
Elysium City: The Reborn Luna

At the age of forty-two, Summer Dawson met a brutal end; she was also forced to witness her son’s brutal murder. But fate has a twist in store for her. She is given a second chance in the form of Angel Salvino, America’s head Alpha. He brings Summer back to life but this time she is reborn as a younger and stunning lady. Summer is on a mission to annihilate those responsible for her tragedy and cleanse the city of Elysium of its power-hungry evildoer. In this electrifying tale, Summer joins forces with Angel Salvino to exact her revenge and battle the city's malevolent forces. Yet, as they delve deeper, Summer finds herself drawn to Angel, despite the mysteries he guards. Join Summer as she goes on a quest for revenge, and finds out the secrets Elysium city holds. How will her journey fare with the head Alpha backing her up and what is the truth behind his possessiveness over her? Will Summer be able to take her revenge, or fail miserably and fall at the hands of evil? Disclaimer: I do not own the cover illustration. Credit goes to the respected owner.

JulietRose · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter Seven

"Baby, you told me your sister is the type of person that never liked seeing you sad, you said she radiated sunshine and was always bright… what do you think she'll say seeing you like this?"

Those words broke through Tristan's emotional dam, and tears flowed freely.

Tatiana, unable to find the perfect words, held him tightly, letting the warmth of their embrace convey her support.

It was the day of Summer and Damon's funeral, and Tristan had not spoken one word. The man was in a zombie-like state and Tatiana didn't know what to do, except give him physical comfort.

"It's just not fair. Summer and Damon were all I had, why did this have to happen to them?" Tears dripped down his cheeks.

With a tender touch, Tatiana reassured him. "I know it's incredibly hard, my love. But for your sister and her memory, you must find the strength to hide your vulnerability from the world."

Tatiana had ventured to the burned-down remnants of Summer's home last night, following the traces of sinister magic to the heart of the town's harbor.

The signs of the crime had been carefully erased by powerful magic, leaving behind only faint traces that only individuals with unique abilities could discern.

Summer and her son's death wasn't an accident and if there was one thing Tatiana Harris was sure of is the mayor's involvement , but how could she help Tristan with his revenge when her boyfriend wasn't aware that she was a lycan.

"I'm so lost, Tati. Why can't I find any clues? Could my sister and nephew have died in a simple fire?" Tristan asked, confusion written all over his face.

He knew in his heart that this wasn't just an arson case. It was a perplexing mystery. The state of their bodies and the delayed arrival of the firetruck hinted at a deeper, more sinister truth.

If this was in a huge city, It would have made sense but this is Elysium and the fire truck is a mile away from Summer's apartment. Why did none of her neighbors call? Nothing was adding up.

"Do you trust me, Tristan?" Tatiana asked, seriously. Tristan looked at his girlfriend and nodded.

Tatiana shook her head. "I want you to answer me verbally, Tristan. Do you trust me?"

As Tristan contemplated, he couldn't help but reminisce about the day they met, that electrifying moment when Tatiana had helped him catch the thief who had stolen his bag on the walkway. It felt like a love-at-first-sight encounter.

His heart was beating so fast, and he couldn't see anyone else but her, no one else mattered. Tristan felt all the cliché love signs that were shown on TV, and he read in books, and it felt as if he could surrender everything to Tatiana and the woman would take care of his problems.

Tatiana had always been there every step of the way, and she brought the best out of Tristan, unconsciously Tristan had gotten rid of every doubt he had about her and he had already surrendered himself to the woman.

With newfound certainty, he answered. "Yes, Tatiana, I trust you."

Those words were like a breath of fresh air, dispelling the doubts from Tatiana's mind, and she sighed with relief.

"That's good, because I'm about to reveal something to you that isn't revealed to humans, and I hope you won't run after you find out the truth and see who I am."

Tristan nodded slowly, his curiosity mixed with a tinge of anxiety. He kept his eyes on Tatiana, wondering what this big secret could be.

"I suggest you sit for this one." She advised him.

Tristan looked at her weirdly but proceeded to do as asked. The lawyer wondered what Tatiana's secret was… Is she the daughter of a mafia boss, oh god! Tristan panicked a bit but tried to remain calm.

Even if she was the daughter of a mafia boss and probably to be given in marriage to another mafia boss, they could make this work.

