself to keep calm, and playfully smirked as if she was enjoying herself. "Naughty. Naughty Mayor, you're so impatient." Summer teased, taking a step back.

Her hips swayed seductively as she moved, every man was captivated, and their eyes were fixed on her body.

Lucien's cheeks heated up. No woman had ever refused him and this one did it effortlessly.

"Sorry for kissing you, you're just so damn irresistible." He stuttered. it seemed she had cast a bloody spell on him. Lucien didn't apologize to any woman, they were just things to be used and disposed of, just like the mothers of his children.

All dead by his hand, but this woman was different. He wanted to own her and rip off the eyes of all those who gazed at her in lust.

"That's fine mayor, it was simply inevitable." Summer glanced around, and the song had ended, so everyone was leaving the dance floor to their designated seats. She grinned at Lucien.

"It seems the song is over, and I have to go back to my good friend, while you have to host this occasion." Summer pointed out.

Lucien sighed, dejected. "Unfortunately," then his eyes lit up. "But I would love to see you again Empress, would you do me the honor of having lunch with me on Monday?"

"I'm quite a busy woman, Mr. Hamilton, you see I have a kingdom to cater to…" Summer replied, savoring the dejection on Lucien's face.

It was quite evident that the man wasn't accustomed to rejection and Summer was enjoying toying with him.

"But a man like you can think of something if you're interested in seeing me again." Her words were inviting, and it made Lucien feel alive again, he wasn't the mayor just in title, he could work out a way to see the little minx.

Lucien grinned"Of course, Empress. I hope to see you later."

Summer smiled at him and turned around to walk away, Lucien stared lustfully as her hips swayed as she walked away from the dance floor.

He vowed to have her and possess her, soon she'll be in his bed, under him, writhing and begging for his cock. Lucien would show her who she belonged to, and he would make her worship him like every other whore he had. Lucien smiled at the thought, it would be soon enough.

"Mayor, you're up for your speech." His PA called to him, and he followed after her.


Angel and Summer entered his grand mansion, and as they stepped into the parlor, Summer settled onto a plush couch. She struggled to remove her shoes. Angel knelt in front of her and lent a helping hand, gently easing the shoes off her feet. An eerie silence enveloped the room, as Summer's gaze remained fixated on the enigmatic man before her. There was an inexplicable air of mystery about him that she couldn't quite put her fingers on.

"Why didn't you accept Lucien's lunch over? That way you can get closer to him in a short time" Angel asked, his brows raised.

He had heard their conversation due to his exceptional werewolf hearing and he had assumed that Summer would take the man up on his offer, but she rejected him.

Summer chuckled. "Haven't you seen any seduction books or movies?" She leaned back on the couch and relaxed. "You can't just give in, you have to play hard to get and make him feel very frustrated on having a chance with you."

"What if that frustrates him and he loses interest?"

Summer's eyes twinkle, mischievously. "If it was another man, there is that possibility but not Lucien Hamilton, have you seen the man?"

Angel couldn't help but laugh.

"His ego is bigger than the Eiffel Tower and I could see it in his eyes. He hated the fact that I refused him and wanted to prove that I'm not above him."

Lucien smiled at her. "I'm glad you know what you're doing."

Summer scoffed. Of course, she knew what she was doing. Angel gave Summer her shoes and she smiled gratefully at the Alpha.

"Thank you for the help." Angel nodded and rose to his feet.

"Would you like to join me for dinner?"

"That's a kind offer, but I think I will pass. I'm tired and just want to sleep." Summer said.

Angel nodded in understanding. "That's fine, goodnight then."

Summer nodded before making her way up the stairs.

Angel watched her as she walked up the stairs, he knew she was lying because her sadness and sorrow were coming out in waves. He felt a pang of helplessness, knowing he couldn't alleviate her pain. With a heavy sigh, Angel turned and headed towards his bedroom.


Summer stepped into her room, ensuring the door clicked securely behind her. She rushed to the bathroom, sinking to her knees on the cold tile, her body convulsing over the toilet. After what felt like an eternity, she finally gathered the strength to rise. Summer flushed and stumbled over to the sink, she splashed water onto her face and gazed into the mirror.

Damien was looking back at her, his face marred with blood and bruises. A sharp gasp escaped her lips, and she paled, Summer clamped a hand over her mouth, muffling her scream as she crumpled to the floor, tears streaming down her face.

The mournful wail echoed through the mansion, but no one dared to intrude. The Head Alpha's orders were clear: Summer's grief was to be respected, undisturbed, as she grappled with the loss of her son.

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