
Elite World: Or How I Became a Luna on the Worst Day of My Life

AniTian · Urban
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3 Chs

Throw it all away and run

I don't remember how many hours in a row I was sitting on the roof of the school. My phone was continuously ringing. It was my mother. Probably, she had already received a call from school and was told that I was suspended for a week from all lessons for cruel treatment with classmates.

The fact that I was bullied did not interest anyone: neither my classmates nor the teachers. Nor my mom. I was sure.

It was getting colder. I curled up in a sudden gust of wind and pressed my legs to my chest. It was already getting dark.

"It would be nice to go somewhere," I said to myself. "But where?"

I straightened my legs, leaned on my hands, and began to think.

"Should I go to the river, to the embankment?"

I put my backpack on my shoulders and got up. The phone had only a 10% charge.

The embankment was my favorite place in the city. All my good and bad moments in life, all my most vivid memories are associated with it. The long and dark river has been my only friend for so many years. I could tell all my problems only to it.

It was already about 6 pm. I reached the Dark Forest metro station. There I had to change trains to the Light Forest metro station. The person who named these stations clearly had problems with creativity.

It would take about 6 minutes to walk from Dark Forest to Light Forest if you knew a short way. The long one would take 15 or even 20 minutes. The local authorities did not care about the inconvenience of the location of the stations. Therefore, everyone who made the transfer followed a short but dangerous path that ran through other people's yards and narrow alleys.

"It seems to me that someday I will be murdered here," I thought and grinned nervously. "I should go by the long way," I said to myself. But I had absolutely no strength. The fight wore me out both physically and emotionally.

The moon was already visible on the horizon. I looked at it and held out my hand when suddenly a guy ran past me. He pushed me with such force that I almost fell face down on the ground.


I thought a little and then screamed.

"My wallet! It is gone! It was in the left pocket of my jacket!"

I dropped my bag and ran after the thief.

"Hey you thief! Stop! Give me back my wallet!"

"No!" he shouted.

"What? What do you mean by saying no? This is my wallet!"

"I do not care! I want to buy something to eat! So it is your problem!"

"You think, I don't want to eat?! Pity me, I'm a poor schoolgirl! There is no money!" I shouted breathlessly.

I had no breath and stopped.

"Mom is going to kill me," I shouted with tears in my eyes.

The thief stopped for a second.

"Do you have a strict mother? he asked with regret in his voice.

"Yes," I said pitifully. At that moment I looked like a little dog. There was hope in my heart.

"I'm sorry," he said and began to run away again.

"What?!" I shouted in surprise. "What was that?! Oh, you bastard!" I shouted and tried to take a step forward, but fell to my knees from fatigue.

Thunder struck. I looked up at the sky with huge eyes.

"Are you kidding?" I shouted to the clouds and made a facepalm.

I tried to relax.

"Okay, calm down. I'll go back to get my backpack, otherwise, it will start to rain soon."

I didn't run after the thief that long, so the backpack had to be close. I walked 100 meters, then 200 meters, then another 200 meters. But it was not there.

"It's just dark in here," I said uncertainly. "Probably it fell somewhere in the bushes, and not on the road," I thought.

I turned on my phone's flashlight and started examining the bushes. Suddenly, in the distance, something flashed. It was small and moved from left to right, then from right to left. And then I realized: it was a keychain on my backpack. It moved so strangely because someone was running with my backpack on his back.

"You thieve! Stop! If you don't stop, I will kill you!" I shouted with all my might.

I pulled myself together and began to run towards him.

"I will not allow anyone to rob me twice a day!"

The thief stopped for a second, but realizing that I was chasing him, he began to run away again.

"Wait!" I shouted. "Please! Wait!"

Bushes prevented me from running, and tree branches hit me all over my body.

"This is the worst day of my life!"

I fell to the ground again and accidentally injured my knee with a stone. My eyes began to fill with tears. At that moment, a terrible downpour poured down. My hair got wet in a matter of seconds. The knee was bleeding. My wallet and backpack were missing. I still had about 8% of the charge left on my phone. Mother would kill me anyway. I started crying.

After a few seconds of numbness, but still sobbing, I got up and decided to walk to the embankment. It would have been longer, but I had no money, so that was the only option.

There weren't too many people on the street. Everyone ran away under the sheds or got into a taxi. I was the only person who walked like a madman down the street with a bloody knee, tearful eyes, completely wet, in a blue and white jacket made of lightweight material and a school skirt. Exhausted, I decided to go through the road, and go to the side where the embankment was.

The car, slowly passing on the right, stopped for me to pass. I smiled and nodded my head to thank the driver, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a truck appeared and began to move towards me at a breakneck speed. I did not understand what to do and quickly ran forward. And fell on the pedestrian part of the road. One more second and I would be dead.

Life did not prepare me for this. I don't know if it was mercury retrograde, or the stars didn't turn out that way, but it was the worst day of my life.

I tried to take a deep breath, get up and walk forward. The downpour has already turned into regular rain. I finally made it to the embankment.

I took out my phone. Charging remained only 6%. I decided to turn it off to save some battery power.

Behind me was a huge dark forest. And there was immense dark water ahead. I went almost to the edge of the shore, closed my eyes, and spread my arms around. It was raining on me, but I felt completely free. Suddenly I felt a terrible gust of wind and realized that I could not resist. The stone under my feet was wet from the rain and I could not stand on it and started falling into the cold river.

Such a terrible day. Our Akain deserves more. By the way, when I started writing this story, I almost fell under a truck and my wallet disappeared. It was raining heavily, I wandered around the area for hours, climbed under the cars, asked in shops and cafes, but I never found it.

But I'm sure that when you lose something, you can find something new. What will Akain find? All the fun is in the 3rd chapter. Add me to your libraries not to miss!

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