Tristan and Tatiana were a forever deal...hopefully.

"Focus your eyes on me." Tatiana demanded.

Before Tristan's eyes, the unimaginable happened: Tatiana's bones cracked and shifted, and his girlfriend transformed into a beast.

Tristan's eyes widened. "What the fuck?!"


"Can you believe that jerk had the audacity to show up at my funeral?" Summer's face twisted with annoyance as she observed the mayor mingling with the people gathered at the funeral grounds.

Angel couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, appreciating that she was regaining some of her spirit.

He was glad that she was feeling better and even though she was masking the painful part of her emotions, Summer was coming to terms with things.

Relishing her improved mood, he issued a warning with a lazy grin plastered on his face.

"Careful love, this is a Supernatural town and the supernatural have very sharp ears."

Summer's eyes widened. "Do you think they heard me?"

She looked around in dread. Surrounded by mourners in black attire, many of whom were strangers to her, Summer couldn't help but find the situation somewhat amusing. They wept as if they had known her and Damon personally.

"No, they didn't," Angel reassured. "One of my powers is to block anyone from hearing anything around me and it becomes very handy when you have nosy supernaturals around you."

Summer sighed in relief then her eyes gleamed with curiosity. "So, it's like soundproof, right?"

"Exactly." He confirmed and smiled. He loved seeing her look so excited, and he wanted to keep that sparkle in her eyes forever.

"I never imagined that I would be attending my funeral," Summer mused."Why are funerals so fake? I don't know half of the people here, and I'm sure if Damon was here, he-" Her voice trailed off, emotions threatening to overwhelm her.

An awkward silence hung over them and just as Angel was about to break it, Summers' eyes lit up.

"Look, that's my brother." Summer exclaimed.

Angel followed her gaze to see a man emerging from the back room. He stood at about five feet, nine inches, with chestnut hair and hazel brown eyes. He bore a striking resemblance to Summer, but his eyes held a hollow look, and his red face indicated he had shed many tears.

What intrigued Angel even more was the lycanthrope holding hands with Summer's brother.

Her smell was faint, but Angel's keen senses detected it. He was fairly certain no one else in the supernatural community was aware that a lycanthrope had arrived in town. Things were about to get interesting.

"Lord, Tristan looks so sick and pale, it seems he's been crying a lot." Summer observed, her concern evident.

She wondered if there was a way for her to tell Tristan what had happened, Summer was sure her brother wouldn't buy the bullshit that it was a house fire, and she wanted to protect him.

Tristan was her only family left, and she wanted him to stay far away from Elysium. She had made a mistake, and she had paid dearly for it, she didn't want Tristan to lose his life as her son did.

Summer watched as Lucien and his bodyguards walked to Tristan and gave their condolences. Tristan put up his signature fake smile and that brought a sad smile to Summer's face. She had to make sure her brother left this town before he got entangled in Lucien's web.

"Let's go give our condolences, Alpha." Summer said and Angel nodded, following after the woman.

Standing in front of her brother, many emotions overwhelmed her, she wanted to scream and at the same time cry and tell Tristan that she was alive. She was trying to take revenge on that bastard Lucien but she just smiled sadly at him.

"Sorry for your loss, Mr Dawson. I understand how you feel, and I hope things get better. They are in a better place now and the stars are watching over them"

This was Summer saying goodbye to her life as Summer in Elysium, after today she would never see her brother again and would put every sentimental attachment she had behind her.

Tristan reached out and held her hand, making Summer gasp.

"You look familiar, where do I know you from?" Tristan asked, and Summer was at a loss for words. What is happening right now? How…

Angel carefully pulled Summer's hand away from Tristan's grasp.

"It isn't nice to hold on to a lady's hand without permission." Angel chided, a bit annoyed at the way Tristan grabbed her hand. He knew he should work on his jealousy since it was just her brother.

Summer composed herself and smiled at her brother. "If you are a citizen of Idris and travel there, then I'm sure you have seen me." She stretched out her hand to him.

"The name is Bela Hadrian, Empress of Idris."

Tristan stared at the woman's hand, a feeling deep within him telling him that he knew her from somewhere, he couldn't ignore this strange connection and planned to look into it.

You know what they say about blood being thicker than water?!

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